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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Squared Circle has some fascinating minds on there. I usually go on there to check news because they're pretty good with that - I got banned from posting since I called Cody Rhodes overrated.


    Anyway, the other day I stumbled into the comments on the Seth Rollins injury thread, and one creative genius suggested that Triple H should be cutting a promo next week about finally getting rid of Rollins, when suddenly CM Punk comes to the ring on a mororbike and there's the Wrestlemania match.

  2. The other day I was cooking with fresh mint and parsley and some ended up going down the sink when I was washing the chopping board etc. Later that day sewage started coming from the bath plug hole and filled the bath with a brown liquid full of mint and parsley.


    I just ate some of the leftovers from that day and immediately gagged when the leaves entered my mouth.

  3. Ziggler doing a "I'm too big for this piss house" act in NXT could be great fun in theory.


    Problem is, in practice the dick heads would probably still cheer him and he's probably wrestle the same workrate match he always does.


    "Popular wrestler has good matches, crowd cheers him".


    Seriously, it really wouldn't be that bad.

  4. Shy Dad, I honest to God haven't been able to stop thinking about steak with chimichurri sauce since you posted about it in here. What recipe did you use? Gonna give that a go myself I think.

  5. Fat mick chancing a hand out and failing miserably. That second tweet was nothing but a save, surely? ? on the same note tons of people chipped in to fix a couple of crack heads that earned millions teeth/looks do I don't blame him

    So he's a dickhead if he takes the money, and he's a dickhead for publicly turning it down? Christ, I know he's not a popular chap on here, but he's not done anything wrong at all in this instance, has he?

  6. For Christmas, my girlfriend surprised me with a weekend in Krakow at the end of January. Absolutely can't wait to visit Auschwitz.


    Couldn't believe it when I opened the card she popped the confirmation in. I only got her a bloody diary.

  7. Wrestler of the Year

    AJ Styles

    Samoa Joe


    Female Wrestler of the Year



    Match of the Year

    Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura - NXT Takeover: Dallas

    Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles - WWE Payback

    John Cena vs. AJ Styles - WWE Summerslam


    Wrestling Event of the Year

    NXT Takeover: Dallas


    Wrestling TV Show of the Year



    Feud/Angle of the Year

    Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles


    Moment of the Year

    Golberg's return

    American Alpha win the NXT Tag Team Titles in Dallas

    AJ Styles debuts at the Rumble


    Babyface of the Year


    Finn Balor

    Sami Zayn


    Heel of the Year

    The Miz


    Tag Team of the Year

    American Alpha

    The Revival


    Promo of the Year

    Goldberg's return promo

    The Miz having a go at Bryan on Talking Smack


    Wrestling Podcast of the Year

    Talk is Jericho


    Apologies for the bold and italic font, can't seem to change it for some reason.

  8. I'm getting a bit concerned with my girlfriend's job situation. We moved to London a few weeks ago but she's kept her job in Essex which is only part time, and she's commuting back and forth every other day or so.


    Today I went for a job interview at a really nice, relaxed pub, 40 hours a week and it's closed on weekends. I didn't take the job because it's less money than I'm on now, but I thought I'd make my girlfriend aware of it and tell her to get an application in because I think she'd get the job pretty easily. She said she didn't want to work in a pub because a) she doesn't have bar experience, b) she's not sure she'd make any more money than she's making now, which is bollocks because she's only making about £700 a month at the moment, and c) because she simply doesn't want to work in a pub, which is fair enough.


    I should also mention that she doesn't really like her current job and is always complaining that they keep putting her on the rota for shifts she's already requested off on multiple occasions. She was in tears the other night because they put her down to work Christmas Day without discussing it with her first, and we're in Wales over Christmas which they were aware of. They take advantage of her a lot and owe her something like 3 months worth of overtime at the moment.


    We then got into the conversation of what she's actually doing to look for work, and it turns out she's almost exclusively looking for part time jobs for reasons I simply can't comprehend. Basically, she says most of the jobs she's found that she has experience in are part time, but ignores the idea of applying for full time jobs where no experience is necessary and learning something new from scratch. Of course, I brought up the issue that part time work probably isn't going to bring in enough money for London living (I was being polite, it definitely won't), and she said she'd get two part time jobs and juggle them both. I think she's under the impression that she can choose her own shifts if this happened so the two jobs wouldn't clash, and she doesn't seem to understand how hard it would be to get two part time jobs that are as flexible as she seems to expect.


    I worry because the last full time job she had was in 2013, and I wish I could say it's not for lack of trying but, honestly, she really doesn't go out of her way to look for better, more financially stable jobs. It's not like she's only getting part time jobs so she can focus on other endeavours either, she really has nothing else going on.


    Her sister is 30 with a 3 year old kid and has never had a full time job. I don't want to say it runs in the family, because her parents both have good jobs, but....I don't know. Perhaps she looks at her sister and thinks she'll manage the same way?


    It's proper infuriating because she gets wound up whenever I try to approach the issue.


    Apologies for the long winded, rambling post. I've only ever thought of it as a temporary problem, and it's only this evening that I've really thought it could be a long term problem.

  9. You paid £50 for 6 months? Was that on top of what you paid for the device itself? Because you can get all that for free with Kodi.


    John, if Kodi is already installed on it (which I'm assuming it is) then all you'll need to do is start installing apps. So if you want to watch films, install Exodus. If you're after sports, install Sports Devil. There are specific apps for UFC and WWE, but I don't use them so I don't know what they're called.

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