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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. The last few months of 2013 was a massive confidence booster for me in terms of finding out I can realistically achieve my goals. For the past few years I've been weighing about 9.5 stone at 5'8" and no matter what I did, I struggled to put on mass. I was diagnosed with diabetes in August and was down to a whopping 7 stone 13 at the time which was absolutely mental. Afterwards, I hit the gym hard and ate as often as I could, and I managed to get up to 10 stone 10 which is where I am at the moment.


    While I love a good kebab every so often, I have the benefit of being a healthy eater so I don't get massive cravings or anything. My downfall at the moment is breakfast which I struggle with. At the moment I'm eating 3 boiled eggs at 7:30am on the way to work, then I won't eat again until about 10:30-11am where I'll get some mackerel and a mass gainer shake. I know if I could drag my arse out of bed 15 minutes earlier and get some toast down myself I'd feel much better for it and notice the results.


    I want to get up to 12 stone within the next few months which I think is quite realistic considering the amount I put on just a few months ago.

  2. Biggest stars at WMXXX:


    John Cena


    Rene Dupree

    Randy Orton


    Christopher Nowinski

    Brock Lesnar

    Shane Helms

    Matt Hardy

    Shelton Benjamin

    Randy Orton


    This is fantastic. Somebody actually thought the likes of Shane Helms and Chris Nowinski would be the biggest stars now, let alone still around.

  3. He's wrong and he sounds like a right drongo, but I'm more surprised that people still feel the need to post shit like that as if Cena hate is a new thing.


    I'm more offended that he felt the need to put Daniel Bryan's real name in brackets as if nobody would know who he is otherwise.

  4. How exactly is he the most adult character in WWE? He's pre-teen personified. He dresses like a 7 year-old and makes awful, childish jokes on a regular basis. He's cool when he's recovering from injuries in no time and starring in video packages of him working out like a beast, but that's the extent of it really.

  5. Cena is great. He has excellent matches, connects with the audience when he needs to, and is the hardest working man in wrestling. But if you genuinely can't see why people would want to boo him sometimes then you're fucking barmy.

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