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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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The Meltzer driver is great. I fucking love the Bucks. Their whole act is just so daft but there's a self awareness that makes it work.


Word from Meltzer is ROH had no plans to take the belt from Elgin but the Baseball stuff ruffled some feathers. Theres also various things floating around about ROH possibly being upset he wasn't protecting the title, doing a clean job at PWG for example. Sounds like he's been a headache. His twitter timeline is pretty weird, tweeting baseball teams asking about tryouts.


The show itself though was great. 12 quid to watch live and very high quality on Ustream. Bucks/ReDRagon and AJ/Cole were the highlights but the whole show was fun. Only downside was a poor crowd in the big moments. A very worthy purchase.

Edited by Benno
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  • Paid Members

Well, they either lucked out or knew there was a potential issue:




-In a weird way, Ring Of Honor lucked out on the last minute decision to take the title off Michael Elgin last night. Elgin ended up stopped at the border due to working visa issues and will not be allowed in the U.S. for 90 days. That had nothing to do with him losing the title, which was for a variety of reasons, most discussed last night. But had they not done it, they'd have been without a champion or would have had to strip him of the title in an awkward manner.

Edited by Benno
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Paid Members

I've just finished watching the ROH TV episode Gadge recommends above, making it the first ROH I've seen in about 18 months (after previously getting EVERY show from 2002-2010, then just limiting myself to the big signature shows, then giving up altogether).  It was a really good, well put-together simple little show that was an easy watch, and I'll probably consider myself a regular viewer again for this point, of the weekly TV at least.  Couple of really good matches, a few angles, and commentary that does a good job of explaining everything that's going on.  I didn't know they broke up their 'big' events into TV blocks now too (this show was matches from 'Death Before Dishonor' this year) as well as the other tapings.


What day does the new TV go up on the website each week.  I know members get it early (and plenty of ROH fans could be described as 'members'), and 'paid members' get the full archive, but what day does the current episode swap over?

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It's Thursday I believe.


ROH keeps having these great iPPV's that seem to garner them all kinds of goodwill and momentum and then they follow it with TV that's highlights of month old shows. Next week's TV for example is going to have an Elgin title defence, weeks after he dropped the belt in what was a relatively big story.


That aside, when the TV is as good as this week, that can be forgiven. While Bucks/Briscoes was fun, AJ/O'Reilly was particularly tremendous. Show was also absolutely worth seeing just for that Jay Lethal knee brace advert.

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  • 4 months later...

Know its late but i watched Final Battle 2014 last week and its a much better outing than Best In The World 2014 in my eyes. Whole feel and flow of the show was just much better then BITW. Addiction/Alexander vs Bucks/ACH, Time Splitters vs reDRagon and Cole vs Briscoe were all awesome matches.


Only downside seems to be the venue got shit all over for restricted views and the buyrates were down, Probably down to it being christmas period more than anything.

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  • Paid Members

Final Battle was a good show but yeah, they were stuck running that shitty building because the Hammerstein is out of their price range.


There was a thing in the Observer this week that Joe Koff had a meeting trying to convince the Sinclair TV bods that they should make a run for Number 2 promotion with TNA falling as they are. He apparently even had Adam Cole and The Briscoes there cutting promos about it for some reason as part of his pitch.


Needless to say, it isn't happening and ROH is remaining the solidly entertaining but ultimately "just there" cheapo television product it is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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