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Posts posted by HarmonicGenerator

  1. That was a decent show.

    - Enjoyed the opener, had all the elements I wanted from a match like that. Great that there was no ā€˜escape to winā€™ option.

    - Trios match was good stuff too, Iā€™ll happily watch another six of those.

    - Nyla vs Jade did its job. Nylaā€™s lost a few times now but beating her still feels like an achievement so itā€™s a good addition to Jadeā€™s collection of wins.

    - Similarly, the TNT match did what it needed to. Hobbs and Wardlow both could/should have won but Joe used his experience and veteran status to jump in there and get the win. Worked for me.

    - Sting is the best. He just delivers every time he has a match. Genuinely could be my wrestler of the year.Ā 

    - I wasnā€™t sure on Swerve when he first arrived but heā€™s definitely a highlight at the moment. His demeanour and the way he moves both make him stand out.

    - Weā€™ll see how the MJF/Regal thing turns out. Itā€™s a good thing for MJF, in that as well as the Firm lads coming for him heā€™s got ready made matches against Danielson, Claudio and Yuta if they want to go that route, which would keep him going for the winter. Not sure what it does for Moxley though. Presumably heā€™s getting a break now for a bit, but when he comes back, he canā€™t really get revenge on Regal and canā€™t really beat MJF in a rematch. Hmm.

  2. One of my all time favourite teams. They absolutely carried WWE through 2013. The way they were all so different but worked so well as a unit, their unpredictability, the reliability that you knew you'd get something great from a Shield six-man tag... even then, they could have gone further. Imagine if they'd written the 2014 Royal Rumble to have the three of them work together throughout and win it for Roman. It was a brief run by modern standards but a real bright light for the WWE of a decade ago. A reunion is so unlikely but I'd love it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Another Yorkshire tea fan checking in. I have it with oat milk, no sugar. I know a lot of people can't stand the taste of oat milk in hot drinks but I've gotten very used to it now. Incidentally I tried the 'hard water' Yorkshire recently and couldn't really tell the difference.

    Oat milk with tea isnā€™t bad - I canā€™t have too much of it but when weā€™re trying to be dairy free itā€™s the best option for a cuppa. Alpro no sugar, with the right amount, and you can barely tell the difference.

  4. Never liked coffee, so itā€™s always been about the tea for me. Yorkshire is the best, but Iā€™ve switched us to Clipper because their bags are zero plastic.

    Nothing beats a good cup of tea.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    Rumours on the UK date(s). In April Dynamite at Wembley Arena and Rampage the next night in Manchester.

    Be very convenient if that Wembley one is around Easter. Well, for me anyway, Iā€™ll be down for Star Wars Celebration so if I could combine the two thatā€™d be quite the trip.

  6. 33 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

    I think that sums it up really well. I really want to watch it again as soon as possible but subtitled instead of dubbed.

    Subtitled is definitely the way to go. I didn't watch the dubbed version but couldn't imagine it working as well without the German.

  7. 2 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

    Just watched the new All Quiet On The Western Front.Ā I thought it was fantastic. Heart-breaking and stressful but fantastic.Ā 

    Saw this a couple of weekends ago and thought it was excellent. I'm glad I watched it on Netflix as I had to pause it a couple of times to gather myself enough to be able to continue watching. Brutal, relentless and very upsetting, but absolutely worth watching.

  8. This was a poor episode of ROH Dynamite. Felt like every match was followed by a heel faction beating up whoever won, and the matches themselves were nothing memorable either.

    Cole Carter getting the biggest non-reaction in company history was quite funny though.

  9. Obviously Iā€™d want Eddie to win the whole thing, but Page being his first round opponent is a problem. Starks is definitely getting to the final on the other side, but Eddie vs MJF and Eddie vs Moxley both appeal more than any other options.

  10. 3 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    Eddie Guerrero and Daniel Bryans title wins to me felt like elevating them to main-event status at the time, regardless of how much WWE dropped the ball next. Whereas the Kofi title win just reeked of 'we haven't built any new stars up, lets stick the title on a midcard guy whose been around a decade'. I'm not sure why it was different but it felt very much like they were demoting the title rather than elevating the man.

    Saddling Kofi with Ziggler for the first three months of his reign was no help at all.

  11. 10 hours ago, FelatioLips said:


    Just seeing the name Simon Armitage is giving me GCSE PTSD but when you read the poem itā€™s even worse than youā€™d expect.Ā 
    I know itā€™s subjective and itā€™s probably more for the unpopular opinion thread but poetry is shite isnā€™t it?Ā 

    I think GCSE PTSD is responsible for entire generations of people being completely poetry-averse. It was Carol Ann Duffyā€™s fault in our school though. That bloody onion, and the stupid snowman she stole.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Loki said:

    Never say never with WWE, butā€¦ I canā€™t imagine HHH wants anything to do with Punk. Ā The company is doing great under him, the locker room is motivated, heā€™s got AEW talent ringing him asking for a jobā€¦ why risk any of that for someone he personally loathes?

    vince mcmahon wwe GIF

  13. 3 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    *makes note*


    I'm just going to reframe it as "second-shortest", but do a load of build-up about how I had to change the question at the last minute. And I'm going to work in @SuperBacon's point about Clough and Leeds Utd as well.

    You could just say ā€œbefore today, who was the shortestā€? The question can be saved!

  14. Frightening end to the show. Iā€™m relieved itā€™s ā€œonlyā€ a concussion. Paul Turner deserves the highest praise for spotting something was wrong so quickly.

    It had been a fun show as well - Jericho vs Castle was good, I really liked the MJF/Regal segment, and it was great seeing Shida in a high(ish) profile match on Dynamite again.

  15. 10 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    These last three episodes have turned me around on the show. The moment Sauron basically started to wink at the camera in this last episode it felt like the show finally took shape. The triple ambush in the 6th episode was pretty neat too. Girl Frodo and OG Gandalf setting off at the end there was a great touch. Feels like proper Lord of the Rings now.

    Did I miss something though? I saw a trailer for this weeks episode that had the Balrog in it.

    Yes, agreed. It definitely picked up for me in the last three episodes - itā€™s just a shame it took so long to get there. Itā€™s still missing some kind of intangible Ringsy magic for me, but Iā€™m glad I kept watching.

  16. 1 hour ago, deathrey said:

    So both the papers and the TV news have discussed a plot under way to get rid of Truss in the next couple of weeks, surely that will be the shortest Prime Minister reign ever?Ā 

    Thought I'd look this up - current shortest reign is 118 days, George Canning in 1827, and that one was only so short because he died.

  17. Jungle Boy, FTR, The Acclaimed, Hangman, Moxley, Butcher, OC and PAC were all ace this week. Thereā€™s such a good roster to call on. I could still do without all the ROH stuff, and I think weā€™re almost at the point where the wrestlers with belts outnumber those without, but AEW can still put on a great show.

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