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As opposed to recommendinga specific one, I would recommend having a look at picking up an second hand, perhaps ex-office, decent chair. If you spend a long time in it, it's totally worth getting something half decent, but they're stupidly expensive.


I bought a decent second hand chair over ten years ago now for just under

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Mine was slightly lower but iv'e always got the lowest amount it's possible to get due to household income. What Mike mentioned is what I fear will stop me from being entitled to it. Thanks for all the answers guys, if anyone knows more i'd appreciate it, could just stop being a lazy arse and head up there though.

According to a friend who finished this year and just tried to claim, you can claim JSA from June 14th.

Thanks for the help Mike i'll look into it after that then.

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I'm looking for someone who can download TV shows off hulu ( and hulu plus ) and put them onto a dvd or 2 for me , its not a load of stuff just say a dozen shows . I've downloaded various programmes that reckon they can do the job but none of them worked , ( proxmate was good for actually viewing them though ) I'm in the Uk , if anyone can help send me a pm please :)

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Does anyone know a quick easy way of checking the file size and dimensions of an image on a website in Chrome?Obviously in other browsers you can just right-click, properties. In Chrome you get the "Inspect Element" panel and there's too much shit going on there for me to know what I'm doing.(possible other question - is this the result of an extension I've downloaded and forgotten about, or is it actually how it is by default?)

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As opposed to recommendinga specific one, I would recommend having a look at picking up an second hand, perhaps ex-office, decent chair. If you spend a long time in it, it's totally worth getting something half decent, but they're stupidly expensive.I bought a decent second hand chair over ten years ago now for just under

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Does anybody know what the rules are on using disposable BBQ's in public parks? It's my birthday on Saturday and I've booked Thursday - Monday off. On the Sunday, the day after my actual birthday, it's supposed to be like 24 degrees and cloudless and given that I've given up the sauce and don't have a garden, am considering getting a couple of those disposable BBQ's and having some meat and whatever in the park. Any idea? Or does it just vary?

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Can anybody tell me an effective way to boost mobile phone signal in a signal-resistant house. I'm on the Three network living in South London and my signal is fine until I get inside my house at which point it disappears. I can get some weak signal if the phone is kept in a very particular spot in my room, but even that is shaky at best. Its getting on my tit end.I've spoken with Three about it and it doesn't seem I'll be able to terminate the contract (which has about 18 months to run) as the problem seems to be the house rather than their signal - though there are other people living here whose phones work pretty well.I've heard of pieces of hardware you can buy that purportedly boost the signal in your house but I'm concerned by the whiff of snake oil, and the websites I've seen saying they're technically illegal.Any advice appreciated.

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Any access database gurus on here? I know how to physically create and maintain one, forms etc but i'm not too hot on the whole relationships of tables side of things.I want to create a database to capture client enquiry data, referral source, contact details etc. I could easily do all that in one big table, but i dont understand the benefits of tables and relationships.Can anyone advise why i might do it one way or the other? and what the benefits of using relationships might be?Cheers.

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