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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. One of the worst is people who always put a variation of "Everything is finally falling into place, glad to put it all behind me, love my life! This is the new me". Fine, but when the same person is posting it every 2 weeks something is clearly not falling into place.


    One of my mates always puts shit like this, but then complains about everything in real life.

  2. I was thinking of bumping this yesterday after realising that Welsh scrum half Mike Phillips is the spit of Bobby Roode. I'm on my phone though so I can't post pictures, I'm a retard like that.

  3. Reminds me of when I was on a night out a few years ago when I got into a conversation with a guy dressed as Sting (the rest of his mates were wearing normal clothes). I stopped talking to him as he was waiting at a cashpoint, half an hour later I returned to the cashpoint to find he'd written "TNA~" on it.

  4. I can't see him going anywhere, and I hope he doesn't either. He's absolutely brilliant in TNA, easily the best top guy they've had in some time, possibly ever. If he went to WWE I think he'd flounder in the Wade Barrett role where they clearly want to push him, but have nothing for him.


    He does deserve to make millions of dollars, but I doubt he's on peanuts in TNA.

  5. Y'know that moan I had about Casualty the other week? That, but about Call the Midwife instead, minus the complaints about it lasting so long (for now).


    Crap isn't it? I had the pleasure of watching it for the first time yesterday with the lady and her mother, all while the mother is saying "This is really good, I think you'd like this!". She clearly doesn't know me that well, or have good taste in television.

  6. Just echoing what everyone has said about This Is 40. I loved Knocked Up, but this was an absolute travesty. Apatow clearly had no idea what he wanted out of this so it just turns into a film about nothing, especially the birthday party which is surely a contender for worst act of all time. Leslie Mann's character is the worst, almost no redeeming features at all. Not even Paul Rudd could save this.

  7. Whenever I see Rey Mysterio's picture as a headline on a wrestling website, I have the brief assumption that he's been found dead. He's been one of the main ones on Wrestlezone for a while now and, even though I know what it's about, I'm still always assuming the worst.

  8. Oh in terms of Jeff's career opponent I'd probably go with Edge. While I think Jeff is Umaga's, I wouldn't say it was the same the other way around. In Umaga's case it's actually quite tricky to choose a 'career' opponent considering he only had a relatively short run in the grand scheme of things.

  9. Edge or Orton would be Cena's 'Career Opponent' for me, so far.


    That's what they'd like us to think! Just from rewatching the 2011 Royal Rumble, Cena and Orton were positioned to replicate the famous standoffs from the past to kind of cement theirs as a rivalry for the ages, but as I wrote in my review, it didn't really work. I think Edge, Punk, and possibly even Umaga will be better remembered as Cena opponents than Orton.


    I can see it being overlooked due to Umaga's death preventing another run and the circumstances of his death meaning WWE don't emphasise it as Cena's career match as much. Which is a shame since I thought their LMS was one of the best matches of the last decade.


    Regardless of how good the matches were (and they were very good), they only had a short feud really. Umaga was with WWE for another 2 years after, and there was hardly any mention of their feud then, so I doubt his death did anything to de-emphasise it. I would honestly say Jeff Hardy would be more suited to the big man's career opponent.

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