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Posts posted by MPDTT

  1. Well, I'm thinking of skipping the football entirely and heading to CRATE Brewery & Pizzeria before the show. Just a short walk from the Copper Box. If anyone fancies a few pints before the show.....

  2. Forgot I'd bought floor seats for Royal Quest! I have a busy Saturday - start at Selhurst Park for the Palace match, then on to the Copper box for NJPW and then home for All Out. What a Saturday!!!!!!!!!!



  3. 7 hours ago, Daaaaaad! said:

    The promo following this all up on Being The Elite was great. He rips Moxley a new one and shows a newfound intensity, I feel. Perhaps one of the best heel promos he's ever cut.

    Shame he's pretty much supposed to be the company's top babyface, as near as I can tell.

    Great promo, best I've ever seen Omega do. But I don't see it as a heel promo.

  4. 20 hours ago, Cod Eye said:

    Fuck me, I love my town and all, but that video makes me cringe so much. Dickheads...


    This is my perception of England, outside of London, in 2019.


    I was in Arundel at the weekend and came across this in a shop window:






  5. This is the first G1 I've followed and I'm having a blast! Love the concept - its like a PPV every few days...but glad I took the advice to skip the tags...

    As above, Ishii / Moxley, Ospreay / Ibushi are highlights for me....but also loved Ospreay / Archer, Tanahashi / Okada, Cobb / Ishii.

    Yet to watch night 7.

  6. Just finished watching Fight for the Falen - what a weekend of Wrestling with the 2 G1 shows and FFTF!

    I loved this show - up until the main event - which left me flat. All four men worked hard, but The Bucks are at their best in a fast paced match and this one just didn't seem to get out of first gear. The crowd seemed quiet for it also. But the closing promo was excellent.

    The venue looked great, as everyone has said.

    Great to see Bea Priestley finally debut

    Loved the 6 man opener - and Jimmy Havoc looked good in this one in my view. Shawn Spears looked like a star

    Luchasaurus looked like a star and The Dark Order going over was the right call - Marko Stunt's involvement wasn't needed

    Adam page and Kip Sabian was good and Kip came off well, despite losing

    I thought the work to build Hangman / Jeriicho was well done

    Brandi / Allie was shit

    SCU v Lucha Brothers was fantastic

    Kenny Omega / Cima was my MOTN and told a great story.


    I like the long matches and hope they are here to stay - 6 matches going over 15 minutes gives the talent to go out and show what they can do and tell a good story. I'm surprised they have no more events until All Out - one more show in between could keep momentum going - its a long gap.




  7. On 2/8/2018 at 4:33 PM, JNLister said:

    Just noticed that if you use Google Calendar you can add the NJPW World broadcast schedule to it and have it automatically update. It's at the very bottom of the page at https://njpwworld.com/feature/schedule#googtrans(en) and you just click the + sign by "Google Calendar". It even adjusts it to UK time.


    Just searched Google for exactly this and it brought be back to the UKFF. Very useful for the G1. Thanks @JNLister

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