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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. The BFG Series matches were really good this week. I would've liked to see Magnus win, but it's been obvious for a while that AJ would be facing Bully Ray at Big Friendly Giant. However, the good news is that AJ is going to be cutting another shoot promo on Dixie Carter next week after his last one went down so well.


    Also, it seems Rampage and Tito Ortiz are gone from TNA, at least for the time being.

  2. Are they giving that match away for free again?? That match would have been my pick for BFG main event alongside Hogan/Bully.

    For that to happen, AJ or Aries would have to win the BFG series, and the other would have to win the World Title from Bully between now and BFG.


    Unlikely, but still possible. At the moment, though, I can't see anything other than a Styles/Ray BFG main event.

  3. Were they even after Jesse at the end? It seemed like their priorities had changed when they noticed Walt had been arrested and were trying to kill Hank and Gomie because they needed him free for that one last cook. Walt had already called the Jesse hit off.

  4. They don't do the wrestling matters thing anymore, and they'd be stupid to considering the only reason they started it was because WWE were phasing the word "wrestling" out, and since that word has been all over Raw for the past 2 years it would only serve to make TNA look even more retarded.

    Jeff Hardy: I beat Samoa Joe by submission last year. *Camera cuts to Hardy pinning Joe*.

  5. I agree with this. I don't understand this the WWE audience will have no clue who he is, yet people assume they will know Sting.

    What? Sting? That really famous wrestler who has appeared on dozens of WWE DVDs, appeared on countless talk shows and forms of media and main evented for WCW for about 15 years, once drawing the biggest buyrate in history. Do you seriously want it explained the difference in name value between him and AJ Styles? I'm stunned anyone could make the comparison.

    What kid who's watched WWE from say 2006 will know who Sting is?


    That's irrelevant though, considering only 21% of WWE's TV audience is under 18.

  6. While he's still enjoyable, Sabin's a shell of his former self these days. He's quite an established name in TNA though and probably one of the best X-Division stars they've ever had, so he's in a good spot I reckon. Absolutely no chance of him winning the title though.


    I know talking was never his strong point, but I remember him being much better on the stick before his injuries. Or did Shelley just bring out the best in him? Shelley was immense.

  7. It's essentially one of those "value what you have, because one day it'll be gone" things. A man is having an affair so he asks his wife for a divorce, she agrees to it on the grounds that he carries her out of bed and downstairs for a month. As it goes on he falls back in love with her, so he calls off the affair and returns home one night to find his wife dead - she has been struck with THE CANCER!

  8. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet (spoiler for next week's Impact)


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Sting apparently said he's bringing back the Main Event Mafia to face the Aces and 8s. What are they playing at here? Steiner won't be back if him suing them is anything to go by, Booker is in WWE and Nash is pretty much a WWE guy now. Unless it's just Sting and Angle, what could they possibly do here?


    [close spoiler]

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