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The Song Of The Day Thread

Mr. Seven

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I've been neglecting my baby, so here's a triple dose:


Clint Mansell - 'Death Is The Road To Awe'


For those of you unfamiliar with Clint Mansell, he's a composer most famous for the Requiem For A Dream theme, which has appeared in many adverts and montages since. I'd be shocked if you haven't heard it. Anyways, this is taken from his score for The Fountain, and it's 8 minutes of orchestral bliss, and builds to an awesome crescendo.


A Perfect Circle - 'Passive'


A Perfect Circle, aka Maynard from Tool's other band, are pretty great and not talked about enough in my opinion. Here's one of their singles from a couple of years ago.


Camera Obscura - 'If Looks Could Kill'


Scottish group Camera Obscura had one of the songs of the summer last year in 'Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken'. This, taken from the same album, is essentially more of the same. Good upbeat summer pop.

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Yeah it's pretty amazing. Have you seen the film yet? I'll upload the score for you on you know where sometime over the weekend.

I'll suck your virtual cock if you would. Probably your real one too.Still not seen it (The Film, not your cock ;) ) but the people who's opinion matter to me regarding film all like it so I really want to. My brother said it's not a great film but one that should be seen.
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In a bid to prevent this thread from dying, and to possibly encourage shy people to post, I'd like for people to post their summer songs for a while. Whether it reminds you of a great summer you once had, or summer in general, share it with us.


In the meantime, I absolutely must upload this track I've fallen in love with, and it's kinda summery so it falls in with the theme. It's by a band called The Teenagers, and the lyrics are very reflective of modern times. Plus it's got a bassline that sucks you right in.


The Teenagers - 'Homecoming'

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Summer songs...awesome, I would warn you to expect some crap from yours truly.


To begin with, a song which I first heard and fell in love with during a school trip to Wales in 2002...


Athlete - You Got the Style


That Teenagers track is awesome. They sound Scandinavian or something (is there even reference to Facebook?!), I've got quite a lot similar in style to it and will upload in due course. Great way to kick it off Seven.


Here's a couple of tracks that sound similar to The Teenagers...


Strip Squad - Pervert/Expert

I'm From Barcelona - We're From Barcelona

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Just want to point out that I think one the files on this page is virus ridden. While I was downloading one of Andy's (I think) my PC went bannana and my virus killing thingy started going on a major killing spree. Im not having a go at either Andy or Baztim (Sevens doenloaded before it all kicked off), as I know youre regular contributers to this thread especially, I just want to point it out so others dont fall foul or it can be fixed.Still loving thread, and looking forward to more summery musac. I'll upload something at some point in the not too distant future. (Note to self: Find some cool music. There's gotta be some somewhere in my collection. :music: )

Edited by Euthanasia
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I just re-downloaded all of mine and they worked alright, I gave Baz's a go after and that one was ticketyboo also, maybe it's just something with your computer...:/

Thats a real possibility. My PC is in the process of dying a slow painful death. Being that I am not the most computer savvy person going I though I better bring it up just incase it was the files. My virus thingy seemed to catch it all, and a scan caught nothing afterwards, so I dont know either way. Wasnt a personal attack on you Andy by the way.
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Cheers Andy. I know you werent trying to kill us all with cyber terrorism. At least not on purpose. :p I was just pointing it out incase it was the files and sendspace had tampered with them or whatever. Like I say, I wouldnt really know either way. Just my PC went bannana as I was downloading them, so I though I'd better say something, just in case. Anywho........


This thread has entirely too little hip hop for my liking. Granted, my contributions aren't exactly 'underground', 'unknown' or 'left field', but these say a little bit of Summer to me:


Jurassic 5 - Concrete Schoolyard I can't describe how much I love this tune. Can't help but feel Summer when I hear this. When I used to work in an ice rink (with no f'n heating!) I could 'feel' Summer with this, so there must be something there. Anyway, grab your drink of choice, turn up the volume and watch the rain pissing down.


King Bee - Back By Dope Demand Some random old school hip hop. :)


Sugarhill Gang - Rappers Delight What can I say? This is just awesome nearly 30 years later! (1979? I may be wrong.)


The Roots - Lazy Afternoon The uber awesome Roots. Perfect for those (very rare) days were its just damn hot to do anything.


Also, its not hip hop, but one of my previous contributions a few pages back 'Lord I Come Before You' by Salvador is very Summery. I'll re-up if its dead and peeps actually want it.

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No, I just wanted you to enjoy the songs really, I don't want to be sending out Trojan's and all that dodgy stuff.

Same 'ere. I'll upload some crappo eighties tonight. Edited by bAzTNM
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