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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Impact in 2012 and early 2013 was the best wrestling show on TV I reckon.  The summer of 2012 with the likes of Roode, Aries and Bully Ray in the main event scene was really really good.  Just smooth, basic storytelling and barely any stupidity.  Quite the opposite of TNA, in fact.

  2. That's pretty depressing. He deserves better than that.


    Over the past few years he's struck me as the type who's had his hand in lots of other projects.  I'm sure he mentioned on a podcast (Austin's?) recently that he's writing for Marvel or DC.  I'd imagine he's making more money now than he did in TNA.


    He'd be good as a trainer in NXT mind.  I'm surprised they haven't picked him up actually.

  3. I wonder, anyone who didn't like the shaved head or mohawk, have you watched it back recently? I wasn't the biggest fan at the time, but watching it back, particularly after what a fucking mess he looked on this week's Raw when he took his hat off, it made me realise how much better that look was. He looks an absolute state with long hair these days.

    To be honest, when I think of mohawk Undertaker I always think of Wrestlemania 30 where he looked a right state in his tights with his pot belly more evident than ever. The mohawk and ridiculous guyliner only accentuate how stupid he looked that night.

  4. I watched Wrestlemania 28 last night. Undertaker looks so much better with a shaved head. I've absolute no idea what convinced him to grow his shit hair out again.

    Really? I thought he looked an absolute muppet with his shit mohawk like it's 2001.


    Mind you, I'm still hoping he turns up one day in his Mike from Breaking Bad look, fedora and all.

  5. I feel like the 'why is Taker doing this?' questions are overthinking really. The CEO makes a match - it bloody happens. Most of his Mania programmes in the past decade or so have just been him accepting the first person that challenges him


    But the dynamic of the match is totally fucked.  We're supposed to be cheering Shane on to win and make some changes and get rid of his batty, out of touch old man and The Authority, yet he's facing arguably the most popular WWE superstar ever in his match at his pay-per-view in his home state.  It's weird as fuck.

  6. Wonder if they will give Roman a big entrance at Mania?


    I say go full hog, have the entire Anoa'i family on the stage in traditional garb doing the Siva Tau before Reigns comes out. Would work for me.


    That would be hilarious.  How do we get our Wrestlemania main eventer cheered?  Have Rosey and The Rock's mam play dress up and do a weird haka before his entrance.

  7. What's generally considered WWE's best year, creatively, since they got the F out? The only year I can think of that might hold the claim is 2006. No other year really stands out.

    I really liked 2008. Great Royal Rumble, great Wrestlemania, great Edge vs Undertaker feud, great Jericho vs HBK feud. They seemed to try and shake things up a little with things like CM Punk's first World Title reign. It was almost unpredictable.

  8. You have to give it to Vince, he's a stubborn old bastard. I had to laugh when, not one but twice, Triple H said something along the lines of "...and that's why you love Roman Reigns" followed by the crowd booing. It's remarkable how they can ignore it.

  9. When does Jeff Harvey's contract finish? He's far too good to be slumming it in TNA and the timing is sort of perfect for him to return to WWE seeing how they value part-timers and their lack of genuine stars.


    Is he though?  He was excellent in 2009 just before he left WWE, but I can't remember him being anything beyond ordinary in TNA.  He's just a fucking weirdo when he's allowed to do his own thing.  And let's be honest, his most memorable moment was that match against Sting.

  10. I must say that I find it odd that the ratings are going down when the TV had been fine to good since Christmas. 


    Because it's TNA and, in some form or another, they've burned their bridges with a LOT of fans.  The TV may be consistent at the moment, but they're always a twat hair away from monumentally fucking something else up.  They've lost everybody's trust and at this stage it's near enough impossible to regain it.

  11. It also isn't helping that they're constantly putting him in matches with people much more popular than him.  He was cheered against Sheamus partly because he looked like a badass beating the shit out of everyone, but also because people don't like Sheamus.  Since then he's been up against AJ Styles in his debut match, Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar at Fast Lane, and now NXT-Triple H at Wrestlemania.  It's madness.

  12. Yeah that's what I'm worried about.  It was getting slightly better but still nowhere near perfect, and then I stupidly did some squats on Friday and I've made it worse again.  It really flares up when I lower my head and tuck my chin.


    I was having difficulty putting my socks on this morning, I feel like Mick Foley.

  13. From what I can tell the internet is raging in a big this looks shit vs you're only saying that because it's women.


    But it really does look shit. The wacky black woman and an Exorcist head turning joke in 2016? Fuck off.


    That was by far the worst part of the trailer.  Fuck me, she out-irritated Melissa McCarthy which is certainly saying something.

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