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Posts posted by MPDTT

  1. Just unreal....

    They can't seriously want Rebecca Long-Bailey for leader and Richard Burgon as deputy? Will they learn nothing? Wrong Daily and a guy caught out on video stating "Zionism is the enemy of peace". If that happens then there is no point of even calling the next election, the Conservatives have already won it......

    Just give Jess Phillips or Keir Starmer the nod. At least there will be a credible opposition.

  2. 1 hour ago, Factotum said:

    As does everyone, especially in this era of social media.The right are just as bad at doing it, as are those in the centre. It riles everyone up. Whether than be a Corbynista shouting at Luciana Berger for being a Blairite, to Julia Hartley Brewer telling the left to fuck off, or James O'brien, the centirst Dad, sighing at someone who supports either side because he thinks he's right.

    I listen to James O'Brian each day. He's brilliant, but he's not going around telling everyone who disagrees with him to fuck off! He wants the debate and is damn good at it.

  3. 2 hours ago, StrongStyle said:

    I mean this in the nicest possible way - fuck off you insufferable, right-wing Tory cunt.

    How sad.

    1. I voted Lib Dem and am not a Tory member. I voted to remain in 2016, I voted Lib Dem in 2017, I voted Lib Dem in 2019.

    2. As a Jew who lost 2 grandparents in Auschwitz and sees the Labour party and the Corbynism movement as the biggest threat I've ever known in my lifetime, I'm absolutely delighted that Labour have been wiped out.

    Perhaps you want to reflect on the fact that the silent majority remains silent time and time again until election day and then votes Tory because the left continuously like to berate anyone that voices views that differ to their own. I never throw personal insults, I never belittle anyone and I never swear at people for their different views.

    I passionately believe his country needs a strong opposition for a healthy democracy to function, but if Momentum and Len McCluskey's influence on the Labour party isn't curtailed then I worry that Boris and the Tories will have free reign for a generation - and we've seen time and time again through history that governments that don't have credible opposition become complacent, corrupt and stale.

    One more thing - some of the comments on this forum over the last few weeks about Rachel Riley have been absolutely disgusting and those who made them should hang their heads in shame. She's awesome.


  4. So unfortunately Brexit is unstoppable. At least we will be a low tax, low regulation and open immigration country under Boris. I wanted a hung parliament, but that aside this is the best result. Boris's majority means he doesn't have to pander to the extremes of his party and the size of Labours defeat means they will hopefully realise that Socialism is dead and revert to New Labour and become a credible opposition again.

  5. 20 hours ago, Loki said:

    I think this might be the last election where I vote against my own narrow financial self interest and vote in the interests of those less well off than me.

    If, after a decade of austerity and food banks, Brexit lies and Tory corruption, the great British public decide to reward them with an increased majority... Then fuck them frankly.

    I'm going to go fully right wing and revel in my tax breaks and private healthcare.  


    Made me chuckle. The problem is the looney left is unelectable. Boris can do what he wants. If Labour throw out Momentum, dump Corbyn, McDonald and all those on the hard left and had a centrist leader and manifesto, they'd romp home. Their ideology is dead. It hasn't won a UK election since the 70s and never will again.

    I'd vote for whoeever it took to keep Corbyn out of Downing street and I've come to terms with the fact that I may have to accept Brexit as it's a lot less frightening than Comrade Corbyn and that awful manifesto of his.


  6. 4 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Right, let’s get to it.

    Kenny Omega vs. Jon Moxley at Full Gear was the most disappointing match in as long as I can remember. Two of my favourites set to have a match of the year candidate, and what do they do instead? Have a shitty CZW match straight out of Tournament of Death in the mid 2000s, where about two thirds of the match consisted of them cluelessly looking under ring curtains because they couldn’t find the next gimmick to use. If this was the type of match Mox wanted with Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania then no wonder Brock told him to fuck off. They’re lucky Rene Young was losing her mind on Twitter fearing for her husband’s wellbeing because that was about the only dramatic or interesting thing about it.

    On the plus side though absolutely everything else about AEW is firing on all cylinders at the moment, Darby Allin is the next Jeff Hardy, MJF is the greatest, Chris Jericho is nothing short of spectacular and that last episode of Dynamite was one of the best pro wrestling TV shows in years.  

    I've not watched the Moxley v Omega match back yet, but I loved it live. Such a polarising match - like marmite.

  7. Another amazing show, although I have to admit, I preferred last weeks due to the fact that there was just so much better tag team matches.

    I managed to time a business trip to Houston just right.....I've got my Full Gear ticket and fly out to the US on Tuesday for 2 weeks, but flying internally into Baltimore on Saturday morning for Full Gear. On the Sunday I can be a tourist in Washington DC, then back to Houston.

  8. 1 hour ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    What about him appeals to you? 

    Well, I have no issue with his look, he’s actually able to wrestle when he chooses to, the Cracker Barrel challenge and the Darby Allin matches were both fun, met him twice in Vegas and he seemed a very genuine and nice fella and I didn’t think his promo on dynamite sucked either. The only thing I really hate about him is his liking of Taylor Swift’s music....that is inexcusable.

    I’m happy for the guy - he never expected this kind of opportunity.

  9. Great episode - preferred it to episode 1! It just brings back the feeling of excitement I had watching Nitro as a teenager around 1997. I haven't been left wanting more aftet a wrestling show goes off the air for a long time, but AEW has achieved that 2 weeks in a row.

    The Bucks v Private Party was just amazing, Havoc/Allin and Mox/Spears were both very good, so was the main event and I'm really invested in the Baker/Priestley fued.

    Commentary was good, Jericho's promo was superb and I really like the Inner Circle stable name. The crowd was hot, which also helps and the closing brawl was a great way to close

  10. 29 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Would you have liked it more if Kenny had said some swear words during his run-in,  like, “tits,” “arse,” or, “piss”?

    I'd have liked it if they just ended the match clean or had Britt Baker do the run in as she was on commentary. 

  11. 1 minute ago, MPDTT said:

    Hey @BomberPat. I get that, but it took away from his entrance just a few minutes later - it hurt the pop. He did a run in, when doing so added nothing to the match, went straight to the back and then came back out again to the BTE theme with the Bucks. The whole entrance for Kenny and the Young Bucks just felt flat - nowhere near as special as Cody's at the start of the show.

    Also - Kenny's either going with the whole unstable, crazy, falling to pieces angle......or he isn't. Which is it?

  12. 22 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    Literally every single time Riho has wrestled the announcers have called her "the preferred intergender tag partner of Kenny Omega". It seems a more than obvious set-up to me.


    Hey @BomberPat. I get that, but it took away from his entrance just a few minutes later - it hurt the pop. He did a run in, when doing so added nothing to the match, went straight to the back and then came back out again to the BTE theme with the Bucks. The whole entrance for Kenny and the Young Bucks just felt flat - nowhere near as special as Cody's at the start of the show.

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