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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Sheamus was excellent in his attack on Apollo Crews.  It's a massive shame he's so overexposed and suffers from the faced-everyone-a-million-times because he's one of the better guys on the roster when he's got something interesting to do.  I'd love to see him against Lesnar.

  2. There doesn't seem to be any clicking or pinging.  I was able to manipulate my body into a position where I could feel the stretch more last night, so I think I just need to keep that up.  Thanks for the advice.


    I feel like I'm falling apart at the moment.  I played ultimate frisbee last night and I got home with horrendous shin splits and my hip/groin area has been absolutely killing since.  It's been an underlying problem for the better part of 6 months and I've never been able to pin-point any particular part of the muscle where the pain is coming from, so I'm starting to think it's a stress fracture.

  3. Bit of a bizarre question here that may be difficult to answer.  I've had some lower back pain for the past few months after deadlifting a little too heavy.  I read online that stretching your hamstrings helps so I've been doing 20 minutes of stretching before bed and it has indeed helped.  However, I can only seem to successfully stretch my left hamstring.  When I try and stretch my right hamstring I can't feel the stretch but I do get quite a sharp pain behind my knee and all the way down the outside of my leg.  I don't get any pain in normal day to day activities or anything, only when I try and stretch that one hamstring.


    Has anybody ever experienced this and know of a fix?

  4. Does anybody else think this just sounds like some shady pyramid scheme?


    Nah nothing dodgy, you can really make £2000 a month from home!


    (but seriously, let me know before you sign up and I'll send you some leaflets.  I'll come round your house if you want?)

  5. How time intensive is it?


    As little as half an hour a day can make you £500 a month.  Obviously the more time you put into it the more you'll get out of it though.


    I don't follow sports, so have no idea about studying form or any of that stuff. I'm also pretty clueless about betting in general. Am I still likely to be able to make any money from this?


    I like money.


    Yeah you'd be fine.  The only sport I really follow is rugby but I only bet on football and horse racing and I know less than fuck all about both of them.  You won't need to research form or anything because, providing you're doing it correctly, you'll make the same money no matter what the result is.

  6. Www.profitaccumulator.com is the website I use (recommended from somebody on here, in fact). Providing you follow the guide correctly without making any mistakes, you won't lose any money.


    Membership is £22.99 a month, but you'll easily make that back. They give you two free offers before you have to sign up which will basically pay for your first month.

  7. Pat, if you've got 30 minutes to an hour spare, look into matched betting. I've made just shy of 3 grand since November doing it but if you've got more time you can easily make a grand a month. It's definitely worth a look for some easy money.


    She looks like Ricky Gervais to me, in Bridesmaids anyway. Women comedians and actress' in general arent funny are they?

    Kristen Wiig

    Amy Poehler

    Sarah Millican


    You lost me at that one, Steve.


    Melissa McCarthy was great in St. Vincent as bAz mentioned, but she's quite irritating in everything else I've seen her in.  However, she doesn't come close to the level of anger I feel whenever I see Rebel Wilson in a film or on a chat show.


    What's everybody's opinion on Amy Schumer?  She's made out to be some sort of pioneer in female comedy but her "I'm such a slut hahahaha" act is fucking horrible.


    Oh, and does anyone else get the vibe that Shane & Stephanie are acting like a divorced couple forced to work together who will eventually re-marry?


    The inevitable Shane vs. Stephanie feud is just a fucking horrifying thought.


    There's an inevitable power struggle feud coming but what if it isnt Shane vs Steph? How about Shane and Steph vs HHH (& Vince maybe)?  None of them fill me with any great hope but there's a couple of possibilities.  



    Sounds just as bad to me.  Anything involving the McMahons and a power struggle is fucking depressing.

  10. I'm going to sound like a right miserable git here, but I've been really enjoying Raw since Wrestlemania and now Stephanie is back I have absolutely no desire to watch it.  The inevitable Shane vs. Stephanie feud is just a fucking horrifying thought.

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