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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. I've just got online for the first time and I have no idea what's going on. It's been saying "Launching session" for about 15 minutes.

  2. I honestly don't think Cena's absence is making that much difference, it's just that for what should be a big, exciting angle, absolutely fuck all is happening. Bryan is cutting the same promos every week, Orton is boring as fuck, there's not been a single development in the Big Show storyline, and we have to put up with matches like Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder on a week to week basis.

  3. Social Club doesn't like me at all. First of all, I haven't been able to save photos since I got the game, just keeps giving me and error message, and now it won't let me join the Cuckolders even though I thought I'd already joined. It keeps telling me the group can't be found :(.

  4. That was the perfect ending. I was absolutely thrilled to see Jesse escape, which was the only thing that really could've affected my take on the episode. Walt's death really was the only way it could have ended. He's cheated death so many times that the story wouldn't truly end until we saw him dead.


    I didn't expect to see Badger and Skinny Pete show up but, blimey, I'm glad they did!


    It really was a stunning finale to a stunning show.

  5. I've yet to hear Party All the Time.. :/ it's the song I was most excited about when I saw the spoiler tracklisting before the game came out.


    That's one of the songs I've heard the most so far, always seems to be on.

  6. anybody thinking we're in for a will he won't he with jessie pointing a gun at walt then cut to a black screen for the end?


    No, I trust that Gilligan has more sense than that. Walt must die, probably from the cancer. There's no other way for it to end.

  7. I'd have preferred to hear Alex Shelley, Low-Ki, Samoa Joe, Daniels, Petey, Eric Young, Doug Williams and then him to mention the likes of Monty Brown, Lance Hoyt, Magnus and other homegrown stars. I assume this may have been problematic to who is actually in the good books with TNA which is no doubt a small amount of ex-wrestlers. Vice versa to.


    Why would he have mentioned current TNA stars when the promo was specifically about wrestlers being fired?

  8. The term "fucking hell TNA" comes to mind once again, and it's happening all too often recently. How can they keep doing it? That Dixie/AJ segment was hideous. Rotten to the core with no redeeming factors whatsoever. Dixie Carter is the worst character in wrestling by some margin, and it's the same whenever she shows her face. Just pure drivel molded into something resembling a story, when really it's about nothing at all.


    The rest of the show was crap as well. The whole rubbish with the Robbies, Eric Young and Joseph Park can get to fuck. It's a shame Park has turned into fast-forward material.


    Someone said above about the Aces & Eights storyline ending with no resolution, and it's very frustrating but I can't see any other way out of it at the moment. They've been beaten so many times now that a loser leaves town style match would lack any drama at all. An implosion deal is the only way I see it going.


    The best part of the show was the EGO vs. MEM match, and with the talent involved is anyone really surprised? It's no coincidence that the best part of every week involves those lot.

  9. Tell you what, I'm going to be absolutely devastated if Jesse dies, and he's the only character I can actually say that about. The guy has been through so much shit, admittedly some of it his own fault, but he's had absolutely no redemption for any of it yet. He must be the only one walking out of the finale with his head held high and some promise around the corner.

  10. Doe's anyone expect to see something from Ted in the last couple of episodes? His involvment ended a little too sudden for me and there have yet to be any repercussions from the accident.


    No, I don't think we will. He wasn't really that important to the story to begin with, so I don't think there will be any repercussions. The accident was probably a way to write him out.


    Hope not anyway, made my skin crawl he did.

  11. Tried to join the group under my username here and ended up as SlappyNutstring, so there we are.


    Another here who struggled with the first plane mission. It took me about half an hour before I even realised you had to manually put the wheels down before landing, and another 20 minutes after that to actually land the plane steady enough so it wouldn't blow up.


    Mind, I found the first helicopter mission even harder. Steadying that thing to the correct angle and the correct point was ridiculous.

  12. About this install disc nonsense, do I actually have to install the first disc to play the game, or can I just play the second disc like every other game?

  13. Anybody work for Argos? I have a money off voucher so I think I'm going to try and pick my copy up from my local store. Are they expecting to sell out quickly? Or is that a pretty unanswerable question? Also, are we able to place a reservation like any other item?

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