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Yeah, I think Daybreak (the 2010s one, not Robert Kee presented Daybreak on TV-AM) was the first morning programme on channel 3, as opposed to an independent franchise like TV-AM and GMTV. They weren't news providers by remit, but instead independent television channels which as part of their remit had to provide news coverage. Whether their own or someone elses. The easiest way to see it is as an independent franchise, like a Granada or Thames, only with national coverage for morning hours.

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It's seemingly quite common - my grandfather in laws building has the same clause. I think it's intended to stop people taking the piss with the free hot water. I only go to the launderette to wash our curtains, and our big blanket - send the rest of the stuff out to the Chinese laundry at 65 cents a pound

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It turned into Who Shot JR in there this morning, Steve.


They reckon it could be a driver from the continent. Had to laugh...blame the foreigners. It was so Irish.


One of me mates in there knows and he was trembling with laughter when the finance manager said it in the office, so I'm hoping nothing else is said.


If I'm rumbled I'll report back...

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Does anybody have experience with unauthorised transactions through PayPal?  For a few months I've had difficulty securing my account, I've constantly been getting unusual activity emails.  The last time I secured my account I changed my password to something totally different to what I normally use, and used different security questions to what I would normally use.  I woke up this morning to find some scumbag in the US has used my account to buy £100 worth of iTunes vouchers.  I've just come back from quite an expensive trip to Dublin so this is the last thing I need.


Roughly how long do these things take to resolve?  And how much chance do I actually have of getting my money back?

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I'm supposed to be getting my first tattoo tomorrow morning. However, I've had 5 pints today and have been reading (and have heard) that it's not such a good idea after drinking as you will bleed a lot and the ink won't take.


Should I just rearrange or will I be ok?

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I'm supposed to be getting my first tattoo tomorrow morning. However, I've had 5 pints today and have been reading (and have heard) that it's not such a good idea after drinking as you will bleed a lot and the ink won't take.


Should I just rearrange or will I be ok?

Re-arrange. Seriously no fucking about not worth it

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I think we're getting a PS4 - only question I have is what's a good game bundle to go with? I've always wanted to play the Uncharted games (and I'm tempted by the novelty that I can get one-hour delivery on it), but there's also Black Ops 3, which I wasn't super interested in, and The Last of Us, which sounds good.

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That's the exact one we went for, Steve (asked this question at 0100 UK time, and couldn't wait for answers) — it got the best ratings, and it was also one of the two bundles that was available on Prime Now, so I got it delivered first thing this morning. Was contemplating the Star Wars Battleground pack, but have heard plenty of negative on that, and I don't want another Call of Duty game, so The Last of Us was simultaneously the only other bundle I was considering seriously, and is probably my next purchase. 


Has anyone played that game which sounds like an 80s slasher movie, Until Dawn? Sounds right up my alley.

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