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Off-Topic Questions Thread - closed. Open new threads for specific questions please.


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It means whatever I was refering to was poor.... AliveAndAmplified/10 means that whatever the poster said was poor, and i was rating it on a scale, like 1/10. You have improved dramatically as a poster though, so I probably wont use your name in that sense again. If you behave, that is.


I've been suspended for two weeks which is probably why you've came to that conclusion. I did realise in my absence how little I added to anything though so i've just been sticking to the Street Fighter thread and stuff mainly, where I can actually have discussion that is relevent to anything.

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When I was eight years old my mother sent me to the shops and promised Toad in the Hole upon my return. When I got back all that was left of my family were the tyre tracks the car had left as she screeched away from me. I never saw her again.


Beware of Toad in the Hole promises!

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Dear UKFF,


In the run up to the release of Street Fighter IV, they (they presumably being Capcom) released a pack of all the music and samples from Street Fighter II for a remix contest as part of the hype.


I only found out about this after the game was out, and the original website no longer has the sample pack up for grabs.


Might any of you fine fellows or fellettes be able to help me to find a download?


Kind Regards,


Chest Rockwell

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If you think you can dig it out that would be much appreciated...


But if you don't think you'll find it then I don't want to deter any other potential helpful soul going to the effort of hooking a brother up. No offense to your well-intentioned but somewhat flakey self. (C'mon! The Xmas thing, the rap battle, your rent. I'm just saying.. No offense.)

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