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Posts posted by HarmonicGenerator

  1. They’ve done a good enough job building Forbidden Door this year that they convinced me to buy it. I think that’s the first PPV I’ve bought since All Out last year. It’s not because of Punk, I swear!

    Anyway, this was another show to help prove that the joint winners of 2023’s wrestler of the year should be, will be and must be Orange Cassidy and Jeff Jarrett, and please can they have a match against each other at Wembley?

    Also, Eddie Kingston is still magic on the mic. I believe every word he says.

  2. That’s very sad news. Loved McCarthy’s writing style, felt poetic and suited whatever subject he was writing about. The Road is my favourite of his, I read most of it in one sitting and I felt like I couldn’t breathe for most of the second half. A beautifully structured heartbreaking literary gutpunch. RIP.

  3. 2 hours ago, SaitoRyo said:

    I was there too and I thought it was actually a really good house show overall. 

    There was some dross there (Jordan/Burchill and Tatanka/Animal), but most of it was solid! In particular Benoit/JBL, Finlay/Regal, Booker/Lashley and MNM/Londrick (who were definitely there). I'm sure Helms/Hardy would have been decent as well, but I really can't remember any of it. The Angle/Mysterio/Henry main was pretty short and uneventful IIRC, but when you consider how knackered everyone in the match was at that time, it's hardly surprising. 

    JBL cut a great pre-match promo and got the crowd very riled up (who didn't just respond with 'Eddie' chants), while Finlay also got a lot of heat for his match (which was class). 

    I went to a WWE show in Newcastle every year from 2003-09 and I think this one might have been one of the better ones. Lacking in true star power, but everyone put a shift in.

    I'm going to trust your memory better than mine! It's really faded into not-much in my head. Could recall Tatanka and Animal being there but not that they wrestled each other. Should definitely have remembered Regal being Finlay's opponent, and have absolutely no recollection of London and Kendrick at all, much less that they were against MNM as that match would have been right up my street. 

    I do remember JBL's promo and hating having to listen to him because I was still annoyed about how they made him Champion in '04. Still am to be honest. But I do remember wondering during the match why people thought chanting for Eddie was the best way to support Benoit. Hearing that every night mustn't have helped his state of mind at the time.

  4. I was at that SmackDown show in Newcastle! Got a ticket hoping to see Undertaker in person. Didn’t get him. Oh well, I watch The Wrestling Channel, I’ll take getting to see London and Kendrick. Nope, not them either.

    I do remember that three way main event happening but nothing of the match itself, Benoit vs JBL suffering from the only crowd noise being Eddie Guerrero chants, and Finlay having the best match of the night even if I cannot remember who he wrestled. I probably just read it above and have already forgotten.

    Not a great show and I don’t think I went back to a WWE event until the NXT tour in 2015.

  5. 2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    I wonder whether it'll see the return of the "recipes" like they used to have in the older pre-community share CAW days, where people would just write big long formulas of how to make people. I've got a full memory card of CAWs in that fashion that I found online back for SVR 2006.

    That's the same way I ended up with half of TNA's X Division in SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth. Spent hours printing off and inputting those formulas, which rarely came with pictures so you were taking it on faith they'd be half-decent. Good times.

  6. 27 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Am I the only person looking forward to this? Yeah the graphics aren't super amazing or anything but it looks close enough to the old AKI games that I can see myself playing the hell out of it.

    I don’t care what it looks like either. If it’s fun to play, I’m going to play it.   That’s harder to tell from the footage - I hope it’s fun to play but it wouldn’t be hard to mess that up.

  7. I was there too! I think Promised Land and Tenth Avenue Freeze Out were my highlights this time, mainly because HE WAS RIGHT HERE:


    I was pretty giddy.

    The setlist this tour hasn’t had a massive amount of variation (I think maybe two or three songs last night were different to Barcelona last month) so if you look at what’s being played, and can get along to any of the shows this year, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what you’ll hear.

    And it’s going to be a good night. Great song after great song after great song. Even the less familiar ones like ‘Nightshift’ from the new album were amazing last night.

  8. I’d think I’d rather see the High Evolutionary again than Kang. HE was a properly hissable evil villain, they seem to be trying to make Kang a Complicated Villain but he’s appeared twice so far and been beaten on TV and then by a midcarder in Quantumania so it’s gonna take some work to build him as a threat for me. If Evolutionary popped up again I’d instantly think “oh shit, we’re in trouble now”.

  9. Galactic Starcruiser is closing at the end of September.

    I’m a massive Star Wars fan, but I never had any urge to go to this. It all sounded a bit too much even for me. Even when they were giving it the hard sell at Celebration it was clear that you’d only get your money’s worth if you were extroverted enough to completely play along. No thanks. Also it was just … So expensive. And I don’t think I’d have handled the no windows, only artificial light and screens aspect of it.

    Make it a Star Wars themed regular hotel with actual windows and not thousands of dollars, though, and I’ll be the first one there! 

  10. TLC II is probably the match I rewound and rewatched every spot of, over and over again. Must have watched this bit from near the end dozens of times on my WrestleMania X-Seven video. Craziest thing I'd ever seen. I've seen crazier since, but this match is still the pinnacle of stunt wrestling.


  11. 1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

    The only reason I like the new Jurassic films is because it means there's more of an excuse for companies to lean into the nostalgia of the old ones. I'm all for new Jurassic Park merchandise and rides and exhibitions and stuff like that. I can just pretend it's mostly for the old movies instead.

    If you’re in London anytime soon the Natural History Museum has a pop-up Jurassic Park gift shop. I think it’s connected to the 30th anniversary of the film. We went there around Easter and I spent far more than I should have.

  12. Jurassics:

    Some days, Jurassic Park is my all time favourite film. I have a lot of affection for The Lost World and am willing to defend it because I was 10 when it came out and the perfect age to completely buy into all the hype (and want to buy all the tie-in merchandise). There was a while where I thought JP3 was better than Lost World… but it’s not. It’s still fun but there’s no particular scene that’s better than the best bits of Lost World. It had a fantastic website back in ‘01 though which my friends and I would spend school breaks looking at.

    I was hyped for Jurassic World when it came out. The whole “the park is open” thing was something I wanted to see and I’d have happily just watched a day of the park running as normal with no escaped dinosaurs. For a little bit I convinced myself I really liked the film, but … it’s not good. It’s just so hollow, filled with empty nostalgia-pops and like Pat said, mean. 
    (even the park management game that came out afterwards wasn’t a patch on Operation Genesis for PS2. Which to be fair was only great because there were cheat codes to unlock everything and have unlimited money.)

    Some days, Fallen Kingdom is my least favourite film of all time. It might be the only occasion I’ve felt angry in a cinema because of what I was watching. I offloaded a very long post on here afterwards. I hate it.

    Haven’t seen Dominion, don’t plan to.

  13. Double post. Will use this second one to say my wife wants to see Orange Cassidy on the show and will be bringing crisps to eat in honour of the only wrestling angle she’s ever cared about, that time when Danhausen gave HOOK some crisps.

  14. 9 hours ago, Healy52003 said:

    Let's hope Sting will be on the card, will get a massive pop if he walks out that ramp in Wembley. He can always glide down from the rafters ie the Arch 😏

    Anyone any luck getting a refund from ticketmaster for exchanged tickets?? Got an email response saying the usual and I emailed back with my new reference number but heard nothing back. Followed it up yesterday but agent told me 'sadly no refund/exchanges allowed for the event' 

    I put my original super cheap tickets up for resale on Friday, they sold within 24 hours and I got a notification that the money would be with me soon. Not sure if just selling them on like that is an option for you?

  15. 8 hours ago, 5pints 2.0 said:

    I'm off the Murrayfield at the end of the month. Any tips on the easiest way to get to the stadium from the city centre? 

    The trams will take you directly there. They’ll be busy, but the Murrayfield stop is right in front of the stadium.

    I think the Airlink/100 bus towards the airport stops there too but that’ll take you a bit longer.

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