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Chris Benoit dead


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So what was so terrible about his comments? The hypocrisy was obvious, but aside from that there was nothing particularly bad, at least not from the small quote on here.

"Nancy was to blame because she was into devil worshipping stuff" doesn't seem bad to you?
It would be if that's what he actually said, but it wasn't, at least not from the quotes on here.
Lets see...

Wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan was shocked when the WWE

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Why would he throw in the bit about her being into devil worship then? If he wasnt trying to shift the goalposts? Sure he said devil worship was part of her character, but that she was someone who gets into her character too much - believes her own publicity. Thats clearly implying that she was into devil worship outside of wrestling too.

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From JD Michaels Myspace Blog:


The week of June 25th was like riding a scary ass rollercoaster--but with a blindfold on. None of us saw any of it coming, nor could ever expect it from Chris. Then again, isn't it always that the case? I write this as my patience has been growing thinner by the hour with all the ridiculous comments and speculations made mostly by the media, but some however by wrestling fans. Being from Edmonton just like Chris, this has hit pretty hard considering he was definitely an influence for me and I had a lot of respect for him. Just a few weeks ago in Philly, Chris and I talked for a bit about Edmonton and things alike. He also gave me advice on how to make myself stand out to upper management later that day.


Before I write about the media, I want to touch on what some wrestling fans have been saying. Some fans have refused to wake up and accept reality. You need to stop saying 'he didn't do it', 'he couldn't do it, 'he wouldn't do it'. Did you know Chris Benoit? In fact when something like this happens, those who ACTUALLY knew him are saying "Did I even know who that guy was?" Especially when something so out of character happens. Some fans who like to think they are so "smart" are refusing to realize that Chris Benoit the wrestler, the locker room leader, the ring general, the machine...and Christopher Benoit the person might have actually been night and day. Just because nobody ever said a bad thing about him before and he was polite to you while signing your autograph and you saw him on TV every week for the last ump-teen years, doesn't mean you know him in the least. Obviously legit facts have shown that there must have been a reason Chris was so quiet, reserved and didn't let most know who he was. Perhaps he didn't like who he was. That, like many questions that have surfaced since this unfortunately happened, will probably never be answered. You can speculate for days on end. How Benoit spoke of his family, or even acted with them in public might have been totally different than once they were at home, just the 3 of them. I'm sure Nancy didn't file charges and for divorce for no reason back in '03. I dare say, maybe the only people who really knew who Chris was, are no longer with us.


Some fans are saying they still support Benoit and will say how great he was, because he must of "momentarily snapped, it wasn't really him"...keep in mind you are supporting a person who killed 2 other innocent people. Last time I checked, a moment doesn't last 3 days. I'm pretty sure you cannot tie someone's feet and hands, wrap them in a blanket so they cannot struggle and then strangle them to death in just a moment, much less kill an innocent 7 yr old boy a day later. Some fans are choosing to ignore reality so they can continue to 'mark out' over the things Benoit did in wrestling. Despite what has happened, as much as I love wrestling, a mentality like that, makes me embarrassed to associate with you. This is real life. Between the time difference of the deaths, to how he made sure his wife wouldn't get away, to the phone calls to WWE laced with lies...and what about the recent discovery that he took out a new life insurance plan and only listed his ex wife and his kids from that marriage. He knew what he was doing to some sick extent. This was all thought out at some point. If Chris was your neighbor who worked a 9-5 you wouldn't defend him in the least. But some fan's visions are clouded by the fact he was a WWE Superstar. Forget tarnished, Chris Benoit single handedly destroyed a life times worth of work in less than 3 days. Every single person on this planet is responsible for themselves. If he had such mental issues, it was Chris' responsibility, not Vince's to seek help for himself via therapist, psychiatrist, exorcist...whatever. Sure he was a man of pride, but did he ultimately have too much pride to help himself? I guess once again, we'll never know. What we know is this is a tragedy and it sucks




Now for the media. I could go on for days on how immature, ridiculous and just flat out joke they have been. I'm amazed they could even let the public know it was a murder-suicide, since every other word out of their mouth or in print is Steroids. First of all, I want to say I think WWE and Vince McMahon have handled this appropriately. They did the tribute show when all that was known was that Benoit and his whole family were found dead. There was no ruling, and barely any credible speculation when Raw went on the air. It wasn't until Raw was pretty much over that it was being said in theory it was going to be ruled a murder-suicide. As soon as that theory was thrown out there, WWE quickly removed all Benoit tributes, appropriately I might add. It wasn't until the next afternoon the ruling was made official. The media has done their best to round up the best of the bitter--regarding their guests. I'm referring to Marc Mero (who seems to be doing every single friggin show) and Chyna. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize why Mero would be bitter, after all, he was out nursing a knee injury and his then wife became more over than he could have ever dreamed of and when he came back until he was released, he just floated around in Sable's shadow. And of course Chyna who has been saying Vince makes her sick. Listen Joanie, hating on Vince for siding with his own daughter, ain't gonna change the past and lying about NEVER touching steroids ever isn't gonna score you good karma either. Debra is another who seems to be trying to use this situation to score sympathy heat over her rocky relationship to Steve Austin. What happened with you and Steve has nothing to do with this. You say you are doing these shows to try and help, yet all you talk about is what an asshole Steve was. If you knew Nancy was in a bad situation, why didn't you say something before? Or even privately? Thank god Chris Jericho and Bret Hart were also given a chance to speak and tell it like it is, regardless of their pasts with Vince or the wrestling business.


The media has and always has had a misconception about steroids. They love to throw out there Wrestling = Steroids = Bad. Steroids are used in every major sport and have been probably since the 50's with bodybuilding. If they are anywhere near what they say they are, why haven't all the Mr. Olympia's from the last 50 yrs dropped dead like flies or why hasn't there been mass family murders? In fact, most are still around and in better shape than anyone else their age. Why do they not mention that SMOKING kills around 175,000 Americans, and about 5 MILLION people worldwide each year? That is 13,699 dead EACH day. Steroids were created to HELP man, not hurt him like cigarettes. Scientists in the late 1800's realized how hard life was for man. Long days, bull work, heavy lifting etc. So they experimented with extracting testosterone from pigs testicles and making an synthetic form that man could take to make him stronger, work harder and recover. Steroids have also been used by doctors to save people's lives. Aids patients, cancer patients...this list goes on. There is a difference between use and abuse. I am not condoning anything, but jesus christ, get your shit straight.


The media has also brought Eddie Guerrero back into light. "He died of a heart attack stemming from an enlarged heart probably due to steroid abuse". Probably? Are you kidding me? The word probably would never hold up in a court of law. It is either a fact or it is fiction. Eddie openly admitted in his book that from almost the beginning of his wrestling career, drinking was always his "mistress". FACT: Drinking for extended periods of time on a regular basis, causes an enlarged heart amongst other things. Eddie also talked about his prescription drug abuse. FACT: All those pain killers the uppers & downers cause an enlarged heart. Eddie admitted to mixing his pills with his alcohol and in fact had a few overdoses in his life--some before working for WWE. FACT: Your typical athlete, just by exercising is at risk for an enlarged heart. Do your research before you shoot your mouths off. With the internet, in 5 minutes you can pretty much find out anything you want. There are tons of legit medical sites that thoroughly explain what causes an enlarged heart. All these people who have never even seen the inside of a gym, ever known anyone who used Steroids or don't actually know jack about any of these medical condition, feel like they are qualified to speak about these issues just because they are on a tv show or have access to a media outlet.


Enlarged Heart.




-High blood pressure over a prolonged period of time


-Thyroid disorders or diabetes, which hamper metabolism


-Other heart defects, including valve problems, tissue damage from a heart attack, or a chronically high heart rate


-Heavy use of alcohol over many years


-Nutritional deficiencies of critical vitamins and minerals, including selenium (vital to the heart's electrical functioning), thiamin, calcium, and magnesium


-Abuse of cocaine


-Overuse or unmonitored use of certain antidepressants


-Some chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer, especially adriamycin


Roid rage is another term being abused. Yes roid rage does exist and in fact lasts momentarily, not 3 days. But Roid rage? Apparently during a rage, one becomes enraged and acts rather than thinking. However, it is up to the individual to try to control it. Obviously if Chris wasn't able to handle it, he would have flipped out many times before and lost it a long time ago in front of other people. As we've heard, none of Chris' co-workers can ever recall seeing him flip out. What happened in his house, is another story. Since some thinking had to take place for Benoit to carry this out over 3 days along, with the fact that neither body was beat up (aside from a knee bruise on Nancy's back) should be more than enough evidence to anyone with half a brain that this wasn't an incident of rage. (Chris)Jericho said it best. "It is much deeper than something like Steroids, Benoit obviously had some severe psychological issues that he held in for far too long until he snapped." I have no doubt there were pressures on Benoit. All of us, in someway or another have pressures, regardless of what line of work you are in. You could be unemployed and have pressure to get a job because you have bills that need to be paid and you need money to buy food so you can eat. Everyone has pressures. Pressure is a sure thing in life, we all have to deal with it.


Again, the media trying to blame Vince, is saying the wrestlers work too hard. While there is no doubt that wrestling has a schedule unlike any other profession and they bust their asses over 200 days a year, but all of us know this when we get into the business that's what WWE's schedules are like. If you cannot handle the schedule, maybe you shouldn't be in this business...but don't turn around and blame Vince if you can't handle it. There is a reason it takes a 'certain breed' to do what we do. Vince owns a sports entertainment company which provides opportunities to wrestlers that enable them to do what they love on the grandest stage in the world. They get to see the world and makes lots of money doing so. What any wrestler does by himself or in the privacy of his own home, is beyond Vince's control. The media thrives off of controversial headlines and since Steroids are always painted in a negative light, its been their ace card. So what if Chris does test positive in his toxicology report. His last WWE test in April showed he tested negative. Who is to say he didn't start back on them the very next day? Who is to say he didn't start back on them just a few days before this tragedy? We don't know and it really is a waste of time to speculate or point fingers. Heaven for bid the media paint it for what it really is and quit acting like steroids are worse than heroin and caused this, because in fact I'm pretty sure we may never know what caused this. We may never know why Chris unfortunately did what he did.

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Why would he throw in the bit about her being into devil worship then? If he wasnt trying to shift the goalposts? Sure he said devil worship was part of her character, but that she was someone who gets into her character too much - believes her own publicity. Thats clearly implying that she was into devil worship outside of wrestling too.

I've no idea why he said that, but then I don't know what questions he wa asked. I'm pretty sure he wasn't just asked for a statement, he must have been asked specific questions, for example what was Nancy like in WCW? Well that could logically lead to that answer. Or perhaps "Well she was really into her part" at which point he maybe asked in what way or to give an example and there you have your quote. You have to remember that the quotes we see there are likely part of a larger interview and don't really give a picture of the conversation taking place. Lots of actors/actresses like to get really into the parts and in some cases become the part for the duration they are playing it, it's really not uncommon. What he said only implies that she did this stuff for her character and chose to really get into it and continue it away from WCW, something that likely stopped when the character did.
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On Saturday morning, June 30th, WWE Hall of Famer Rowdy Roddy Piper was on The Pain Clinic pro wrestling talk showwith The Cashman, Dr. Love, The Artiste, and Danger Boy. Piper talked about the Benoit family tragedy, an upcoming appearance for charity in Rochester, his current stint in the WWE, winning the Tag Team Championship last fall with Ric Flair, his cancer diagnosis, and much more.Hot Rod

Edited by Rob Lowe
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Does anyone else love Kevin Nash. How articulate is he. Thank god it was him getting questioned by that slag instead of Ric Flair or the Honky Tonk Man. He did wrestlers proud.
Firstly I didnt like your earlier comments about Hogan's attitude toward Benoit. Let's not glorify someone death here ok, lets just await the toxology report!Secondly, what a stupid bitch sneering at the wrestling industry. How dare shee.
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Just thought I'd wade in and say I actually support kayfabesmonkey in this little debate that's been going on. Though condescending and arrogant at times, I'm sorry to say that it is INTENSELY hypocritical to constantly whine and moan about how desperately things need to change.... then on to watch the show as it stands.Why should Vince change? Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, will make his fan base turn off. Guerrero didn't do it, despite that whole thing being one of the most hideous and grotesque things ever, Benoit's death won't do it...It is hypocritical. There's no two ways about it. I turned off, and I won't turn back on. The argument that 'well what difference does it make' is the lamest justification imaginable. If more people turned off, Vince would fucking notice. If everyone takes the attitude that it makes no difference, then Vince will just carry on laughing to the bank while doing whatever the hell he likes, irrespective of how degrading, insulting and stupid his latest insane idea happens to be.

This is like saying if you so much as own a car then you're not allowed to be concerned about global warming. I'm sorry, but the world doesn't work in such absolutes. I get the feeling the people who argue if you feel things must change then you have a 'moral imperative' to switch off are those who've switched off already - not to take some kind of stand, but out of lack of interest in the product.Regarding the middle paragraph quoted above, you could just as easily flip that question to 'why shouldn't Vince change'? If his fanbase is so unshakeable then they're not going to be deterred by the guys getting a bit smaller. I'm sure in spite of his rampant capitalistic ways (which I'm by no means denying), he's not gonna be in a hurry to go through this kind of media attention again.
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