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Posts posted by MPDTT

  1. 1 minute ago, Supremo said:

    Yeah, every G1 show has tag previews for the other block, so when the A block guys are having their singles matches the B block guys will have tag matches on the undercard and vice versa. My biggest tip for keeping up is to skip the tag matches.

    Good idea. This the first G1 I'm aiming to watch from start to finish too.

  2. 16 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    Ospreay was class once again, enjoyed ZSJ/Sanada too.

    Hated Kenta/Ibushi though, it was just a 20 minute kick fest. 

    I agree.

    All the tag matches were ok - nothing stood out apart from the Cobb / Ishii confrontation. I went to bed after Kenya/Ibushi so need to watch Tana v Okada, but Ospreay v Archer was superb and ZSJ v Sanada was great also.

    Overall, a pretty good show (may up my view after watching the main event).


  3. There have been so many incredible matches this year. My favourite being Dustin v Cody. But what a six months! Tanahashi v Omega, Scurll v Aldis, Ospreay v Shingo, Young Bucks v Lucha Bros, Ibushi v Naito (twice), Ospreay v Dragon Lee, Gargano v Cole all stand out.

    I'd say moment of the year to date for me is Will Ospreay winning BOSJ.

    Biggest let down is the whole PAC shambles and the cancelling of the Adam Page match

    Wrestler of the year to date is Will Ospreay, who is just on a different level



  4. 9 hours ago, David said:

    You've admitted that you lost three fucking grand last year. You have a weird sense of what fun is, mate.

    Yeah, that was on ICOs, which was fucking stupid. Savedroid, Hycon, Shopin and Quarkchain. All lost me heaps. I've done reasonably well trading thereafter. I do find it fun. But it is a form of gambling and you should only put in what you can afford to lose.

    My portfolio was worth ~$3500 earlier this year and it's worth $5300 today, so it's been more fun this year!

  5. 8 hours ago, Tommy! said:

    You could be feeding a deep set narcissistic complex or attempting sublimation for self perceived failures when comparing yourself to a unrealistic social ideal. It could be a misguided attempt to be accepted due to a deep-rooted limitation on social interaction or perhaps you place an undue weight on the true actions and motives not shared by the social masses and so propagate lies to hide a non issue for your own peace of mind. Maybe the lies are to conceal a darker truth I can't fathom or you're just insecure about having a tiny willy. 

    There are lots of reasons people make stuff up for a personal gain often overlooked. Or at least that's what a video on YouTube told me. 

    For what it's worth i believe what you say, I just wouldn't trust it. 

    Wow, that's deep. We have an off-topic forum to discuss non wrestling stuff. I chose to share a couple of things that were of interest to me. The Singapore posting got me some good tourism recommendations and the crypto thing is a lot of fun and I believe we are now in a bull market again and making money is much easier.

  6. On 6/21/2019 at 9:54 AM, Brewster McCloud said:

    if you time it right you can get a decent price for a pint at Brewerkz at the end of Orchard Road. It's my go-to bar when I have to go to Singapore. They've banned smoking, though, the fuckers. If you're hanging out in Singapore, my advice would be to head to Little India or China Town. Get the MRT to Race Course Road and have a curry and a beer for 20 dollars.

    @Brewster McCloud thanks for the recommendation. Best satay I had in Singapore.



  7. On 6/22/2019 at 7:59 PM, Kamaras-Tash said:

    Might just be me but I never believe a fucking thing this MPDTT fella says, spent this much on Bitcoin, in America watching AEW, in Singapore

    All of which is true. Waste far too much time trading Crypto on Binance. I just got back from Singapore on Business and yes, I was at Double or Nothing. Not sure what I have to gain from making stuff up. But OK.

  8. 14 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

    I thought you were politically homeless?

    Tory remainer. It's a tough spot to be in....I resigned my membership of the party after the referendum result. Voted Lib Dem at every opportunity since, purely over Brexit.

  9. 59 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Touchy. If nothing else, the talent being so aware of what a rut the product is in will hopefully mean everyone tries to have as good a match as possible.

    Thanks for sharing - the comments on that tweet are priceless.

  10. 19 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    I'd imagine they're talking about reach. Definitely not talking money. Never seen any figures for what AEW are being paid but it's gonna be peanuts compared to WWE. It's great for them that they have the opportunity to be seen and great for fans but it's a business and it's about the dosh. If they convert big viewership into PPV buys and everything else then great but it's not better.

    Don't blame them for saying so, it's a hype business. Surely no one sensible believes it.

    Oh, I never meant that the AEW deal was for the same $$$ as WWEs, I was referring to the reach of the channels concerned. 

  11. 8 hours ago, David said:

    Sorry, but saying that now isn't the time to be in alt coins is like a trader saying that now isn't the time to be trading pharmaceutical stocks. Each pharma company is different, and while industry-wide trends can affect pharmaceutical stocks as a whole, there is so much more to it than just getting a $15 sub to Trading View and looking for trend lines.

    Does technical analysis play a part? Of course it does, but only as a guide in conjunction with other factors. 

    Again, I appreciate your use of jargon, and to the uninitiated it probably sounds impressive, but in all honesty none of it means anything unless you know the reasons behind why these things happen.

    Think about it this way. You say that ADA isn't an attractive trade at the moment, right? But, if we can get a bounce then things might change. Here's my question, if everyone is doing what you are and only going off the Trading View charts, and they are all concluding that ADA is a bad buy at the moment, then it would never change, right? It would remain in a negligible channel that doesn't change much, doomed to always be a "bad buy."

    It looks terrible right now you say, but why will that ever change? You know why? Because something will happen to make it change, and it has nothing to do with the Trading View charts or the trend lines your YouTube professionals are telling you to look at.

    There will be a catalyst of some sort that drives people like me to take note, at which point I'll check the charts and see what the lay of the land is. The charts are nothing more than a guide. 

    Here's an example of how I'd approach this particular situation. I become aware of a development that will affect Cardano, such as the TestNet development I mentioned. I'll check out the information that's available, I'll look at a few different viewpoints on it, do some research, and see what's going on.

    Only at that point will I check the charts. I'll use them to see where the price of Cardano is sitting just now, and I'll look back to see what kind of movement the coin saw when similar catalysts occurred. I'll look for trends in where the price is currently sitting, and more importantly what levels it's risen to in the past. I can use that information to gauge what kind of return I'd roughly hope to see.

    If it looks promising enough to take the shot, then I will. I'll double check my research on the TestNet news, carry out my due diligence like a lot of people will, and I'll make my buy. 

    Others like me will do the same, and this is what then starts the price moving upwards. It's because of people taking note of a catalyst and seeing a chance to profit that causes this "bounce" that you're talking about.

    The problem you and others like you face is that while I've done a bit of work to find out why Cardano has potential for a rise and then bought in while you think it "looks terrible" at a price that's reasonably low, you won't know anything about it until it starts to rise on your charts. There's a good chance that by then you've missed the ideal entry point and have jumped in either just before or at the tip of the rise.

    But that's good for me, because people like you cause the price pump that lifts the price higher, and just as a lot of the casual investors jump in I'll be looking to cash out, as i'll have seen a higher profit percentage from my buy-in area (the area you described as looking terrible.)

    Yeah, which is why people like you lose $3,000 a year. I know that may sound harsh, but if it were just as easy as looking at a few charts everyone would be doing it. That's the difference between some schmuck who sits in his bedroom and trades penny stocks on his four screen setup and a professional trader who knows exactly what the fuck he or she is trading in. 

    And as for your YouTube "professional," I hate to break it to you mate, but she's not a professional trader making a fortune on the markets. Her YouTube channel is simply a marketing funnel for the "insider strategy group" that she punts for 25 quid a month. 

    Again, people like you who are looking for fast money and who like to throw around the jargon that makes you sound like you know what you're talking about are exactly what she's looking for. 

    The fast money doesn't exist. There's a reason behind everything that's going on, such as this current rise in Bitcoin. I detailed it a few pages back for you. The halving process is the catalyst. Just be smart and don't get too greedy. 

    Can you make money from crypto? Absolutely, but @Undefeated Steak is bang on the money, if you're only using the charts and the trend lines then you're basically gambling. You can pretend that you aren't, but you are.

    You admit to knowing fuck all about what you're trading, so you're basically taking a chance that something will hit your little line on the chart and change direction. Maybe it will, maybe it won't, but that's guess work. 

    Unless you're operating with the knowledge of a catalyst, a real event, some change in technology, a top tech firm buying into a company, a change in protocols, an event, then you're gambling. 

    Without knowledge you're guessing, or you're happy to be among the last to know when a catalyst has occurred and changed the price direction, which may lead to a bit of profit, or it may lead to getting in too late and being burned for thousands of dollars.

    Gambling yes, but 50/50 coin toss, no. I often describe crypto trading as a form of gambling.

  12. Just now, SuperBacon said:


    Popular? She is the most ridiculed, moronic MPs in parliament. She is as sharp as a marble!

  13. 29 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    A forum for change sounds like a Tory think tank that would come out with policies to appeal to other Tory cunts. Bring back workhouses, that sort of thing. 

    Workhouses - I'm a fan of this idea

  14. AEW on ITV and WWE on BT....Cody wasn't kidding at Starrcast when he brought this up at the 'Evening with Cody and The Young Bucks' event. He was making the point that AEWs TV deal is much better that WWEs thanks to.Tony Khan. I wonder if they had insider info about the BT deal?

  15. 25 minutes ago, Undefeated Steak said:

    Here's the thing though - it is a coin toss. There's only ever a 50% chance of which way it will go next. And that's not accounting for the fees you pay on an exchange. So you're always going to be starting against the odds. Trying to make money from quick trades on any currency is nothing more than a glorified version of playing red or black on a slot machine, unless you're one of the less than 1% who really know their stuff. And really, the few experts who do know what they're doing will be investing in more legitimate places.

    I'm not saying it's not possible to make money on Bitcoin - of course it is - you can give a chimpanzee a coin to flip and one person can go with its coin toss result and the other against it - one of the two people will win money.

    People can try and analyse and look into data and the latest news and do as much research as they like, but at the end of the day, if it was as easy as that then everybody would be doing it. Investing (and I use the word extremely loosely), on cryptocurrencies should be seen as nothing more than a bit of fun and something to talk about with your mates. The days of making big bank on Bitcoin are over, unless you're willing to risk an insane amount of money, or hold onto it in the hope that it will someday reach $100K per Bitcoin or something mad.

    There are a few things you can look at to give you a sense of knowledge on your next trade, but for every article saying that Bitcoin will rise, there'll be an equal amount saying it's going to fall. 

    Again, I'm not saying to not get into it and that you can't make money but it is just a glorified coin toss at the end of the day.

    If you're looking to try your hand in Bitcoin, the best thing to do is to stick whatever you can afford to lose into it and ignore any charts or news updates for a year - and see whether you've made anything after 12 months.

    If you're looking to make money by investing, you should be looking 20+ years and be putting your money in something like a lifetime ISA or tracking a fund.

    If your interested, I suggest you follow the Nictrades group on Facebook for free and or watch the weekly free crypto analysis.

    This was from Monday gone:

    I think after 5 minutes you'll appreciate the value of technical analysis

  16. 17 minutes ago, Undefeated Steak said:

    Here's the thing though - it is a coin toss. There's only ever a 50% chance of which way it will go next. And that's not accounting for the fees you pay on an exchange. So you're always going to be starting against the odds. Trying to make money from quick trades on any currency is nothing more than a glorified version of playing red or black on a slot machine, unless you're one of the less than 1% who really know their stuff. And really, the few experts who do know what they're doing will be investing in more legitimate places.

    I'm not saying it's not possible to make money on Bitcoin - of course it is - you can give a chimpanzee a coin to flip and one person can go with its coin toss result and the other against it - one of the two people will win money.

    People can try and analyse and look into data and the latest news and do as much research as they like, but at the end of the day, if it was as easy as that then everybody would be doing it. Investing (and I use the word extremely loosely), on cryptocurrencies should be seen as nothing more than a bit of fun and something to talk about with your mates. The days of making big bank on Bitcoin are over, unless you're willing to risk an insane amount of money, or hold onto it in the hope that it will someday reach $100K per Bitcoin or something mad.

    There are a few things you can look at to give you a sense of knowledge on your next trade, but for every article saying that Bitcoin will rise, there'll be an equal amount saying it's going to fall. 

    Again, I'm not saying to not get into it and that you can't make money but it is just a glorified coin toss at the end of the day.

    If you're looking to try your hand in Bitcoin, the best thing to do is to stick whatever you can afford to lose into it and ignore any charts or news updates for a year - and see whether you've made anything after 12 months.

    If you're looking to make money by investing, you should be looking 20+ years and be putting your money in something like a lifetime ISA or tracking a fund.

    So you discard the technical analysis that predicts which way a coin is going? Technical analysis, in the simplest form, trading the moving averages, means it isn't a coin toss

  17. On 6/21/2019 at 4:24 PM, David said:

    It's Cardano, not Cardana, and whoever has told @UK Kat Von D to jump on it now is most likely right. You say that it really needs to bounce from here, or we're heading much lower? Do you have any idea why people would choose to jump on it now? It's easy to look at the history of the chart, anyone can do that. But why should it bounce? There has to be a catalyst behind the movement in the first place. The problem with relying entirely on the charts is that by the time you see the commodity start to climb you're already too late and will be jumping in after the fact. 

    Sure, you may enjoy the last of the fumes of the ride on occasion and make a slight profit, but the chances are you've gotten in just as those who know why it was going to rise in the first place are preparing to offload and take their profits. That's probably why you lost thousands of dollars last year. 

    What your "price action" and charts aren't telling you is that the much-anticipated release of its TestNet could be a bit of a game changer. The price over the coming months has a very good chance of rising as people catch onto this, and then the casuals will jump on when they see the uptick on their charts as well, leading to a nice final pump in price for those who got in nice and early (which includes our very own @UK Kat Von D on this occasion.)

    Lots to comment on....sorry for the delay in responding- it's been an amazing 24 hours in BTC, which I'm 95% in, rest in BNB.

    Sorry for the typo in cardamo. ADA and BNB have been my most successful coins in the past.

    ADA continues to collapse in BTC value as big daddy is on the rampage. This is not the time to be in alts - but a good alt season will arrive soon. ADA is at its worst level against BTC since Decemher and is under the 20, 50 and 200 moving average on the 4 hour chart, not to mention the CCI is negative. If we can get a bounce here, come back and retest it and get above the 20 MA on the 4  hour chart, I'd buy a bag, but that means seeing it get above 0.00000914, which should then be resistance. ADA looks terrible right now and isn't a buy:


    The question you ask is how can you predict wherr a coin goes next. It's not coin toss - technical analysis of charts can predict to varying degrees of accuracy which coins will go up and which will go down using measures of volume, fibonnaci and moving averages. This is what I pay attention to. I know little to nothing of what the project is behind each coin - I trade the technicals.

    If you want to get insight into this without paying a bean, go to Facebook and search for the Nictrades group. The paid group costs £25 @ month, but the free group has a live video review of every major coin every Monday night, where Nic talks through the technicals on each coin - which ones are buys and which are sells. I pay and get a twice daily update and trade based on the analysis. Nic also provides regular lessons and there are training modules provided to learn the strategy. Pays for itself in droves.



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