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Posts posted by HarmonicGenerator

  1. I was there too! I think Promised Land and Tenth Avenue Freeze Out were my highlights this time, mainly because HE WAS RIGHT HERE:


    I was pretty giddy.

    The setlist this tour hasn’t had a massive amount of variation (I think maybe two or three songs last night were different to Barcelona last month) so if you look at what’s being played, and can get along to any of the shows this year, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what you’ll hear.

    And it’s going to be a good night. Great song after great song after great song. Even the less familiar ones like ‘Nightshift’ from the new album were amazing last night.

  2. I’d think I’d rather see the High Evolutionary again than Kang. HE was a properly hissable evil villain, they seem to be trying to make Kang a Complicated Villain but he’s appeared twice so far and been beaten on TV and then by a midcarder in Quantumania so it’s gonna take some work to build him as a threat for me. If Evolutionary popped up again I’d instantly think “oh shit, we’re in trouble now”.

  3. Galactic Starcruiser is closing at the end of September.

    I’m a massive Star Wars fan, but I never had any urge to go to this. It all sounded a bit too much even for me. Even when they were giving it the hard sell at Celebration it was clear that you’d only get your money’s worth if you were extroverted enough to completely play along. No thanks. Also it was just … So expensive. And I don’t think I’d have handled the no windows, only artificial light and screens aspect of it.

    Make it a Star Wars themed regular hotel with actual windows and not thousands of dollars, though, and I’ll be the first one there! 

  4. TLC II is probably the match I rewound and rewatched every spot of, over and over again. Must have watched this bit from near the end dozens of times on my WrestleMania X-Seven video. Craziest thing I'd ever seen. I've seen crazier since, but this match is still the pinnacle of stunt wrestling.


  5. 1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

    The only reason I like the new Jurassic films is because it means there's more of an excuse for companies to lean into the nostalgia of the old ones. I'm all for new Jurassic Park merchandise and rides and exhibitions and stuff like that. I can just pretend it's mostly for the old movies instead.

    If you’re in London anytime soon the Natural History Museum has a pop-up Jurassic Park gift shop. I think it’s connected to the 30th anniversary of the film. We went there around Easter and I spent far more than I should have.

  6. Jurassics:

    Some days, Jurassic Park is my all time favourite film. I have a lot of affection for The Lost World and am willing to defend it because I was 10 when it came out and the perfect age to completely buy into all the hype (and want to buy all the tie-in merchandise). There was a while where I thought JP3 was better than Lost World… but it’s not. It’s still fun but there’s no particular scene that’s better than the best bits of Lost World. It had a fantastic website back in ‘01 though which my friends and I would spend school breaks looking at.

    I was hyped for Jurassic World when it came out. The whole “the park is open” thing was something I wanted to see and I’d have happily just watched a day of the park running as normal with no escaped dinosaurs. For a little bit I convinced myself I really liked the film, but … it’s not good. It’s just so hollow, filled with empty nostalgia-pops and like Pat said, mean. 
    (even the park management game that came out afterwards wasn’t a patch on Operation Genesis for PS2. Which to be fair was only great because there were cheat codes to unlock everything and have unlimited money.)

    Some days, Fallen Kingdom is my least favourite film of all time. It might be the only occasion I’ve felt angry in a cinema because of what I was watching. I offloaded a very long post on here afterwards. I hate it.

    Haven’t seen Dominion, don’t plan to.

  7. Double post. Will use this second one to say my wife wants to see Orange Cassidy on the show and will be bringing crisps to eat in honour of the only wrestling angle she’s ever cared about, that time when Danhausen gave HOOK some crisps.

  8. 9 hours ago, Healy52003 said:

    Let's hope Sting will be on the card, will get a massive pop if he walks out that ramp in Wembley. He can always glide down from the rafters ie the Arch 😏

    Anyone any luck getting a refund from ticketmaster for exchanged tickets?? Got an email response saying the usual and I emailed back with my new reference number but heard nothing back. Followed it up yesterday but agent told me 'sadly no refund/exchanges allowed for the event' 

    I put my original super cheap tickets up for resale on Friday, they sold within 24 hours and I got a notification that the money would be with me soon. Not sure if just selling them on like that is an option for you?

  9. 8 hours ago, 5pints 2.0 said:

    I'm off the Murrayfield at the end of the month. Any tips on the easiest way to get to the stadium from the city centre? 

    The trams will take you directly there. They’ll be busy, but the Murrayfield stop is right in front of the stadium.

    I think the Airlink/100 bus towards the airport stops there too but that’ll take you a bit longer.

  10. 5 minutes ago, JLM said:

    Livenation Presale this morning was thankfully a bit less manic. Managed to get a couple in 212. I hope Flatliner is the Joker in the Casino Battle Royal. Also I am very excited. 

    Yep, me too. Got a couple of tickets in the price bracket I originally wanted - still in the top levels (531) but facing the entrance way now. Will stick the cheap ones from Tuesday up for resale when that’s an option.

    Hoping for MJF vs Sting for the title, a prominent match for PAC, and would be more than happy for a Casino Battle Royal just so we see as many people as possible but if Juice Robinson happens to accidentally miss the flight then that would be absolutely fine.

  11. 2 hours ago, Dai said:

    Browsing on Rotten Tomatoes and I see that the US version of Ghosts is already finishing it's second full season. Is anyone keeping up to date with it? If so, is it worth a watch? Could do with a good new 20 minute comedy. 

    Speaking of Ghosts, I finished the first season of Yonderland. Nowhere near as good as what they would go on to do with Ghosts, but just enough there to make me keep watching.


    The new series of Taskmaster has been excellent as well. I had reservations about how Frankie Boyle would be on there, but he's tremendous. Mae and Kiell are the MVPs though, both are fantastic.

    The first season of US Ghosts is on iPlayer. I like it. The different style of comedy to British Ghosts takes an episode or two to settle in but it’s definitely one of the better US sitcoms of recent times.

  12. Bought two cheap tickets for block 505. Way way at the back, but wasn’t going to spend more than the next option up anyway, and that wasn’t available as of five minutes ago. May have another look when the Live Nation presale opens up later this week but if not, at least I’ll hopefully be able to see the ring from very far away…

  13. Well, that was something special. My face aches from grinning all night, my voice almost gone from singing along. The opening two songs,


    No Surrender and Ghosts

    I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry a little bit.

    And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry quite a lot at the last song


    I’ll See You In My Dreams

    But for the 2 hours 50 in between, it was goosebumps and joy all the way. If you’re going to any of the shows on this tour, even if the set list stays exactly the same, what a treat you’re in for. Songs from the first album right up to the most recent one, just classic after classic. You’re going to feel ALIVE. What a show.


    Oh, and Michelle Obama and Kate Capshaw came out with Patti Scialfa to do backing vocals on Glory Days. The Obamas and the Spielbergs have come over to Barcelona with the Springsteens apparently. They went to the Picasso museum yesterday. We were there the day before. I missed seeing Steven Spielberg by 24 hours! The closest I’m ever going to get to meeting him.


    Bring on Murrayfield in a month’s time.

  14. It’s tonight! We’re in Barcelona and so (I’m assuming) is the Boss. As long as we don’t have to walk up the massive hill to the stadium it should be great; we did that yesterday to go to the Miro gallery and it nearly killed me.

    Edit: The Boss is in town. He’s staying at a posh hotel with Spielberg and Obama and they all had dinner together last night. 

  15. 54 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    People talk about a brand split/roster split just because it's a short hand that they've become accustomed. Other than keeping Punk and the Elite away from each other I don't see they're being much difference to what we're used to seeing from AEW. Basically Rampage when everyone kept hoping it would change timeslots to something in primetime and 2hrs.

    Which just makes Rampage a complete afterthought.

    Looking at the AEW website's roster page there's nearly 150 active performers on their roster. Splitting a group of that size isn't likely to increase most people's chances of TV time so, like you say, probably won't feel all that different.

  16. I’m in the minority and had a lot of fun watching this show. Enjoyed most of the matches and most of the angles, and it had my attention for longer than most of the Dynamites the last few months.

    I was so certain the Pillars thing was leading to a Fatal Four Way - I’ve no trouble believing MJF could beat any one of the others in a title match, but dealing with all three of them adds just enough uncertainty to want to see how he can possibly retain.

    But then they announced a tournament even though they’ve only got three people and if they’d had to, could have done a triple threat I guess. So I was certain, the way Perry and Guevara were actively trying to break their own necks, we were heading to a non-finish that still resulted in a Fatal Four Way.

    But then Sammy won. Okay, by countout, but he still won. And they might work from there towards a Fatal Four Way again but it seems a lot less likely. My interest in the World Title picture just decreased.

    Away from that - I’m fine with Wardlow getting the TNT back, I think it’s okay to have one belt that gets passed around loads and it may as well be the newly christened Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat Championship. Joe, Hobbs, Wardlow, Luchasaurus, keep this going.

    Elite/BCC segment probably my favourite of the night. When they finally meet it’s got to be some crazy gimmick match, regular wrestling won’t do this feud justice. I’m looking forward to it.

  17. I think the only reason I'm still bothering with Rampage is because I pay for Fite TV. Can't remember the last episode that kept my attention all the way through. I'm a bit like JR in that regard.

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