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FFmpegX is free and pretty good for converting videos on Macs.


My question - there's an African shop I walk past on the way to work which currently has a sign in their window stating they're selling Nigerian imported Guiness. Now, I had previously assumed that the only place worth importing Guiness from would be Ireland so what's so special about the Nigerian stuff?

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My question - there's an African shop I walk past on the way to work which currently has a sign in their window stating they're selling Nigerian imported Guiness. Now, I had previously assumed that the only place worth importing Guiness from would be Ireland so what's so special about the Nigerian stuff?


It's made with the same basic stout but tastes a little sweeter than the normal stuff.

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I donwloaded a .mkv video file the other day and quickly tested it on VLC player and it worked fine, great picture/audio etc. Came to watch it properly last night and the auido is fine but can't get a picture now. I have not changed any settings or anything like that. Really frustrating, I was looking forward to watching it.


What am I doing wrong? Would I need to reinstall the codec perhaps?

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It's actually not Guinness imported from Nigeria as such, it'll be "Foreign Extra Stout" imported from the Nigerian brewery "Guinness Nigeria PLC".


The main beer is Foreign Extra Stout (7.5% ABV). This is now brewed under license from Guinness, using a concentrate sent from Dublin which is dark stout with the water removed. It is then blended with a local pale beer. Nigeria is the third largest and fastest-growing Guinness market in the world. The sweeter taste of this offering is often said to be a result of the sorghum used as a part of the recipe.


Foreign Extra Stout ("Nigerian Guinness") is occasionally available from off-licenses and supermarkets in the UK, particular in Brixton and other parts of south London and is favoured by Africans and Caribbeans. The flavour is more intense than that of the conventional stout, and the increased alcoholic strength is also noticeable. Guinness Extra Smooth, a less strong variety which is not as bitter as Foreign Extra Stout and more velveted for the palate, is also produced.


So Nigerian Guinness is a sort of 'Guinness concentrate' shipped over from Dublin and then blended with local ingredients to produce "Foreign Extra Stout" which has come to be known as "Nigerian Guinness".

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I'd like to know the name of a song which I believe is operatic (in my mind I can only hear it being sung by a tenor). All I've got to go on is that the main part kind of sounds similar to the chorus from "Wind Beneath My Wings". :/

Shamelessly bumping this from the last page because:


1. It's bugging me.

2. No-one reads old pages. :(

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You're welcome! And thanks to everyone else for the stuff about Nigerian Guiness. I'm intrigued and may buy some tomorrow.


Another question:


Does anyone have a light fixture like this?



When we moved in, only three of the four lights were working. We bought replacement ones but being lazy, never got around to changing it. Eight months on, we're now down to one bulb so I decided I'd finally have a go at replacing the bulbs... Only to find I couldn't get the old bulbs out. Any suggestions greatly appreciated :thumbsup:

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I think you need a little suction cup thingy. When I've bought lights like this before, you get a small black sucker to attach to the glass and twist the front bit off, allowing you to get to the bulb.


Try an independent DIY store? Maybe even somewhere like Halfords would have something suitable.

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While it's hard to properly see the bulbs, they appear to be the type with two prongs on the end, which is what we have all around the edge of the charity store I'm in. If that's the case, just get something to prise it out with. (preferably something which can't conduct electricity unless you've got it all turned off, even then I'd say be wary) I've found a pair of scissors (with plastic handles o'course) work wonders to hook the bastards out.

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It was two prongs, but the prongs had larger bits on the end which allowed them to be screwed in. I'd tried prising them out with everything I could find before I managed to turn one of them around enough for it to just fall out in my hand.


Googling it, I found something about the same bulbs which said the fixture had a catch you had you release which I just couldn't see as a possibility.

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Another stupid iMovie/video conversion question.


A 3gp video file recorded on a phone. I need to open it in iMovie. My iMovie is not recognising it as a video file. I've tried a video converter but no matter what I convert it to I can't open it on iMovie. Is there anything at all I can do? Help please?


I have other 3gp files that will open on it - just not this one. Have I put it on the computer wrongly? Is it too small a file? (it's only 8 or 9 seconds long - 96kb) I don't understand... when I convert it it says 'this is not a movie file' ... even when I've just converted it wrong. Argh.

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The only thing I can think of to try, if you've tried other video converters, is Quicktime Pro. It could just be that the video's corrupted or something.

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