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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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I drift in and out of this thread, read what's going on, then move on instantly forgetting most of what I've just read - which is a cracking metaphor for my interest in ROH itself really. I watched Best In The World last year, then I've not cared ever since. It's almost like seeing Richards win the title made me think "I'm out." There just literally isn't anythig left for ROH to do that I'm interested in seeing, unless Devitt came in for a match or two. However I couldnt let this pass without comment.....


A really fun little contest (even if it does provoke the rather cringe-worthy chant of "JOSHI! JOSHI!" from ROH fans...).
[/img] Just cretinous.
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Elgin vs. Finlay is the other main standout for me. I fucking love Elgin and Finlay has been a bag of fun on the indys from what I've seen.


ROH seem to have a massive hard on for WGTT for some reason, so I don't imagine ANX will take the belts from them.


Hopefully Elgin breaks off from the House Of Truth soon with this new team coming in. Agree about Finlay, Wasn't a huge fan when he was in the WWE.


Haas i can stand, But Shelton is just fucking horrible. About time that they let ANX step up. Although if they were still booking the Young Bucks they should of been next in line!

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ROH is streaming there PPV live at the moment on their website. Why are people paying for it when you can actually watch it live for nothing? I thought it was only free to people who got arse raped on their last offering?


Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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ROH is streaming there PPV live at the moment on their website. Why are people paying for it when you can actually watch it live for nothing? I thought it was only free to people who got arse raped on their last offering?





Worst promotion ever.

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This is unreal. They've went from people paying to see a PPV they can't watch, to people paying for a PPV everyone can watch. And there are people who paid for it complaining their stream keeps dying. This promotion is cursed when it comes to streaming their IPPVs.


Fucking lolocaust.


Well I've got a picture perfect stream here. Thanks ROH!

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Well, before they caught onto what was going on and stopped it, I noticed that the production values seem to have improved in the twelve months since I last watch an iPPV.


Who was the bit of fluff in Ciampa's corner?

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