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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. We didn't really get to see a great deal of him while he was in Nexus and he had a bit of an idiot gimmick in NXT. Can Sheffield actually wrestle?

    Doesn't really matter if they book him the right way. Henry isn't very good at long matches, but paced well enough etc, he looks like a beast.


    Hopefully he still uses his big lariat as a finisher.



    Indeed but Batista wouldn't have been able to get away with his gimmick if he couldn't Wrestle. Is Skip better than other musclebound jacked up wrestlers such as Mason Ryan and Rob Terry?


    Yes, he's a fucking monster. Those eyes...

  2. My housemate just reminded me of the brilliant moment at Survivor Series 2006 where Shawn Michaels eliminates Mike Knox in their match then turns to Triple H asking "who was that?". Does anybody know where to find a clip of that anywhere? It doesn't seem to be on Youtube and the only one I can find after a Google search is a Myspace video that doesn't play.


    Is this it?


    Nope. This is it http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...J6D9cIsWg#t=57s


    Still as funny as ever. Cheers lads.

  3. My housemate just reminded me of the brilliant moment at Survivor Series 2006 where Shawn Michaels eliminates Mike Knox in their match then turns to Triple H asking "who was that?". Does anybody know where to find a clip of that anywhere? It doesn't seem to be on Youtube and the only one I can find after a Google search is a Myspace video that doesn't play.

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