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January Hate Thread


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There seems to be a mindset that if a few people 'gang up' or 'jump on the bandwagon' against someone, then they should be defended by others, as it's unjust!


Don't see the same people rushing into the Jimmy Savile topic and going "oh leave him alone, he's an easy target!" .. sometimes people are shit, say shit things, and do shit things. That's why people get at them.

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Yes, of course I do. Just like I knew someone would be fucking picky and say something like that. Did I compare the two? No.


All I'm saying is just because multiple people get at someone for doing something, it doesn't mean it's wrong and that others shouldn't be allowed the same opinion. Pretty simple really.

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It's not "being fucking picky", it's dismissing the entire comparison because there's a huge gaping maw between what richie and saville have "done". Reductio ad Savillum is completely bloody stupid.


I mean for goodness sake, Richie really isn't that bad. He's a bit cringe and he knows it, but beyond that he's pretty inoffensive.

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It's not bloody stupid. It's proving the point that multiple people CAN and should be allowed to have the same opinion without being accused of being on a fucking bandwagon.


Or does it come down to the 'crime' if I may use that word. Are we to be told when we can and cannot have the same opinion on something based on what it actually is?


Who's to fucking decide when agreeing is allowed? You might not think Richie is that bad but it doesn't mean others aren't allowed to think the complete opposite.

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Bandwagon (n.) - also band-wagon, 1855, American English, from band + wagon, originally a large wagon used to carry the band in a circus procession; as these also figured in celebrations of successful political campaigns, being on the bandwagon came to represent "attaching oneself to anything that looks likely to succeed," a usage first attested 1899 in writings of Theodore Roosevelt.

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Yep, exactly how I feel about it too. Even the way he phrased it - "I got 4 fucks!" .. seriously, shallow and pathetic. Call me judgmental or a prude or whatever, but it just comes across as a complete cunt who doesn't give a shit about anyone, including himself, as long as he gets laid. If one of my mates acted that way I'd call him a cunt too.


I'll be surprised if you actually have mates.

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I've plenty of mates. Having a disdain for dickheads does not imply I have issues making friends. Rimming up to the big boys and trying to impress people smacks of a need to be loved. I pity you.


Since I'm feeling festive, here's my take of the Forum Big Boys and Bandwagon Bummers. The following is fully my own opinion and should not be used as fact or indeed anything else.


Forum Big Boys


Ian hitman Hart - Autistic knowledge of wrestling, great enthusiasm, good poster.

Keith Houchen - Pornstar, intelligent, mild mannered, good poster.

Butch - Articulate, opinionated, A REAL BLOKE, seemingly a role model/father figure for the Bandwagon Bummers.

Neil - Has the power, says little, does lots.

Sickboy - Twisted head, good writer, good mod.

Gladstone Small - No redeeming qualities for me personally, probably liked for his numerous contributions to all things film.


Bandwagon Bummers


Chilli Dog - Wishes he was one of the above.

ItsClobberingTime - Wishes he was one of the above.

El Nicko Loco - Wishes he was one of the above.

Up Chuck - Wishes was one of the above.

Air Raid - Wishes he was one of the above.

Punkstep - Wishes he was one of the above.




kendal mint cake - Really ace.

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Rimming up to the big boys and trying to impress people smacks of a need to be loved. I pity you.

As much as the rest of that post made me chuckle, I have no idea what this 'rimming up to the big boys' bullshit really is.


It seems that if someone dares to actually agree with a perceived 'big boy' around here, then it's sucking up, or wanting to be like them etc. Why? Am I not allowed to like or agree with anyone around here without wanting to fuck them up the arse or something?


A need to be loved? Fucking hell. If that were true I'd put some bloody effort in. As far as I'm aware, I've never tried to suck up to anyone around here. Plus what the hell does being a 'big boy' achieve? Nothing as far as I know. If there was a financial incentive then fair enough but there's not.


Like I've always said - it's a fucking internet message board. No one should actually care. It's a decent place for jokes, news, discussion, and arguments. It's a way to pass the time. I hardly think the majority of us are anything like what we're like on here - same as the way many act online. It is what it is.


I don't imagine you randomly butting into peoples conversations while you're out, saying something cuntish then running away. Just means being a twat on here keeps you amused.

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