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Cannibal Man

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Posts posted by Cannibal Man

  1. the music and threatening to stab Jerry Lawler in the face on commentary just for talking to him IMO makes two good cases for Ministry Undertaker, in fact for a third add that promo at Fully Loaded 99 wherre Terry Taylor asks if he's alright and goes THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL IS A HURT ANIMAL! NOW YOU GET OUT MY FACE TAYLOR, YOU UNDERSTAND HUH, BOY? YOU UNDERSTAND???? and throws him into a whiteboard

  2. UK Taker is canonically the real Undertaker in my head, he let us arse about with his collection of intercontinental titles with different color straps and everything for free, real Undertaker never even won the intercontinental belt.

  3. He's coming back against Rollins and he's doing the fucking dive, he's doing the biggest furthest dive he fucking can and he's going to be head to toe in that clobber for cunts who are too thick to get into the army. He's going to fly. Fucking "Whooooooooosh!" he's gonna go. Metres, Clive. The cunts going metres. I can manifest this. I can make it happen with thought.

  4. My mate used to start science classes by turning on one of the taps for the sinks built into the desks, throwing everyones work books into it and shouting "ITS TRADITION" which was annoying at first, but after week three or so we all started getting really into and then had to be told off because this was year 9 so we were absolutely fucking up all the work we were doing for SATs which were impotant for determining what type of prison most of us would end up in

  5. Loved that period of the Rumble with Omos and all the shitheads trying to get him out. All the no names dressed like complete perverts doing spots to ambient noise from the crowd. All for that. That weird Ted Arcidi guy absolutely nobody reacted to? more of him, should have had him gorilla press somebody for his entire alotted time out there.

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