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Posts posted by MPDTT

  1. 2 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

    Big fan of folk trying to 'big time' themselves.

    I think all the critique being leveled at ROH is very fair. They had a chance to do a a big Paul Heyman from Beyond Mat ("Fuck you, you're wrong! Fuck you, we're right!") but they chose to shit the bed instead. As I said before, the amount of fans they've gained from that show will be offset but the amount of fans they've lost and left still unimpressed. Their roster looks piss-poor, there was no reason to care about any stories or characters afterwards and they're trying to be a second rate TNA tribute act. Awful.

    Whilst you're in Houston though, make sure to check out Sneaky Pete's Dualing Piano Bar. It's a brilliant night, the drinks are good and they're a great bunch of lads.


    Thats tonight sorted then - thanks! We were trying to figure out where to go!

  2. 7 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

    Never change MPDTT, you daft ROH apologist. ROH had their biggest ever opportunity to make a HUGE impression, gain some much-need traction and prove their doubters wrong, but they fucked it, massively and royally. You couldn't even be arsed to defend it, it was that bad.

    And I'm not going to mention the pre-show Rambo that had Ishii, Suzuki, Liger and Muta mucking around with Kenny King, The Kingdom, Rhett Titus and the fucking Beer City Bruiser, as well as the rest of ROH's bland undercard. What an embarrassment.

    Not even John Pollock, who always tries his best to be impartial and fair, could muster the enthusiasm to properly defend the ROH side. 

    So it's a show of two halves; New Japan nailed it. They had matches that ranged from good (Jay White vs Okada) to great (Ibushi vs Naito) to downright fantastic (Dragon Lee vs Ishiimori vs Bandido). Ospreay vs Cobb was a hot opener that should've set the tone for the rest of the show, but ROH followed up that firey start with their own dirge. 

    The women's match; a disaster.

    The Bully Ray angle (including the shit with the rapper and the awful, awful post-match); a mess. The actual match is something that would be up my street but was built up and delivered so incredibly poorly that I couldn't give a toss about it.

    The ladder match; an overly long slog that failed to deliver either a) A story based ladder match or B) a wild spot fest. I fucking LOVE ladder matches (I cannot stress that enough), and I find it really easy to focus on their positives, but this managed to get a fail on all fronts.  

    The four way tag; good until the insanely hair-brained idea of having Enzo and Cass run in afterwards. What should've been a brilliant moment for PCO, whose storied journey back to the top could be the subject of a documentary series, was drowned out by ENZO AND CASS. FUCKING ENZO AND CASS. 

    ROH went out with the specific agenda of appealing to a market who have no interest in ROH, and will only pass off these antics as desperate pandering. Any fans they gained from that show will be offset by the huge numbers who will continue to ignore ROH or stop watching all together.

    Despite New Japan's involvement, I'd still consider this as a Worst Show Of The Year contender, just due to ROH's involvement. What a catastrophe.

    Greetings from Houston, Texas @Accident Prone. Loved the show live, not watched it back, but I really got caught up in it - I enjoyed the show. I've read a lot of the critisism since, but I don't think its anywhere near as bad as you make out above. The womens match was terrible, the Enzo  / Cass involvement is dreadful, but overall I enjoyed the show.

    I may drive to Texas City on Saturday for the Reality of Wrestling promotion (Booker T's outfit) - they have a show on on Saturday featuring absolutely nobody I've ever heard of..... 

  3. 21 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    Which was ruined by ROH Female talent Kelly Klein, they should have just scrapped that and put Kagetsu, Hazuki and Hana Kimura on the main card

    Mandy Leon, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love are and will always be shite, Mayu Iwatani kinda legitimised the WOH belt, defending it in Stardom on a couple of occasions now it’s bollocks again considering they only have about 5 women on the roster.  If ROH think The Beautiful People will give the Belt integrity Delirious truly is his names sake, 

    Enzo and Cass???

    I like a Rumble but the ROH blokes proper stank it up, the 6 man street fight was beyond shit and I decided to not bother with the ladder match although I did see Jay Lethal nearly kill a fan when a ladder went flying into the front row.

    Like someone else mentioned ROH feels like Impact now.

    I've since read that Enzo and Cass incident might be a work. I really hope that's not true - neither belong in ROH

  4. Phenomenal show. Loved it from start to finish. Most fun I've had watching a PPV since All In. I've seen some reviews criticising the ROH portion of the booking, but I thought it was top to bottom awesome, except for the women's match.

    Next up for me is Double or Nothing. I fly out on May 21st to Vegas.

  5. So.....I know there is some other dross on next weekend, but really it's all about the G1 Supercard PPV! That's the big one really!!! ;) The G1 Supercard will be the first professional wrestling event at Madison Square Garden by a promotion not owned by the McMahon family since November 14, 1960.

    11 matches, several potential show stealers and live on NJPW World and Honorclub to boot.

    G1 Supercard Match Card:

        Honor Rumble (Pre-Show)
        Will Ospreay vs. Jeff Cobb (Never Openweight Champ vs. ROH World TV Champ)
        Dalton Castle vs. Rush
        Mayu Iwatani vs. Kelly Klein (WOH World Championship)
        Bully Ray vs. ??? (NYC Street Fight Open Challenge)
        Taiji Ishimori (c) vs. Dragon Lee vs. Bandido (IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship)
        Evil & Sanada vs. G.O.D. (c) vs. Villain Enterprises (c) vs. The Briscoes (IWGP & ROH Tag Championship)
        Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi (British Heavyweight Championship)
        Tetsuya Naito vs. Kota Ibushi (IWGP Intercontinental Championship)
        Jay Lethal (c) vs. Matt Taven vs. Marty Scurll (ROH World Championship Ladder Match)
        Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada (IWGP Heavyweight Championship)

    Bring it on! So much to love about this show!

  6. I marched in London yesterday and had a great time. Stopped off for a few beers in Trafalgar Square on the way round and managed to find a way round into Parliament Square also. Great atmosphere and really glad I went.

  7. 9 minutes ago, kidzero said:

    I value my honor club subscription just as much as I value my wwe network subscription... I think its great.. I also have a highspots-network and rev pro subscription and I love all them... I will probably resubscribe to progress and njpw in the summer.. I'm just trying to support indy wrestling and brit wrestling. 

    Tell me more highspots -network please

  8. 1 minute ago, kidzero said:

    I value my honor club subscription just as much as I value my wwe network subscription...

    Hahaha! That alone is not saying much! :)

    I cancelled the WWE Network over a year ago in favour of NJPW World and haven't looked back! I have no plans to drop either.

  9. On 3/8/2019 at 12:30 PM, kidzero said:

    I got an email from roh saying my honor club vip account is cancelled and will not auto renew witch is odd cause I only subbed for another year in February.. This happen to any one else? 

    Not me.....still up to date with my sub.

    Can't wait for the G1 Supercard! Such a massive event for ROH and NJPW.


  10. 26 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Much like 2016's failed coup I have a feeling that this stunt may end badly for them. Could very well be the end of their political careers.

    Outside of social media bubbles I've seen no talk of "centrism" and the like. Most people upset with either party just drifted to UKIP.

    Have this lot announced anything of substance so far?

    Or the opposite for their careers- perhaps they realise that no party standing on a socialist agenda has won an election for 45 years.....for a reason!

    Labour has been destroyed by Momentum - this split in the parliamentary party was inevitable.

    And even as a Tory remainer, I want to see a credible opposition - it's necessary for a healthy democracy. Given how Theresa May has handled Brexit, it's shocking that Labour are not well ahead in the polls.....and that's due to undoing all of Tony Blair's work to make the party electable.

  11. 37 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Chuka and his mates have been saying for ages how they serve their constituents and not party members, so lets see if they stand by that and see what their constituents have to say.  With the exception of Berger, who has received horrible consistent abuse, they can fuck off.

    The tories are the winners here.

    Hopefully this encourages the Converative centrist remainers to break away also - just a likely given the parties Brexit battle within. I'm personally hoping for this as I couldn't vote Tory anymore - I resigned my membership of the party after the referendum result.

    Let's see what happens....

  12. 3 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

    It's Rumble and Takeover weekend! So for those of you who want a bit of a taster, I've thrown together a short list of 'Before They Were Superstars' matches to check out to get you in the mood;

    Tommy End (Aleister Black) vs Tommaso Ciampa – AAW Hell Hath No Fury, 04/10/2015 - Highspots Network (&9.99 per month)

    Ricochet vs. Johnny Gargano - EVOLVE 10: A Tribute To The Arena, 14/01/2012 - Club WWN ($9.99 per month)

    Ricochet vs. Johnny Gargano - WWN Live! in Beijing, 16/11/2014 - YouTube

    Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno)  vs. Matt Riddle - EVOLVE 57, 20/03/2016 - Club WWN ($9.99 per month)

    Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno)  vs. Matt Riddle - EVOLVE 71, 16/10/2016 - Youtube

    Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno)  vs. Matt Riddle - EVOLVE 73, 13/11/2016 - Club WWN ($9.99 per month)

    War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe) vs reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly) - ROH on SBG #138, 05/04/2014 - Honor Club (Various tiers, starts at $9.99 per month)

    War Machine (Hanson & Ray Rowe) vs reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly) - PCW/ROH SuperShow Of Honor #2  Show 3, 28/11/2015 - PCW On-Demand (£5.99 per month)

    War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe) vs reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly) - AAW Killers Among Us 2017, 17/06/2017 - Highspots Network (&9.99 per month)

    AJ Styles vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH Dissension, 28/01/2006 - YouTube

    (There's also a FANTASTIC AJ/Danielson match from ROH Main Event Spectacles in 2003, but I'm unsure as to whether it's on Honor Club. Maybe @MPDTTcan have a look and let us know. I'd subscribe for a month just to watch that match again).



    Doubt it....there isn't much on HC pre Sinclair

  13. 3 minutes ago, David said:

    What makes you think that though? We saw a lot of dips and rises over 2018, none of which signalled an uptrend.

    BTC is currently sitting at around the $4,000 mark today. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it won't crack the channel between $3,500 and $5,500 throughout 2019. Lots of people seem to think that this was a Bitcoin crash.

    It wasn't, this is it finding its level. The days of $20,000 per coin are long gone, and they won't be back.

    It wasn't, this is it finding its level. The days of $20,000 per coin are long gone, and they won't be back.  Agreed, at least not in 2019. I do personally believe that the future lies in crpyto and blockchain however. I don't think Bitcoin will win out eventually. Ripple has a high chance of being successful, as does Binance Coin. I may just but some and put in cold storage and forget about it.

    BTC is currently sitting at around the $4,000 mark today. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it won't crack the channel between $3,500 and $5,500 throughout 2019. Lots of people seem to think that this was a Bitcoin crash. I suspect we will get to $4700 in the next week, maybe higher. The problem is there is (a) no 'new' money is entering crypto and (b) there are far too many shitcoins that serve no purpose and need to die off. I suspect a strong move above $5k and commentators speculating the bottom is in might start to bring in new money, in which case a move back to closer to $10k. But who knows......institutional Investment could see all-time highs by the end of 2019 or BTC could continue to drop to $1k!

  14. 2 minutes ago, gmoney said:

    Sorry to hear that mate. Did you buy in at the top of the market? I hope you weren't unbearably smug about how you were about to make millions when it was riding high. It's a good lesson on investment, when tech bros on twitter , people in pubs and cab drivers all talking about an investment as if it's easy money, you know the bubble is about to burst.

    To be honest, I've only lost about $3k in 2018. I've spent much of the second half of the year in tether. I'm just getting interested again as the BTC chart is increasingly making me believe that we bottomed on December 15th. Since then it has rallied by $1000 and whilst its still countertrend, if it continues another month, we'd be in an uptrend again.

  15. 1 hour ago, gmoney said:

    No, but I follow every Bitcoin price crash with great interest and glee as everyone I've ever encountered who's invested in it has been a complete prat. 

    That would be a summary of my 2018.....lost a fair whack

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