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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Anyone using a Roku with this? I've just bought one, set it up exactly as Unblock US states, the live stream works fine but VOD is giving me an 'event blacked out' error message and says it's not available in my area.

  2. Anyone use this on Apple TV? Any good on there? I'm not convinced the full content is showing up on Xbox any time soon and I've just won a load of Love2Shop vouchers at work so I'm thinking of picking one up.

  3. The only problem I'm having on Xbox at the moment is the picture stretching beyond my screen size whenever I fast forward, which is an absolute nightmare especially when a divas match starts. Is anyone else getting this problem?

  4. Apologies for the double post, but I'm getting a terribly annoying problem on the Xbox. Whenever I fast forward a match or something, the display then cuts out the right hand side of the video, as if the picture is too wide for my TV. It's absolutely fine before I press fast forward. Anybody else getting the same problem?

  5. Cronut man interviewed me for a barista position when I was in New York, he was a complete twat, even to the point that his store manager was rolling her eyes whenever he spoke.


    Made some lovely pastries though, and I usually hate pastries.

  6. My girlfriend bought me some bhut jolokia chillies for Christmas and I've just used a whole one for the first time in a chicken pasta stir fry thing. Now I like blistering hot food, but this is absolutely unbelievable. I feel like I've swallowed a forest fire.


    Anyone have any recipes/recommendations on how to use these better? Like I said, I like spicy food, but I also like to taste it and not just experience a nuclear explosion on my tongue.

  7. Some kid from educating Yorkshire (dunno who, don't watch cc it) did the yes chant tonight when collecting an award at the nta's. Nobody seemed to have much of a clue what he was going on about sadly. Still a cool if surreal moment. Nobody knows about it outside of wrestling though.


    My mate did it at graduation while accepting his certificate. The daggers he received...

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