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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. The other night I was in Asda when the manager, who happened to be Butch, invited me to the back to watch rugby.  He provided me with free alcohol and all the bananas I could eat.

  2.  give wrestlers more face paint and tassels and capes


    This seems to come up a lot when discussing how to enhance characters.  Who would you suggest get stuck in tassels and face paint?  I can't think of any potential main eventer that would look anything but a complete muppet wearing tassels these days.

  3. Bloody hell, Cena totally saved that opening segment didn't he? It was awful before his promo. It was laughable hearing Hogan ramble on about how everyone loves John Cena amongst a chorus of "Cena Sucks".


    The rest of the show was a bit of a chore as well, besides the Rollins/Reigns stuff.

  4. Cheers johnnyboy, hadn't really considered that to be a factor.  Although, not long after I made that post I pulled the ethernet cable out and started connecting via wifi and since then it hasn't buffered once, so I'm hoping the ethernet connection on my router is just shit.

  5. Does anybody else use Apple TV as their main Network source?  I can't seem to watch on there without it stopping to buffer constantly.  I thought it was my ISP for ages, but I've currently got the live stream on both Apple TV and my iPhone and the iPhone stream is working like a dream, while Apple TV won't go 10 seconds without buffering.  Does anybody know what could be causing this?

  6. I would say Cena, Orton, Edge and Hogan. None quite as long as Rey, but I think that would actually be quite difficult to manage - even Taker and Kane have had to change it up. In Orton's case, it's certainly been detrimental. In the others' cases, not so much.


    All those have changed their act to some degree.  Cena was a wigger for his first few years in WWE, while Orton went from a cocky young guy to a ruthless motherfucker.  Edge has been a goofy comedy act, a surfer-rockstar-thing, a psycho and the Rated R Superstar.  And Hogan is a massively obvious one.  Rey has been doing the exact same thing without even the hint of a heel turn since his WWE debut.

  7. There's a whole movie out there called Another Night in Chyna which that scene is from. It's about an hour long and is all professionally shot. It's bizarre mind, I remember when it first appeared online but a quick google search won't bring up many results about the film itself.

  8. Swapping peanuts for almonds or walnuts or something similar would be a good start. Plenty of nutritional value there without the horrific amount of salt.Take carrot sticks to work with you too. They're not as nice as crisps, admittedly, but you'll find that the bulk of cravings can be substituted quite easily when you get into a routine of eating something else. Dip them in some peanut butter too for a bit more flavour.

  9. I've only listened to a little bit of Russo on Austin's show so far, but I can already tell it's going to be a bit of a chore to finish. Talking about how it's difficult to get over with a southern accent, then naming a bunch of the most over southern acts you can think of, made him look a bit of a tit.


    Heyman and Edge on Jericho's show, on the other hand, is excellent. Heyman could be talking about cottage cheese and I'd be glued. Can't wait for part 2.

  10. Speaking of Bubba, Hulk seemed to rub off on him while they worked together:


    Bully Ray visited the "Opie and Anthony" Radio show today. He was asked about his relationship with Brooke Hogan, and he revealed Brooke and him did in fact have an off-air relationship.


    Bully also revealed that he is currently dating TNA Knockout Velvet Sky.


    He also talked about how his current max bench is 495, and he claims his weight loss is all legit with no steroid use.


    By far the most entertaining man in TNA.

  11. Probably not. Customer services would probably just thank you for your patience and tell you the UK launch is due for the end of the year if the Twitter account is anything to go by.


    Here's a question: are you planning on switching to the UK version when it's launched or will you be sticking with the US version? I'm not too confident the UK launch will go without hiccups so I'm tempted to stick with the US version for another six months after mine expires.

  12. I hate it when you're doing a mission with someone and they essentially throw a sulk when you get in the car or plane first so they yank you out so they can drive of fly. Seriously, what the hell?


    I've done that plenty of times completely by accident. I've just got in the car and the driver has automatically been kicked out.

  13. thinking about buying a roku streaming stick thing for wwe network and us tv anyone use this If so can it be configured through unblock.us and it is easy to use?


    I bought a Roku 2 XS recently purely for the Network. I couldn't get it working at all with Unblock US, and I'd sent about a dozen emails to the tech team (who were, in all fairness, excellent). I ended up sending it back and getting an Apple TV which is fantastic.

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