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I'm after some advice for a Christmas present. My mom likes horror films and said that she always sees the adverts on the TV which look good and she never sees the film, but I'm not a fan so haven't got a clue what I'm looking for.


Can any of you nice chaps recommend some from the last few years that are good/got good reviews? She's in to the Paranormal Activity types horrors, stuff like that that is creepy rather than your slasher and gory types. Cheers


Are you just looking for stuff from the last few years, because I reckon films like The Legend Of Hell House, The House On Haunted Hill and The Haunting would be up her street, but they're from the 60s and 70s.


From the last few years though, I reckon stuff like The Others, White Noise and Haunted might go down well. If she doesn't mind some subtitles, The Devil's Backbone and The Orphanage are brilliant, and Dark Water is pretty great too.

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From the earlier question - if you're drunk and in posession of some car keys, you're actually liable for arrest.


Particularly so if you're anywhere near the car and there's any suggestion that you're about to enter it (regardless of whether you're going to drive it or not).


But, even if you're in town, pissed and waggling a set of car keys about, a copper can arrest you.


I've had to lock up a guy who was honestly sleeping in his car, as he had nowhere else to go that night but his missus/ex-missus made a complaint that he was intenting to drive at some point.

And, by the letter of the law, just being in the car, with the keys (even with no intention to drive) means a definite night in the cells.

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I'm after some advice for a Christmas present. My mom likes horror films and said that she always sees the adverts on the TV which look good and she never sees the film, but I'm not a fan so haven't got a clue what I'm looking for.


Can any of you nice chaps recommend some from the last few years that are good/got good reviews? She's in to the Paranormal Activity types horrors, stuff like that that is creepy rather than your slasher and gory types. Cheers


Are you just looking for stuff from the last few years, because I reckon films like The Legend Of Hell House, The House On Haunted Hill and The Haunting would be up her street, but they're from the 60s and 70s.


From the last few years though, I reckon stuff like The Others, White Noise and Haunted might go down well. If she doesn't mind some subtitles, The Devil's Backbone and The Orphanage are brilliant, and Dark Water is pretty great too.


Thanks a lot for that, the earlier ones do sound up her street and i've not heard her mention them as ones she has seen so i'll probably give them a go. As I said I don't know what i'm looking for, I can vaguely remember adverts in the last few years mostly having "The" in title or being just one word :laugh: Would anyone recommend "The Orphan" or "The Excorsism of Emily Rose" They are two i've stumbled across and heard of.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Awards Moderator

Does anyone know what that 740 930 277 is for during live football matches on Sky Sports? It's shown sporadically above the Sky Sports logo is the top right corner for a few minutes at a time, or sometimes for the majority of a game. It's been bugging me for weeks and Google can offer squat in terms of an answer.


EDIT: Just as I posted this, it sodding vanished again.

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  • Paid Members
Does anyone know what that 740 930 277 is for during live football matches on Sky Sports? It's shown sporadically above the Sky Sports logo is the top right corner for a few minutes at a time, or sometimes for the majority of a game. It's been bugging me for weeks and Google can offer squat in terms of an answer.


EDIT: Just as I posted this, it sodding vanished again.


Yes, we've been wondering that as well. It only seems to happen during football, haven't noticed it during the cricket or anything else.

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Does anyone know what that 740 930 277 is for during live football matches on Sky Sports? It's shown sporadically above the Sky Sports logo is the top right corner for a few minutes at a time, or sometimes for the majority of a game. It's been bugging me for weeks and Google can offer squat in terms of an answer.


EDIT: Just as I posted this, it sodding vanished again.


Yes, we've been wondering that as well. It only seems to happen during football, haven't noticed it during the cricket or anything else.


Apparently its something to do with Sky checking your viewing card etc, making sure you're not watching sky through illegal means and you're card is official and all that. Think it happens more during football as it gets the highest viewing figures/more people trying to watch illegally etc.

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  • Paid Members
From the earlier question - if you're drunk and in posession of some car keys, you're actually liable for arrest.


Particularly so if you're anywhere near the car and there's any suggestion that you're about to enter it (regardless of whether you're going to drive it or not).


But, even if you're in town, pissed and waggling a set of car keys about, a copper can arrest you.


I've had to lock up a guy who was honestly sleeping in his car, as he had nowhere else to go that night but his missus/ex-missus made a complaint that he was intenting to drive at some point.

And, by the letter of the law, just being in the car, with the keys (even with no intention to drive) means a definite night in the cells.


Many thanks, it's not something I'm planning on doing but I was just curious on how it went under law.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Awards Moderator
Where the fuck is the link on Paypal for those faster withdrawals they now do? Sodding useless site.

Go to My Account when you log in. Click on Withdraw from the second menu bar and then select the Withdraw funds to your bank account even quicker option.

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  • Awards Moderator

Have you verified your account details? If not, that could be a reason you don't get that option. Might be worth quickly checking before you call them as I had to deal with them on the phone once for a very simple matter and it made me want to boil my ears. It took about 40 minutes just to get hold of the right person.

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Actually, got it sorted now, mate, thanks for your help.


And you are right about their customer services being fucking awful. Even worse if you have a Paypal topup card.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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