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Posts posted by MPDTT

  1. 2 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I'll take 'Things MPDTT Wouldn't Say About An ROH Show' for 300 please, Alex.

    Who pulled your chain? I am an ROH fan, an Impact fan, and NJPW fan. I get to a couple of Progress shows a year......

    It is disappointing though - I say that as a TNA fan going back to the very first show (I used to get them off Easynews). I thought they would land somewhere half-decent given how the product has improved under Don Callis an Scott D'Amore. Mind you, I've just read on PWinsider that this is a temporary home and 'non-exclusive'. A reminder of the challenge facing AEW to get a TV deal as well....

    I've never got 'wrasslin' fans wanting to see companies fail. The more successful promotions there are, the better for the talent and better for the fans. I personally want them all to succeed.  



  2. 1 hour ago, dopper said:

    With Page, Cody, & The Bucks all losing fair & square the rumours of them leaving are going to continue until January 1st at least.

    Agree. Pretty obvious they are leaving. I hope And believe they are not going to WWE, so will probably be setting up their own promotion.

  3. 7 hours ago, kidzero said:

    Yeah good show ladder war was epic and the right team one

    I thought it was one of the  best shows of the year. Top to bottom....everyone delivered. Hangman / Cobb was my MOTN.

    That Matt Taven botch was scary however. He is very, very lucky to come away uninjured. Same goes for everyone in Ladder War!

  4. 6 hours ago, dopper said:


    I was looking forward to signing up to Honorclub for the first time in order to watch tonight's show.

    Looking at their website now though it reads like their ppvs are not included in the monthly Honorclub subscription. Have I read that right?


    $9.99 is a bargain to watch that show and then spend the rest of the month looking through the back catalogue, but I don't fancy paying $35 just to watch tonight's ppv alone.

    Yes, unfortunately to get all PPVs included, you must pay $120 a year. That gives all PPVs, TV, back catalogue and all house shows broadcast live. I think its a great deal.

  5. 24 minutes ago, bigfoote said:

    Maybe this is for the "This happened in 2018" thread, but will it be we look back at Final Battle as the end of the Elite in indies, and the proto-birth of them going it alone?

    I think we'll see them sign either to their own promotion, or to their own Management Company.

    The more I think about it, the more I think it will be the latter. If the Elite are signed as one to their own Management Company, and said management company signs block deals with NJPW, ROH, potentially Impact and others, then they can gain the benefits of 'being signed', but also not be constrained to exclusivity - which is what I think they want. Selling the Elite as a package deal gives them huge bargaining power.

    Coming to think of it......isn't that what Carlos Tevez did with a firm called MSI back in the day?

  6. Really looking forward to Final Battle tonight on Honorclub!

    We are so lucky now to be able to get so much live wrestling content. In the 90s I was so frustrated that we never even got access to WCW ppvs.....

    So, tonight....is The Elite bowing out of ROH or not?

  7. Agree. This card looks amazing. I'll 'work' from home on the 4th!

    They have such a talented roster that there are so many names that should be on the card, but will probably end up on the pre-show.


  8. Final Battle looks awesome. So many of these could steal the show.


    Ring of Honor Final Battle pay-per-view, December 14

    -Jay Lethal vs. Cody for the ROH Championship.

    -Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky vs. The Young Bucks vs. The Briscoes in a Ladder War for the ROH Tag Titles.

    -Jeff Cobb vs. Adam Page for the ROH TV Title.

    -Sumie Sakai vs. Madison Rayne vs. Karen Q vs. Kelly Klein in a four corner survival match for the Women of Honor Championship.

    -Matt Taven vs. Dalton Castle for Taven’s “real world title”.

    -Jonathan Gresham vs. Zack Sabre. Jr.

    -Bully Ray vs. Flip Gordon in an I Quit match.

    -Marty Scurll vs. Christopher Daniels for Scurll’s shot at the ROH Championship.

  9. 2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:


    Funny, That's not the part of my post I thought would get commented on!

    Putting yourself in that situation and enduring that kind of pain takes serious guts. Who in their right mind would really what to put themselves through that when they don't have to?

  10. After all the ridicule of David Arquette when he won the WCW title from Jeff Jarret in 2000, the guy went out and proved he has bigger balls that all of us. Absolutely crazy! But why do it to himself? Even if his career in hollywood is effectively dead, he can't be broke given his family. David Arquette has a history of mental health issues and if I recall had a full breakdown about 10 years ago. I do hope that he's not in the same place and some back yard wrestling promoter just exploited him as a result.

  11. Great show - loved Jericho /  Evil and a good old fashioned submission to the walls.....I just missed the first hour as I screwed up on the start time! I thought it was a 9.30am start!

    Now onto ROH Survival of the Fittest tomorrow night.

  12. So I've just supplemented by Honorclub subscription with an NJPW World subscription. Watched King of Pro Wrestling yesterday and am already glad I finally subscribed. Game on!

  13. So ROH Glory By Honor is live on HonorClub tomorrow night. Finish work, head to the pub, get home around midnight and watch some live wrestling - then sleep in on Saturday! Perfect! Unfortunately the card is hardly inspiring!

    Jay Lethal v Silas Young

    Bullet Club v SCU

    Marty Scurll v Shane Helms

    Shane Taylor v Hangman Page

    The Briscoes v The Bouncers

    Bully Ray v Jonathan Grasham

    Jeff Cobb v Eli Isom

    Flip Gordon and Kenny King v The Kingdom

    Sumie Sakai & Britt Baker v Jenny Rose & Stella Grey

  14. 45 minutes ago, pol_pot_rick said:


    Ok, was the place even close to full? No. But your photo is from the dark match!

    But the lack of a good attendance is more down to lack of promotion and cramming all of BC and Chaos into 1 match! Felt like a house show for most of the night.

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