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If it helps, the times when she looked chunky was often when she was being doubled by a bloke who was the same height, but considerably wider.


And you've just reminded me that I was going to pick up that NRNS boxed set the other week, and forgot.

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I'd love to see Stallone add a few more woman to these films assuming they make more. I think seeing the likes of Sandra Bullock, Linda Hamilton and Sharon Stone running around with big guns(ooh-err), blowing shit up and kicking the shit out of people would be ace.



Then they'd have to call it The Expendabelles.


On a side note Rothrock was approached about appearing in both the original and sequel, but turned them down.


Van Damme needs to be on the poster.

Edited by Snake Plissken
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I'm surprised that Arnie's "long-time, close personal friend" Jesse "The Movie Star" Ventura hasn't managed to blag his way into one of these Expendables films?

Or Carl Weathers, for that matter. He and Rocky need to bury their feud and get back to being friends, for the benefit of action film fans everywhere.

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Didn't Stallone and Weathers fall out over Rocky Balboa, with Weathers wanting to bring Creed back and Stallone saying no because he's been dead for like 20 years.

That's not what Carl said. His side was that Sly wanted to use some archive footage of Carl as Apollo, but they couldn't agree on the money for it.
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  • Paid Members
I'm surprised that Arnie's "long-time, close personal friend" Jesse "The Movie Star" Ventura hasn't managed to blag his way into one of these Expendables films?

Or Carl Weathers, for that matter. He and Rocky need to bury their feud and get back to being friends, for the benefit of action film fans everywhere.

what happened between them two then? i was never aware of a falling out.

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Who's the girl?

Jet Li

Ermm. No it's not. For some strange reason Jet Li isn't on the poster?


I wouldn't worry, I think it's been outed as an unofficial/fake poster anyway.


Initial reports suggested that, however when the studio started sending around cease & desists to everyone, they confirmed it was the official poster, but it wasnt meant to have been put online yet.



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  • Awards Moderator
Who's the girl?

Jet Li

Ermm. No it's not. For some strange reason Jet Li isn't on the poster?


I wouldn't worry, I think it's been outed as an unofficial/fake poster anyway.


Initial reports suggested that, however when the studio started sending around cease & desists to everyone, they confirmed it was the official poster, but it wasnt meant to have been put online yet.


Oh right... Never mind then. In that case, my guess is it's probably some sort of marketing decision thing (Jet Li? No, our demographic requires Schwarzenegger and a girl!)

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It's set in the same universe, at an earlier point, but it's not a "prequel" per se.


I hope it's good, I really hope it's good. Ridley Scott's output over the last decade has been frankly a disappointment to me, as a huge fan of his, and the treatment of the Aliens/Predator universe has been akin to baby rape recently.


So this is a chance to get back to the brilliance of the first 2 1/2 films. I don't even need to see an Alien, just feel the horror. It's also a chance for Scott to reclaim his reputation. I think Blade Runner might be next, so this will tell me how that is likely to pan out.

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