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Posts posted by CleetusVanDamme

  1. This is going to be the shittest show I'll watch every second of this year. Can you guess who the clown is?* I didn't realise until I read the info bit and now feel disappointed I couldn't instantly call it just from that thumbnail.

    * Any replies of "you, for watching this" will be reported.

  2. Volume 2 should be Twin Snakes/5 (The former might be Nintendo exclusive), 4 and Rising.

    Portable Plops, Piss Walker and Shitvive (I know. They really didn't give me much to work with there) for Volume 3, exclusive to Stadia.

  3. Just now, Weezenal said:

    Is Metal Gear Solid V any good? Love Metal Gear but don't know if I have time or energy for anymore open worlds. 

    In pure gameplay, it's amazing and buttery smooth mechanically. I'd say play it, but if you're interested in this individual or even the wider MGS story don't expect any kind of satisfying conclusion, on that front it's an unfinished piece of shit. I'll happily play it again one day though, so don't let my far too attached opinions on the story put you off too much!

  4. Supposedly they had MGS4 working fine on 360, but it would have had to come on five or six discs so they canned it.

    It'd be great to not have it locked to PS3 anymore. I was very late in getting the console (like 2011) and having that, two Uncharteds and God Of War 3 to immediately plow through was bliss. Definitely my favourite honeymoon period with a console.

  5. 3 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Isn't it really, really convenient that all these Chelsea players seem to be getting linked with the same Saudi club.

    They're not, and that's wacist!

    3 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Isn’t there a rumour that the Saudi PIF own a private equity firm that are stakeholders in Chelsea?

    It's not a rumour or some kind of hidden seedy thing. Clearlake is an investment group, the Saudis have contributed a miniscule % of Clearlake's total funds into unrelated projects. If you're willing to make the same 666 degrees of separation with the other 95% of investment/investors I don't think we'd be allowed to do business with clubs from anywhere. It's also not completely clear just how much of Chelsea was even paid for out of those Clearlake funds, a few of the stakeholders had to put in their own money.

    Saudi money is everywhere. Right now literally every club in the league provably has twice as viable ties to the Saudis through the EA partnership alone (PIF own 10%) than the maximum Chelsea could possibly do through Clearlake.

    The floodgates have opened for football in that part of the world like it once did in China. Players are getting hundreds of millions thrown at them. Chelsea getting a few tens of millions for the three high profile Muslim lads isn't some freak implausible event. Especially in a market where we're somehow going to get most of our Pervertz money back!


  6. House of the Dead remake: The eshop price finally dropped to something more resembling a fair value (£7-odd) for something I'm only going to drunkplay a few times. Spun it up with a mate last night and we had a good laugh. While Joycons do make for some pretty iffy lightguns, they're by no means the disaster they supposedly were before patches, regularly recentre them and eh, close enough. I don't need to be William Tell.

    Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo: A Telltale-like. Low budget, pretty crap voice acting at times, but the twisting story kept me engaged enough to see it through. There's a few nods to try and justify the cheap cash grab of a name (it loves a nice dolly zoom!) and the score was really good. I'm getting more back for it in Cex value than I paid for it. For a free hit? Not bad.

    Mortal Kombat (2011): I know "best story mode in a fighting game" is a loooow bar, this is it though and it's still great... when Shao Kahn isn't CCH Pounding you over and over again for a solid hour or so (spamming fire-balls just about got me past him eventually). I like early MK lore more than normal people and it was cool to see 1-3s stories retold in depth. It's a real shame 10 and 11 never matched up. This one nailed it.


  7. Rooting for BJ. Roma's been great for him, Largely the only times in the last eight years he's looked like Jose again (suave, confident, always right) has been when he's doing punditry. He's got a little bit of the magic back now, and he's idolized there. Just stay put until it's time for Part 3 at Chelsea, don't ruin yourself by going to Real or something, the Doc Brown hair would be back within 9 days max. Hoping for more fake tears tonight!


    When we inevitably win the Conference League and I get to become the (joint) first fan to complete football I can see myself getting emotional too.


  8. I quite liked the TNA game (and the AAA one that was practically the same). So easy to pick up and play and the reversal system was so smooth. I even liked the absolutely demented difficulty spikes in career mode, beating Jeff Jarrett was like something out of Dark Souls! If they fixed the crap pinning system and had a little bit more variety in moves I'd probably have been playing it for years. Also, the opening video might be the only time something has tried to force me into thinking something is epic that's actually worked.


    Why do I have goosebumps?

    With AEW's backing, hopefully if this ends up as a similar rough but promising base, they'll get the chance to build upon it with sequels. I just want TO BE BOUND BY THE MAGNIFICENCE OF ONE SINGULAR EVENT! something different.

  9. Claudio Lopez v PSV. I've seen loads of volleys fly into the net in a more pleasing aesthetic manner than this, from harder angles and further out etc, but the exquisite technique and timing to even meet the ball at all here, let alone to catch it perfectly, puts it up there with the best volleys for me. An absolute Lovejoy.


  10. After already scoring four, Super Mario sportingly decided to handicap by only allowing himself to shoot after six stepovers, rabonas only. Didn't work.

    He actually scored a 6th not long after, but got the ref to rule it out because it didn't go bar, post, post then in!

  11. Watched the first season of the War of the Worlds (whichever one is on Disney+), it was mince but I thought it'd maybe get better when they move on to a threat more interesting than robot dogs. I started the second season and... LOL, now the main threat is humans that are alien on the inside. I'm out.

    The first episode of Silo was really good, I immediately love the world they've built and the premise. My brain's been throwing around theories already and it's been ages since a show has done that. Hopefully it can keep it up.

    Also, fire in the hole!

    I can't wait.

  12. Steiners vs Road Warriors, Nitro, 11/3/96: It's exactly what you think it is. A no notice, no nonsense slugger, thrown out on free TV just because. It's very much in the Steiners vs Luger and Sting matches mould, where if you aren't in complete awe that these teams are facing off you might be able to poke holes in it. I have taste though, so I still have the DDP smile on my face the whole way through while they potato the shit out of each other. Weak finish, don't care. Dream stuff!

    Razor Ramon vs Diesel, Superstars, 30/4/94: Was skimming through some of the Superstars on the Network and this jumped out at me (I've found a Diesel vs Henry Godwinn match that I'm really curious to try out later too). Don't think I've seen this before, and that's my mistake, this is a 6 minute banger. All action, hot crowd, a fired up Razor and Diesel getting his first title. Top notch. I fucking love a good short match!

  13. Congo is super fun. I've been lied to, not just by everyone saying it was terrible, but also every bit of marketing I ever saw for it making it look like a trashy horror. I can't believe I've robbed myself of an adventure movie with apes, treasure, lasers and a volcano for 28 years, ffs. Tim Curry and Ernie Hudson know exactly what this is and are both wonderful at it. It's class.

    I need one of these now!


  14. Got a good Platinum seat in 226 in the first presale. I'd have been happy anywhere not on the floor or restricted view. Seeing Sting again one last time was my main motivation, the last time I seen him was the WWA PPV in Glasgow! One of my biggest regrets as a wrestling fan was not going to WM31, Sting/HHH was incredible fun (the whole show being great also helped) and then obviously after seeing his body break down in his next match against Rollins I thought the chance was gone to ever catch him again. I know I'd be kicking myself forever if he does something substantial here and I missed it. If Goldberg's coming as well? Dreamland. The pop when Saraya says "Wembley is my house" and gets confronted by Drogba will be gargantuan.

    Roman's been added to MITB now. Who says competition isn't healthy? After all the years of them ignoring the licence to print money, the UK's finally eating good!

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