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Posts posted by CleetusVanDamme

  1. Finally got around to setting up the emulators with the dev mode on the Xbox. It sounded daunting initially, but it's pretty idiot-proof following a walkthrough on YT. Just been messing about with XBSX2 (PS2) for a few days and testing some games out. I'm so happy with it, nearly everything I've tried is running great, and the couple that aren't (The Punisher and Headhunter) it seems from googling that there might be fixes out there when I have a bit more of a clue about what I'm doing. I'm just running everything at a blanket 4K/60 right now which could either be too ambitious or actually reasonable, I have no idea. It's going to be banger after banger for the forseeable for me. For £14 (for the developer account), this is a no brainer.

    Also, in the near future I'm finally going to achieve one of my most mediocre dreams and play that Jet Li game that I could never find whenever I had the money for it. There really isn't enough Hong Kong action games out there. Look at it go!


    First things first though. I know how I'm spending this weekend!



  2. The media and particularly Gary "integrity of the game" Neville has been weirdly quiet on Telles (and others linked) going to Saudi. How on earth did we end up in a situation where one club is under intense scrutiny because their owners once let Saudis put 5% investment into a hotel chain with them, but the team that was actually, directly (no Dynamite Duane conspiracies needed) sponsored by the Saudi state for over a decade has a free ride?

    Just so we're clear, I don't think there's any real conflict of interest going on in any transfers to Saudi aside from Newcastle. If you reached like Dhalsim to try and taint one club's transfer business based on nothing links, there's not a fucking chance you can reasonably not be calling for investigations into United right now though. Have some shame.

  3. I take back saying that Twisted Metal will be the worst show I'll watch the full season of this year. The Walking Dead: Dead Shitty won't be bottomed. It's not just trash, it's straight up ugly to look at too. Not an ounce of fun in it.

    Glad to have Justified back. Not sure I like anyone else in it yet (the new villain seems a bit try hard), but same Raylan + same writing will always equal gold.

  4. And that card still could have only drawn 20,000 people, max! Them letting Hogan call out Austin on that anniversary Raw and then never broaching the subject ever again still baffles me. I know Austin had the falling out again not long after but I just can't picture that match actually happening.

    This is the same company that completely forgot about Undertaker Tombstoning Cena in 2009/10 though, so it happens.


  5. 2 hours ago, simonworden said:

    Out of the blue possibility but could they have considered turning Batista earlier and having them feud. By 2008 his popularity was waning a bit and he ended up.in that meaningless match with Umaga at Mania 24.

    Batista/Umaga was one of my biggest letdowns. I was hyped and certain it was going to rule. I wasn't slightly excited for Lashley/Umaga the year before and it ended up being class. 24 ended up being a great (and varied) card anyway, but if it had pulled off the epic battle of the monsters as well it would have an even stronger case as an all-timer.

  6. F.E.A.R.: After jealously looking at all the Trepang2 reviews with nothing to play it on (I'm trying to wait out getting a Steam Deck until there's a better battery model), I reinstalled this. It's still great. Is it scary? Is the story good? Is there any variety in the environments at all? The answer to all of those is lolno, but its stylishly shooting people in slow motion game is top-tier so nothing else matters. That, the ragdolling, the still really impressive particle effects and arguably gaming's most satisfying shotgun means nearly every encounter remains a joy almost 20 years later. The enemy AI to this day still puts most to shame, it really feels like they always have a plan and are in constant, constructive communication with each other. A classic. FPS boost has it running like a dream too.

    I'd love to play the DLC for the first time, but it's disc only and seems to be quite rare. I really don't want to end up paying more for that than I did for the three main games combined.

  7. On 7/1/2023 at 1:54 PM, Arch Stanton said:

    or any fan wanting it.

    I once seen someone pick up some thumbtacks that had possibly been inside Raven or Abyss, then they dipped their ticket into a pool of blood they'd left on the floor. Don't let me catch you overestimating wrestling fans normality again.

  8. The Silo finale was brilliant. One ridiculous theory I had paid off, many others WAY off and some (that the Cloverfield monster did it) yet to be decided. I love this shit. My fate being in the hands of book paedos for the next year or so, minimum, has me uneasy. There's some stuff I'm a little confused on but not a fucking chance I'm typing "Silo" anything into a search bar!

  9. Set out at five in the morning Saturday, delayed flight in, bastard trains, bastard tubes, bastard accidentally paying to exit a station I had a valid ticket for, a two+ hour taxi queue from hell after the show... And it was all worth It! I don't think it had a big two matches on here as good as the big two in Cardiff, but as a whole show I think this was better. Such an easy watch that I didn't leave my seat once, I was planning to during the womens tag but I was too tired to move and it ended up being okay. Everything else was good to great. As much as I've loved my few at stadiums, this was my first proper big show in a an arena, and that atmosphere just hits different, man. Drew, Cena, Cody's entrance (I was shaking) were spine-tingling. I'd somehow never seen a ladder match live before so it's nice to cross that off the list. You'll never convince me that having Cody lose at Mania (and to Brock) wasn't one of the stupidest things they've ever done, the Bloodline stuff they've been doing since then is undeniably still phenomenal though, what a main event. I don't think the ominous mood change whenever Roman's theme starts will ever wear off, he's special.

    Can't wait to watch it all back. WM 2025 night one: Puerto Rico, night two: UK. Let's go!

  10. 4 hours ago, JLM said:

    Do you get a sense of the wrestlers being increasingly worn down as it goes on? In the AKI games i liked that it took longer to get up when you’d taken more damage, but in the Yukes Smackdown games they’d pop up like they were the Woyah. 

    I've only played complete mismatches that go about five minutes flat so far, I can't decide if that makes me really qualified (there's been a lot of damage!) to answer this or not (no chance of fatigue setting in). It's hard for me to see much difference in how long they're down at this point, there's been no jarring pop-ups though and the majority of times I've seen poor Jack and Sammy get back to their feet today they've been clutching their back!



  11. Just messed around with it a little so far, crushing Jungle Boy a few times with Wardlow. I think it's exactly what it looks like, a basic wrestling game. Which I need coming after the last WWE game I played that had me take a long seminar with Drew Gulak asking me to pat my head and spin the analogue stick to lock-up and I was still pretty lost. Here, I largely have the hang of it already. The hit detection's sometimes off, then other times Jungle Boy's bouncing off me like I'm a brick wall and I'm audibly OHOing taking his head off with a clothesline!

    I'll have fun with this and I'm happy to support it, but as much as I find their willingness to update this in the short term admirable, if they think there's years or a generation's worth of legs in this game they're deluded. Make a great base game first, this isn't there yet and there's no shame in that at all. It was a long road from Vs The World to No Mercy, SD to HCTP, WM18 to DOR and Raw to... just kidding, all the Xbox ones were anal soup.

    I skimmed through all the moves in CAW and I'm sad to say the exploding barbed wire Viscagra dream is dead. I even checked all the Full Nelson variants just in case they were really clever with the naming. Life's cruel.


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