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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Well that's bizarre. A few other people on Twitter seem to have had the same problem. I know it's only $2, but without any sort of notice or explanation it's a bit of a piss take.

  2. (Incidentally, can we have a forum fight to determine who gets to keep the "Slapnut (s)" name? It's really dumb they have such similar names.)

    Yes please. I've never been a fan of the name (no offence, Slapnuts), I just couldn't think of anything when I signed up. I'd donate a fiver but apparently only Moo can change names these days and in that case the UK will have the network before I get a name change.

  3. Haven't noticed that, but I'll be thrilled if it's true. It's a pain in the arse when you're half way through a PPV and your iPhone/iPad decides to AirPlay something accidently, meaning you have to fast-forward to where you previously were.

  4. Has anybody on here been watching the US version of the network on the Roku for the last 8 months? Is that possible? 

    It's possible but it's really really difficult. I arsed around with it for hours, broke iPlayer while doing so, and then decided to exchange it for Apple TV.

  5. Gravy and Fried Chicken is win




    Admittedly, that's not as bad as chips, cheese and gravy, but it's still pretty rank.


    This whole discussion reminds me of a horrible day at school some 6 or 7 years ago.  I had a lovely new bag, only about a week old, and for a laugh my mate decided to hide it in the bin.  When I got found it and pulled it out it was covered in gravy.  I put the bag straight back in the bin, stormed out of the common room and went home (it was sixth form so I wasn't skiving).  I didn't speak to my mate for about a week.


    Oh yeah, and a girl wouldn't go out with me when I was 13 because apparently I smelled of gravy.


    I don't even have gravy on my roast because it's absolutely vile.  I realise this will make me seem like a mentalist, but as far as I'm concerned you're all repulsive for even touching the stuff.


    Is this because you've never had real gravy? Anything made with granules is just rubbish brown water.



    Nope, my mother makes it the right way and always has.  She used to make me eat it when I was a sprogg and I hated it from the minute I tried it.  Horrible horrible stuff.

  7. It wasn't as if he was a genuine contender to win, he literally popped up right at the end when everybody thought Del Rio had already won and was eliminated within about 15 seconds.  It was nothing more than a bit of fun really.

  8. I'm not a massive fan of his, but come on, he's not as bad as some of you are making out.  He's charismatic, he never really has a bad match, and he always looks like he's enjoying himself.  He's one of a handful that actually gets a response out of the crowd too which is nice.  He's a good midcarder.


    Next Ric Flair though?  Nah.

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