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I was summoned to do jury service beginning on 31st October. My work's totally cool with it, they've had copies of letters with the dates etc & I said I'd text my boss the night I'm done & to him know when I'm coming back to the office. They rang me today to say they had a surplus of jurors & I could either request to still do it or be excused, I opted for excused (everyone's told me it's boring as shit).


Herein lies my query....


I'm going to a gig in Manchester the night of the 31st with a group of mates, if I still take off the day of the gig & the day after I could just tell work my jury service is done & I'll be back in the office the following day. Allowing me to drink all afternoon in Manchester & at the show. Have the Thursday off to recover & play xbox then go back in work for the Friday, where they'll be chuffed to see me as they're bracing themselves for me to be gone for up to a fortnight where my boss will absorb my workload. Or I could be honest?

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I was summoned to do jury service beginning on 31st October. My work's totally cool with it, they've had copies of letters with the dates etc & I said I'd text my boss the night I'm done & to him know when I'm coming back to the office. They rang me today to say they had a surplus of jurors & I could either request to still do it or be excused, I opted for excused (everyone's told me it's boring as shit).


Herein lies my query....


I'm going to a gig in Manchester the night of the 31st with a group of mates, if I still take off the day of the gig & the day after I could just tell work my jury service is done & I'll be back in the office the following day. Allowing me to drink all afternoon in Manchester & at the show. Have the Thursday off to recover & play xbox then go back in work for the Friday, where they'll be chuffed to see me as they're bracing themselves for me to be gone for up to a fortnight where my boss will absorb my workload. Or I could be honest?


If you can get away with it, take the time off. May as well.

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Bollocks. Instead of reading post after post all I'm getting is the first post in a thread and then a list and link of the previous posts in the topic. The fuck have I done?

you have switched the display mode to outline, go to the top on any thread and click options and change display mode to standard.

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Does downloading torrents directly to a external hard drive work? I've changed the directory file to one on my external drive but this seems to be making Transmission (torrent client) crash.

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I remember overhearing a discussion with someone who worked on plane ticket pricing who explained that plane tickets are priced according to a stunted formula, so for example, the first 20 seats (purely for talking sake) are priced dirt cheap (and usually at a loss, regardless of legroom, window seat etc. After that, the next x amount of seats are priced at a higher rate, and when those are gone, the next allocation are priced even higher right up until the last seats which are over the odds.


If what he said is true, then it'd make total sense to book as early as possible, because even though it isn't dependant on time, it's all about how many people have bought seats already. It is essentially pot luck, but the earlier you book the less likely that all the cheap seats will have been taken.


Take all this with a pinch of salt, pepper and vinegar because I heard it when buying a christmas present in Thorntons, so not exactly a source for the bibliography.

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Is it best to book a flight, just a flight, further or nearer to the plane departure date or is it really all over the shop depending who you book with, airlines wanting to fill seats etc?


Can't remember where I heard this but apparently its best to check at the start of the week as they are supposed to be lower and then increased as demand grows.

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  • Paid Members
I was summoned to do jury service beginning on 31st October. My work's totally cool with it, they've had copies of letters with the dates etc & I said I'd text my boss the night I'm done & to him know when I'm coming back to the office. They rang me today to say they had a surplus of jurors & I could either request to still do it or be excused, I opted for excused (everyone's told me it's boring as shit).


Herein lies my query....


I'm going to a gig in Manchester the night of the 31st with a group of mates, if I still take off the day of the gig & the day after I could just tell work my jury service is done & I'll be back in the office the following day. Allowing me to drink all afternoon in Manchester & at the show. Have the Thursday off to recover & play xbox then go back in work for the Friday, where they'll be chuffed to see me as they're bracing themselves for me to be gone for up to a fortnight where my boss will absorb my workload. Or I could be honest?


Best be honest and not deceive them as you'll probably get caught out, liars always do.


If you company tries to claim your time back from the courts as money then find out you weren't there, they might fire you.

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Isn't Strikeforce shown on Primetime?


Not always. They showed the Heavyweight GP finals in May but they didn't show a few events before that and haven't shown the last couple. They only aired the May card because they'd already secured the rights to show the 4 GP events over here.


Basically, yeah, torrents. It won't matter soon anyway because the January card looks like being it for Strikeforce.


As for Bellator, they've been on about distributing their shows worldwide for ages now but we've got fuck all. We had the same with WEC. Torrents again.

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