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Posts posted by HarmonicGenerator

  1. 2 hours ago, Dai said:


    Psychic Detective

    Speaking of ahead of its time, this definately falls into that catagory. Watching the youtube clips of this, Im not sure why the hell I bought it. Think it was in a Dixons '2 for Ā£50' deal or something. Can remember playing this for ages, and always getting stuck at the same point. Funny to think we used to live in a world where if you got stuck, you simply couldnt continue, and would just have to play something else. I remember doing that plenty of times on this one.

    The one that springs to mind for me for getting stuck is the first Crash Bandicoot. I couldĀ notĀ get past Pinstripe. Throwing the controller in a fit of frustration, absolutely completely stuck, and never finished the game until earlier this year when I played the remastered one and used a YouTube tutorial to finally beat the bastard.

  2. 9 hours ago, WeeAl said:

    I watched last week's Dynamite at the weekend, and am just after watching last Friday's Rampage, and I hadn't the foggiest that there was a battle of the belts show this past weekend. I take it absolutely nothing of note happened on it?Ā 

    Such a waste of what could be a useful concept.Ā 

    A question about FITE for this week's Dynamite (don't want to go into the thread). Anyone else that's watched it, does it just open up randomly in the middle of the coffin match? I usually watchĀ  on a Saturday from the ITV version these days, because FITE is a bit of a nightmare for me at times, this week again much the same. I was hoping to watch this week's early, but I guess this is showing why I cancelled the sub for next month.Ā 

    There was an issue with the live stream in America apparently so the English feed missed the beginning. @Hannibal Scorchtells us the Spanish version starts at the beginning if you want to see it all!

  3. All Out is shaping up to be an excellent card. At best guess I can see a show along the lines of:

    Jon Moxley vs CM Punk to unify the world title

    Chris Jericho vs Bryan Danielson

    Eddie Kingston vs Sammy Guevara

    Thunder Rosa vs Toni Storm vs Britt Baker doing a triple threat for the womenā€™s title

    Jade Cargill vs Athena for the TBS title

    Ricky Starks vs Powerhouse Hobbs

    Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy

    Sting & Darby Allin vs House of Black

    Trios final which will have the Young Bucks and Hangman Page involved somewhere

    Lucha Bros vs Andrade & Rush with some definitive stipulation, hair vs mask maybe

    Thatā€™s 10 matches without even including Wardlow or the Tag Team Titles (Casino battle royal maybe?). Plenty of options to make a great overall card at the moment.


  4. 10 hours ago, Factotum said:

    Fuck me what a show and what an end. That's everything wrestling should be. MOX/Jericho was great and Punk being an absolute surprise was superb.

    100% this. Moxley/Jericho felt like a big time main event and I got a sense as it went on that we might be getting Punk at the end. Iā€™m very happy I was right because that was ace.

    9 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    I really enjoy Erik Redbeard's AEW appearances, but I'm a little sad to see "Beardhausen". I feel like Danhausen is cheating on Hook.Ā 

    100% this too. Heartbreaking to see them on their little boat in the ad breaks like old times.

  5. 9 hours ago, Rule One said:

    Speaking of demo discs, I'm pretty sure that everyone jizzed themselves when Playstion Magazine Disc 42 was released with the Metal Gear Solid demo. Through them I discovered the amazing Anna Kournikovas Smash Court Tennis and there was a Micro Machines rip off that was incredibly good to play.

    It speaks to how ingrained the Playstation was in my life that you could have said "Playstation Magazine 42" and, nearly 25 years later, I could recall instantly "Metal Gear Solid cover". 42 was a huge issue, I must have read and reread it again and again.

    8 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    That said, the wrestling game on the PSX that I wasted the most hours on was SmackDown 2 - that was a massive step up from the first. Customisable trons, the league ranking system was surprisingly fun, and there was a fair bit more story than I expected for a console at that stage. I particularly loved how they introduced new, unlockable stuff via a storyline of a random hired gun that was just made up of a jumble of those custom parts.

    Absolutely. After-school routine for months started with a couple of hours on SmackDown 2. I think at one point I even used the CAW mode to make some twat at school who hated me, then made a 7 foot tall version of myself to destroy him in a Hell In A Cell match.


    @Liam O'Rourke's amazing post has reminded me of Christmas 1998 - the Playstation Christmas. We had our console by then, but we were away visiting family over the holiday. We were allowed to bring the Playstation with us - which was a good sign - it must have meant new games! Tomb Raider III, Lemmings (which I knew about but had never played prior to this) and the first Spyro. I remember sitting in my grandma's spare room where the PS was set up and trying all these exciting new games and being mesmerised by Spyro.


    AndĀ thatĀ has just reminded me of my 13th birthday and this beauty of a game:

    Hogs of War : Sony Playstation: Amazon.co.uk: PC & Video Games

    Glorious, joyous fun. I remember me, my dad and my grandad (who never played games) having a brilliant afternoon taking turns at blowing up enemy pigs and laughing at the Rik Mayall voiceovers. Great memories.

  6. Back in the mid-2000s, probably around the time he faced Danielson, I wasĀ desperateĀ to see Samoa Joe vs. Kamala. It likely would have been rubbish, but it would have been Samoa Joe vs. Kamala!

    Other than, I'd dearly love another Gimmick Battle Royal. I know they did one on Raw some time after the original, but even then it's been ages. Bring it back!

  7. 2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    Odd but fun fact - Newcastle features in the game as a secret level!



    Iā€™m friends with one of the guys who worked on Driver - heā€™s based in Newcastle and has fond memories of making this level!

    Did anyone have a Multi Tap? Those things were so handy for four player split screen on Crash Team Racing or multiplayer chaos on Micro Machines V3. Playing against people online just isnā€™t the same.

  8. 6 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    Championship Manager

    This has reminded me of the countless hours I sunk into this gem:


    Even football management games were better on PlayStation. My (selected at random) Ipswich team were a force of nature.

  9. Echo the love for the first Spyro game, I loved that game - freeing the trapped dragons and catching those bloody egg thieves!

    We got our PS1 probably around 1997 - the first Gran Turismo had recently come out, and the big platform game was the Disney Hercules one that we had but I never got past the first few levels.

    My fandom picked up several gears when I started getting this wonderful publication every month:


    Issue 39 to be specific. Iā€™d read it cover to cover. Demo discs every month got me so hyped for upcoming games - I played the Tekken 3 demo constantly until the game was released and saved up the Ā£45 to get it on release day. The demo of WWF SmackDown is the thing that got me back into wrestling in 2000.

    I really hoped the new PS Plus system thatā€™s promised hundreds of retro games would include the PS1 games I played to death. Not yet, but if it does, Iā€™ll happily pay that subscription.

  10. Lightyear just felt inessential. I donā€™t think they knew what it was meant to be and that came across when the trailer came out and confused people. So the film starts with text saying that in 1995 Andy saw a Buzz Lightyear movie and got the toy, and this was that movie. Which would have been fine if theyā€™d then gone for a 90s family friendly action blockbuster kind of tone - itā€™s been done with the 80s often enough. Something along the Men In Black lines crossed with a less adult Mars Attacks, maybe? But it just felt like any other modern day quip-filled superhero movie, and it didnā€™t quite work for me. Lower tier Pixar but still better than 2 out of the 3 Cars films.

  11. 1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    We started watchingĀ Keep BreathingĀ on Netflix and it's decent. No surprises until, at some point, there will obviously be some huge shock in her backstory but it's well made and Melissa Berrera is really good.

    Hadn't heard of this, but if Melissa Barrera's in it I'll definitely give at least the first episode a go.


    We just finished the first season ofĀ HacksĀ on Prime Video. It's really good - Jean Smart in particularly thoroughly deserves all the accolades she's been getting for it. Funny and sharp and makes you really care what happens to the characters.

  12. I didnā€™t know JB didnā€™t want that name used, which changes things, but I had always liked JR adding the JP. Iā€™m always inclined to the ā€œā€˜Wrestling Nicknameā€™ Actual Nameā€ naming structure which may be why. Second only to ā€œName ā€˜The Nicknameā€™ Nameā€™ in my book.

  13. 6 hours ago, JLM said:

    Man the whole FTW segment was pure gold. Havenā€™t felt that energised by a segment in some time. Starks is a star, Hook is a star, Taz is an absolute treasure. Love it.Ā 

    Great segment from start to finish.Ā Iā€™d be happy for the four of them - Hobbs, Starks, Danhausen and HOOK - to be AEWā€™s next ā€œfour pillarsā€. The powerhouse, the superstar, the comedian and the silent killer.

  14. 35 minutes ago, Louch said:

    I canā€™t remember anything on Rampage about a new ex 205 guy, who have I missed?

    There was a ā€œcoming soonā€ vignette for Ariya Daivari. Who has appeared for AEW a few times but I guess is now All Elite.

  15. 27 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    There's a whole thread in just remembering OVW guys talked up in the magazine's; Russ McCullough and Ron Waterman are the future of the business.


    Rob Conway and Doug Basham are ready to take the wrestling world by storm.

  16. 35 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I'm intrigued by Ricky Starks vs. Danhausen next week, because I can only imagine that it's heading in one direction - Starks vs. Hook for the FTW belt. This might explain why Hook hasn't been with Danhausen in recent weeks, to maximise impact for their eventual confrontation. Hookhausen has almost - but not quite - been forgotten about.Ā 

    You'd better be right about this.


    I really enjoyed this episode. The Christian promos in recent weeks really haven't been for me, but Jungle Boy's return was perfection. Luchasaurus stepping aside, the chase into the crowd - felt like he was the biggest babyface in the world.

    And then FTR came out and, okay, maybeĀ theyĀ are the biggest babyfaces in the world. Dax's story gave me a tear in my eye and I could have stood up and applauded at the end of it.Ā 

    And then Eddie Kingston - who might actually be the biggest babyface in the world. I just ... want him to win. And when it comes down to it, that's all you need from a good guy. Gutted that he didn't manage it.

  17. 9 hours ago, Panhead said:

    Hoping Mrs Panhead gets us tickets for Edinburgh tomorrow morning. I'm not even bothered if it's up in the top tier. We're in Bradford so it was either Edinburgh or Birmingham. I've never been to Edinburgh so we're planning on having a couple of nights there. Please reassure me that we've a decent enough chance of at least getting a cheap seat?Ā 

    YouĀ shouldĀ be alright if you jump on at 9am. Ticketmaster seem to be doing their horrendous ā€œdynamic pricingā€ thing (as Butch has mentioned) but hopefully it doesnā€™t get to the level of the US shows where some tickets are currently thousands of dollars.

  18. 3 hours ago, Divorced Dad said:

    How did everyone do in the pre-sale today? I got 4 tickets for Murrayfield for myself, my wife and the in-laws.

    Well done! Got two Murrayfield tickets for the front standing section which is exactly what we were hoping for.


  19. Iā€™ve been listening along since the beginning, havenā€™t started on the latest batch of episodes yet because, like you say, the second half of season 4 is where the show started to really go downhill for me. The first thing was


    Beecherā€™s kids being kidnapped and the hand in the mail and his son being killed. A level of horror that, once theyā€™d done it, they couldnā€™t walk back

    and the show increasingly wasnā€™t for me from then on. I still watched til the end, and Iā€™ll still be listening to the pod til the end too - it just might need a bit more motivation from myself to do it!

  20. 3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    The 'Bring Back the Attitude Era!' weirdos will think they've won just like the Star Wars racists and sexists thought they'd won when JJ Abrams took back over, and then go mysteriously quiet when they get the Raw version of The Rise of Skywalker.

    "Somehow, Vince Russo returned"

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