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Chris Benoit dead


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I'm FAIRLY sure I've seen every post, so I'm fairly sure this hasn't been posted.

Steve Austin's ex-wife, Debra Marshall, has spoken out on the Chris Benoit situation in a story for the FOX affiliate in Colorado. - She called the domestic and drug abuse in WWE "out of hand" and brought up the statistic of 60 wrestlers under the age of 45 having died in the last ten years. - Debra went as far as claiming that her story is very similar to Nancy Benoit's story, mentioning that Nancy had sought help from law enforcement in 2003 for domestic abuse. - Debra also stated that like Nancy, Austin had basically forced her to write a letter to authorities saying the original complaint was a mistake. - Debra said that she had personally seen Steve Austin take steroids. - Debra said that had she spoken up earlier about how out of control domestic abuse is in wrestling, maybe Nancy and Daniel would still be alive today.- Debra said that she "knows what it's like" to have someone who is really big sitting on top of you hitting you.- Debra said she is glad she is alive after going through what she went through with Steve Austin.Credit PWTorch

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police went to Benoit's wanky home in Fayetteville, Georgia,

I like that mistype. I've decided that I don't actually care, it's not affecting me personally, it's not going to change my life. I will still watch Benoit matches, but I don't think I will actually sit there and think "this man killed his wife, I shouldn't really watch this"
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I will always remember Chris Benoit's matches fondly. How could you not? But I'll never be able to enjoy one ever again. The mention of Chris Benoit's name will never again bring a smile to my face. And many other fans feel the same. The thought of a once-heralded and celebrated hero falling so far from grace is sickening enough. But the full details having emerged about this man has made me lose all respect I had for him, and all grief over his death.

That sums up exactly how Im feeling right now.I loved Benoit as a worker.. He was in some amazing matches right from the start of his career.. And part of my fondest pro wrestling memories.. but I will never think like that way again.. When I think of him and of this whole situation.. its just so very sad. And to think one of my favorite outcomes of a wrestling event ever (WMXX) with Benoit and Guerrero both with championship belts hugging amid ticker tape celebrations in MSG has turned into an absolute tragedy some three years later.. I dont feel as if I can ever enjoy pro wrestling again..
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Bret on the news discussing the case

Canadian news report also featuring Bret

Anderson Cooper's 360 w/Brian Christopher


It was an intensely fucked up thing that happened, but this is clearly less a case of an evil man who set about to murder his family, and more a Son of Sam type killing brought about by mental illness. He obviously had some sort of complete mental meltdown, from the stuff posted by 1fatty.com, which if it can be believed, it's not too far a stretch to think that he'd developed full blown schizophrenia. Thinking he was being followed and leaving bibles by the bodies, it's really not much of a leap to him hearing voices or hallucinating, and while that doesn't excuse anything, it's a bit different from your usual calculated or moment of red-mist murder. It's such a completely insane series of events that he's more comparable to - using movie killers as an analogy - the Tooth Fairy from Red Dragon, than say someone on The Bill who beat his wife to death, and obviously the product of a delusional mind that had broken.


All the OMG CHILD KILLER stuff, while true, and of course inexcusable, rather than hooting on about Chris Benoit's inherent evilness, we should be asking why things were allowed to escalate this far, especially if there have been warning signs for a while. If there were signs that he'd become unhinged, how come nobody stepped in?

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I bet Carbomb actually wants to see the bodies before he condemns Benoit.

I don't need to see you to know you're a knob-end. So, no.I told you several times before, I was waiting for the official findings, something conclusive, beyond "a belief". They found it. They announced it. Benoit's a murderer. I don't like it, I fucking hate it, but I've accepted it. So find someone else to bait.One thing I'm not going to do is say "Benoit rot in hell" and all this fucking shit. One truth in my life is that nothing, with the exception of death, is ever black-and-white, but that there are several shades of grey. Currently, Benoit to me is closer to the darker side than anything, but like I said before, I'm not lumping him in with people like Dahmer or West, and I'm hoping that people on here can get their heads out of their arses long enough to be able to see the gulf of difference between them and Benoit.I won't say "Benoit RIP", either; if I had to place him on a scale of 1-100, 100 being the most monstrous somebody can be labelled (because that's such a worthwhile pursuit in itself), I'd be placing Benoit at about 70.What I hope is that he's in Purgatory, suffering the appropriate punishment to his crime, and cleanses his soul in preparation for his next life. The sole reason why I've been so slow to condemn him (and I'm not going to fully condemn him either) is very simple: I have no heroes, for reasons exactly like this - heroes NEVER truly meet your expectations, because "hero expectations" are too high for anyone; against that backdrop, they WILL fail you. But there were people I admired, for one reason or another, and as time passes, I find I can't even have that luxury; people I admired are dying with their legacies in ruin, or they're being exposed as being unworthy of admiration. I'm already weary; one of them has just killed his family and, it is now emerging, wasn't as great a human being as the testimonies of his friends made out, another is a possible paedophile, a third is a complete and utter cunt who makes me feel worthless for having any kind of regard for him at all, and another, whom I know, treated my respect with contempt and derision. Simply put, my heart's breaking, one small, hairline fracture at a time, so don't be surprised if I fight for every bit of damage control I can manage.
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Bret on the news discussing the caseCanadian news report also featuring BretAnderson Cooper's 360 w/Brian ChristopherIt was an intensely fucked up thing that happened, but this is clearly less a case of an evil man who set about to murder his family, and more a Son of Sam type killing brought about by mental illness. He obviously had some sort of complete mental meltdown, from the stuff posted by 1fatty.com, which if it can be believed, it's not too far a stretch to think that he'd developed full blown schizophrenia. Thinking he was being followed and leaving bibles by the bodies, it's really not much of a leap to him hearing voices or hallucinating, and while that doesn't excuse anything, it's a bit different from your usual calculated or moment of red-mist murder. It's such a completely insane series of events that he's more comparable to - using movie killers as an analogy - the Tooth Fairy from Red Dragon, than say someone on The Bill who beat his wife to death, and obviously the product of a delusional mind that had broken. All the OMG CHILD KILLER stuff, while true, and of course inexcusable, rather than hooting on about Chris Benoit's inherent evilness, we should be asking why things were allowed to escalate this far, especially if there have been warning signs for a while. If there were signs that he'd become unhinged, how come nobody stepped in?

Well Said.While Benoit was my hero, a true inspiration for me, I'm coming to terms with everything. Yes, I will not look at him in the same way again, but, I'm not going to condem him with all the "OmgZzzzzz Burn In Hellz0r" and stuff like that, Its now asking questions like you said.. Why did it get so far, if reports are to be believed? Benoit was obviously a very sick man. And this is what's really sad in this case. It's going to open up a lot of questions in the next few weeks, which WWE will have to address, I'm sure. If there was concerns about his mental well being. Why wasn't anything done.
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It's a morbid suggestion, but I think this thread deserves a place in UKFF Gold. It's wrestling history as it happens. People will talk about this for years and years to come and we have a time line of events from his death surfacing and everybody RIP'ing him to the confirmation that he's a double murderer.

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Can anyone post me a link to a direct quote where the investigators say they are investigating the posibility that the murder's were a result of roid rage?They just played a clip on Radio 1 of Vince McMahon from ECW last night. Why are people calling this an appology? He didn't appologise for anything, nor should he.

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The pressure that caring for a physically or mentally handicapped child is one that many families do not survive, indeed being the primary carer for a disabled or ill child or family member is one of the toughest and least credited jobs in our society. While it in no way excuses what's happened this weekend, it may at least go some way towards explaining what may have triggered this family meltdown.I can empathise with this whole tragedy, but I think at this point it's fair to say that, whatever the motives and ancilliary circumstances that emerge over the next few weeks, indisputably we as wrestling fans have to come to terms with the fact that the character Chris Benoit that we loved and admired on-screen was in fact very different from Chris Benoit the man. That individual was ill enough, or deranged enough, to commit murder, and by that action he stepped forever out of the bounds of normal society.It saddens me immensely that this single moment of insanity has now completely annulled the 20 year career of the greatest wrestler of his generation. The WWE will, probably quite justifiably, erase him from their history as much as they can. They may even posthumously strip him of his title runs, it is within their power. I know that for me, the fun has been taken out of the sport and that, right now, I'm disinclined to continue to watch WWE programming certainly.I cannot begin to imagine the emotional anguish that his close friends and family will now go through. To reconcile the person they knew with the person that is emerging from these crime scene reports may take the rest of their lives.What a terrible shame, all of this.

Edited by Loki
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Isn't Fragile X a lesser developed symptom of full blown down syndrome ? I can't see HGH would make any differnece to that?

One of the effects are, "low muscle tone" (Hypotonia) according to Wiki.I really don't know what to make of this. I'd make a proper post but I need to be off, so I shall add later on. Benoit was a fucking hero to me and this goes and happens.
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Now I don't know whether this might have already been posted, and with the amount of pages there is a chance I may have overlooked it, if it has been posted.But the reporting of the text messages is odd to me, because if you look at the first, third and fourth message he sends, which all relate to him stating his PHYSICAL address, which may suggest that his mental address so to speak was else where, perhaps a hint to his friends that he needs help, but he is unable to directly ask for it. But then you look at the fifth text message and the word physical is ommitted and he just talks about his address. Which to me suggests that his address his no longer his physical address where he resides, and soon after that message he intends to kill himself. That to me could be some form of suicide note perhaps, detailing how his mental cognitions are moving throughout a 10 minute time span?Anyone's thoughts on this?

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By the way, one last point on this subject:No, they should NOT resume the McMahon death storyline. Murderer or not, to simply do so would be completely tasteless and inappropriate.Keep in mind that it's not just Benoit who's died, it's his wife and child. If nothing else, WWE should stay well away from the subject of death for at least another year.Eddie's death was tragic, and there was an exploitable outpouring of emotion, which is why WWE milked it so badly. But the Benoit incident is not only tragic, it's shocking, and it's uncomfortable.

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Now I don't know whether this might have already been posted, and with the amount of pages there is a chance I may have overlooked it, if it has been posted.But the reporting of the text messages is odd to me, because if you look at the first, third and fourth message he sends, which all relate to him stating his PHYSICAL address, which may suggest that his mental address so to speak was else where, perhaps a hint to his friends that he needs help, but he is unable to directly ask for it. But then you look at the fifth text message and the word physical is ommitted and he just talks about his address. Which to me suggests that his address his no longer his physical address where he resides, and soon after that message he intends to kill himself. That to me could be some form of suicide note perhaps, detailing how his mental cognitions are moving throughout a 10 minute time span?Anyone's thoughts on this?

I have been in the States a number of times. If someone has had cause to ask me my home address I have heard the question being referred to as "what is your physical address". However we will never know what Benoit meant and it is just something else that is open to interpretation. My main concern over this whole incident was that more questions would be unanswered than answered. I still fear this will be the case.
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Now I don't know whether this might have already been posted, and with the amount of pages there is a chance I may have overlooked it, if it has been posted.But the reporting of the text messages is odd to me, because if you look at the first, third and fourth message he sends, which all relate to him stating his PHYSICAL address, which may suggest that his mental address so to speak was else where, perhaps a hint to his friends that he needs help, but he is unable to directly ask for it. But then you look at the fifth text message and the word physical is ommitted and he just talks about his address. Which to me suggests that his address his no longer his physical address where he resides, and soon after that message he intends to kill himself. That to me could be some form of suicide note perhaps, detailing how his mental cognitions are moving throughout a 10 minute time span?Anyone's thoughts on this?

I have been in the States a number of times. If someone has had cause to ask me my home address I have heard the question being referred to as "what is your physical address". However we will never know what Benoit meant and it is just something else that is open to interpretation. My main concern over this whole incident was that more questions would be unanswered than answered. I still fear this will be the case.
Americans often refer to their home address as their "physical" address, mostly since the advent and worldwide use of the internet and e-mail, to specify home instead of e-mail address. It's not always done that way, but I hear it a lot.Not posted about this because, to be honest, I'm only slightly surprised, mostly that this kind of event hasn't occurred much earlier than this. People's in-ring character tend to be exhagerated versions of themselves, and Benoit was not different. His in-ring character was rabid, just like he was behind closed doors.
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