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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Wrestler of the Year

    AJ Styles

    Samoa Joe


    Female Wrestler of the Year



    Match of the Year

    Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura - NXT Takeover: Dallas

    Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles - WWE Payback

    John Cena vs. AJ Styles - WWE Summerslam


    Wrestling Event of the Year

    NXT Takeover: Dallas


    Wrestling TV Show of the Year



    Feud/Angle of the Year

    Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles


    Moment of the Year

    Golberg's return

    American Alpha win the NXT Tag Team Titles in Dallas

    AJ Styles debuts at the Rumble


    Babyface of the Year


    Finn Balor

    Sami Zayn


    Heel of the Year

    The Miz


    Tag Team of the Year

    American Alpha

    The Revival


    Promo of the Year

    Goldberg's return promo

    The Miz having a go at Bryan on Talking Smack


    Wrestling Podcast of the Year

    Talk is Jericho


    Apologies for the bold and italic font, can't seem to change it for some reason.

  2. I'm getting a bit concerned with my girlfriend's job situation. We moved to London a few weeks ago but she's kept her job in Essex which is only part time, and she's commuting back and forth every other day or so.


    Today I went for a job interview at a really nice, relaxed pub, 40 hours a week and it's closed on weekends. I didn't take the job because it's less money than I'm on now, but I thought I'd make my girlfriend aware of it and tell her to get an application in because I think she'd get the job pretty easily. She said she didn't want to work in a pub because a) she doesn't have bar experience, b) she's not sure she'd make any more money than she's making now, which is bollocks because she's only making about £700 a month at the moment, and c) because she simply doesn't want to work in a pub, which is fair enough.


    I should also mention that she doesn't really like her current job and is always complaining that they keep putting her on the rota for shifts she's already requested off on multiple occasions. She was in tears the other night because they put her down to work Christmas Day without discussing it with her first, and we're in Wales over Christmas which they were aware of. They take advantage of her a lot and owe her something like 3 months worth of overtime at the moment.


    We then got into the conversation of what she's actually doing to look for work, and it turns out she's almost exclusively looking for part time jobs for reasons I simply can't comprehend. Basically, she says most of the jobs she's found that she has experience in are part time, but ignores the idea of applying for full time jobs where no experience is necessary and learning something new from scratch. Of course, I brought up the issue that part time work probably isn't going to bring in enough money for London living (I was being polite, it definitely won't), and she said she'd get two part time jobs and juggle them both. I think she's under the impression that she can choose her own shifts if this happened so the two jobs wouldn't clash, and she doesn't seem to understand how hard it would be to get two part time jobs that are as flexible as she seems to expect.


    I worry because the last full time job she had was in 2013, and I wish I could say it's not for lack of trying but, honestly, she really doesn't go out of her way to look for better, more financially stable jobs. It's not like she's only getting part time jobs so she can focus on other endeavours either, she really has nothing else going on.


    Her sister is 30 with a 3 year old kid and has never had a full time job. I don't want to say it runs in the family, because her parents both have good jobs, but....I don't know. Perhaps she looks at her sister and thinks she'll manage the same way?


    It's proper infuriating because she gets wound up whenever I try to approach the issue.


    Apologies for the long winded, rambling post. I've only ever thought of it as a temporary problem, and it's only this evening that I've really thought it could be a long term problem.

  3. You paid £50 for 6 months? Was that on top of what you paid for the device itself? Because you can get all that for free with Kodi.


    John, if Kodi is already installed on it (which I'm assuming it is) then all you'll need to do is start installing apps. So if you want to watch films, install Exodus. If you're after sports, install Sports Devil. There are specific apps for UFC and WWE, but I don't use them so I don't know what they're called.

  4. I'd be surprised if Cody does anything even remotely as good as the stuff with Goldust against The Shield.


    The only thing I've seen of him since leaving WWE is his TNA debut where he came off incredibly small time.

  5. I paid for a parking permit today and the bloke at the council offices gave me a week-long temporary one while the proper one is in the post. I parked up, and an hour later a parking ticket found its way onto my windscreen. I've racked my brain trying to figure out what I've done wrong, and as far as I can tell I haven't parked illegally. The only difference I can see between myself and the other 40 or so cars parked in the area is that I'm the only one with a temporary permit rather than a proper one.


    Anybody successfully managed to challenge a ticket in the past?

  6. Fucking hell, just turn him heel. He's absolutely excellent in the ring, he really is, but I reckon his best work was against AJ Styles earlier this year and against Finn Baylor in the Universal title tournament. He's absolutely brilliant at almost bullying people smaller than him, so just subtly turn him heel and he'll be a top heel instantly. The only problem is who faces him as the top face, because nobody on Raw is really clicking as a face right now, and I don't think anybody is particular crying out for more Reigns vs Rollins.

  7. I've just been invited to a training week for a job. The pay is described as being £7 per hour, which is below minimum wage, plus commission. They also said that I would be paid £8.07 per hour if I didn't make any commission. I know they're a reputable company, but is that even legal?

  8. Just got back from work to the flat I moved into yesterday, and the guy renting out another room (who I'm yet to meet) has blocked the toilet so fiercely that a part of the seat has actually shattered. It also looks like there are shredded dried up leaves in there. I'm scared and concerned.


    I can't believe you're all forgetting about the greatest faction in WWE history

    We're not. They fought the Ministry at Over the Edge in May before the Summerslam match and Jericho stuff

    It was in response to WyattSheepMask saying he can't remember much he did after Wrestlemania 15.


    Sarcasm needs some sort of indicator. On social media, when I read a post like "I was on the bus and a bloke was attacking a gay lesbian muslim in an aqualung, and then our 2 month old stood on a chair and said 'I smite ye in the name of social justice', and then a mighty crowd appeared and gave us the medals that they got at the end of Star Wars", I like to reply with a little mug of beer emoji, which my friends know means "chinny reckon".


    People have started using /s at the end of their posts a bit recently.


    BTW, your example reminds me of my favourite internet post ever. http://i.imgur.com/Foe5PPT.png



    Is that the bloke you posted about before who was catfishing people or something? That was hilarious.

  11. I think I may have posted about this before but I'm not sure.


    Does anybody else get a painful roof of the mouth while eating when you're hungover? It only seems to be when I was absolutely battered the night before and not if I was just a bit drunk.


    I've only just managed to stomach some food, but I've had to stop after just a few bites because the pain is absolutely unbearable.

  12. What needs to be said about Goldberg has already been said. Just absolutely fantastic. I almost didn't get that far though because I was bloody tempted to switch the show off altogether when Seth Rollins kept calling Jericho "sparkle crotch". Who the fuck are they targeting with stupid shit lines like that?

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