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Posts posted by HarmonicGenerator

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    There's a perfect Alan partridge one though. 


    As a share if it's of interest there's a really good RHLSTP episode with Cariad Lloyd discussing grief and death, especially her around talking to people who are grieving. I've never listened to her show but I'm told it's very good too. 

    She’s just released a book on the subject too called You Are Not Alone which might be of interest too.

  2. That’s sad to read. He’s had some serious health problems before, hasn’t he? I remember something happening with his throat that might have been life-threatening, which he overcame and then went on to have an excellent short run in WWECW. Sounds like his in-ring days are done now but hopefully he can still recover enough to get out of hospital soon.

  3. 4 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    Maybe it's rose tinted specs but it doesn't even look as nice as All Stars, that game was definitely a case of art style over graphical fidelity though.

    Those specs are perfectly clear, All Stars was a gem of a game and if Fight Forever rips it off I’d be thrilled.

  4. I bought into Zaynamania enough to watch wrestling this morning. Even though I haven’t been watching week-to-week, I had a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye during the entrances for the main event. It felt like Sami wasn’t just doing this for himself, it was for everyone in the arena, for everyone who’d ever gone through a tough time and got out the other side, everyone who’d ever felt held back, held down, or just not enough. He was a hero.

    The match itself would have had to be exceptional to follow such a build up and it kind of wasn’t. I felt my interest fading as it went on. The finish was flat enough that it killed the crowd - you could see on their faces that this wasn’t a “you beat our hero and we’re angry” reaction, it was “oh… guess that’s that then”. They were crushed and not in a good way. Roman winning is definitely the right decision but there must have been other ways. Maybe even just making it a little more sudden? Sami’s still fighting and then in a flash, chair punch spear done with no time wasted between? I don’t know.

    The Kevin Owens thing felt off. They can easily explain it tomorrow or Friday by him saying it took Sami ages to help him at the Rumble, but it felt odd at the time that he was ready to help, just not until after all the interference and after the match was done.

    Rest of the show was quite good even if I’m already struggling to remember much about it. Hope the Montez injury isn’t a legit one. Asuka vs Belair could steal the show at Mania.

  5. 11 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Absolutely no idea what Justice Smith offers as a lead either.

    He’s been comfortably the least enjoyable thing in everything I’ve seen him in. In the case of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom that’s a pretty big achievement. I’m looking forward to the Dungeons & Dragons film next month, but fear he’s going to drag it down.

  6. I also never got round to season 5, and prefer to imagine season 4 never existed. The prospect of season 4 was the reason I signed up for Netflix… luckily I’ve still got the DVDs of the good seasons to fall back on.

  7. 3 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    Imagine the the filthiest filth you can. Then merge that with the second filthiest filth. That's what this is. Just the way I like it.



    Where from please? I must try them 

  8. 2 minutes ago, SaitoRyo said:

    It was the pyro and also expecting Josey Scott to come out for Hero. He didn't, obviously. Do you remember who did? 

    Yeah, the Stadium of Light Bruce gig was great! Really good setlist and just a quick jaunt on the Metro to get there. Peaked with 'Glory Days', as it was a collective favourite of ours and we were all about eight beers deep. 

    I don't! I actually didn't remember them doing the song ... But I can remember the support band being called Default, who were apparently Kroeger proteges, so maybe he just got their singer on for it.

  9. 1 hour ago, SaitoRyo said:

    The first gig I can remember going to was Nickelback at the Telewest Arena in Newcastle in November of 2002. Which would make me 11 at the time, so don't judge!

    This was after How You Remind Me and Hero had come out so they were hot at the time. They played those two songs and a bunch of others and I was happy. As were my mate Gavin and my mam, who chaperoned. Don't remember all too much from the show, other than there was plenty of pyro, we were sitting not too far away and that I really wanted a hoodie, but didn't bother asking. Probably for the best. 

    That's the same show as my first gig! I like that your main memory was the pyro too.

    1 hour ago, SaitoRyo said:

    Best gig was probably one of the times I saw Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band. Maybe Hampden Park in the summer of 2013. I went with my brother, got nice and tipsy and had a lovely three hours, about fifteen or so rows back from the stage. Hampden in 2009 (first time seeing them) and Stadium of Light in 2012 (with high school mates) were also class. 

    I was at that Sunderland one too!

  10. 8 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    Will do.

    I think she's done a show all about Sonic the Hedgehog before and this one's more about the PS1.

    I saw the PS1 show at the Fringe last year - it’s a good show, but don’t expect too much PS1 related material!

    Rose Matafeo is excellent.

  11. 9 minutes ago, FUM said:

    Many would have baulked at the suggestion of … JBL being the top champion at one time.

    Still do. Him and Jinder Mahal remain two of the worst choices for champion they’ve ever made.

    I think it’s easier to support a “not a main eventer” champion when they’re a babyface. With Sami, like Eddie Guerrero, you like him and you want him to win. Everybody should want their favourite to be the champ - that’s not a wrong reaction to have.

  12. Would Sami vs Roman at EC have to be for the title? Sami could still beat him, and storyline wise it's more about their relationship than the title so you still get closure there. Roman stays champion, but he's not invulnerable anymore, which gives Cody that extra bit of momentum to take the title off him. Reigns, now being beaten twice, slinks off, but Cody's still the champ and Sami's defeated the bastard. 

    I appreciate I've not been watching and only read the recaps, but aside from @air_raid needing to bring out the "did a champion lose a non-title match" post again, wouldn't that be okay?

  13. 4 minutes ago, Gus Mears said:

    To my mind that would be the centre piece of the UKFF Museum. Hanging against the wall, backwards, ready for straddling like the Duchamp's urinal of a bleak universe.

    What a stunning range of exhibits the UKFF Museum could have. Frankie Crisp's Quality Street tin, ajmcstyles' shoes he was wearing when he returned them, a pink vest, the Hall of Chippy Teas, BWC wristbands for sale in the gift shop ... all important cultural artefacts.

  14. First - Nickelback in Newcastle, 2002. It was alright - I remember a lot of pyro.

    Best - Springsteen. Maybe Hyde Park. Or Sunderland. Glasgow was good. But also, Paris. Hell, pick a Springsteen, they're all the best. If not him, then there was an amazing gig weekend in (I think) 2010 where I saw Roger Waters doing The Wall in Manchester on the Friday, followed by Rush on their Time Machine tour in Newcastle on the Saturday. Oh - the first time I saw Aerosmith was pretty special too.

    Worst - I don't know that I've had a really terrible gig experience, but Santana in 2011ish was really disappointing. The sound mix was way off and you couldn't hear his guitar. Which, considering it's Santana, was kind of the reason to go. So that one wasn't particularly good. 

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