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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Well, I'm just watching the YouTube version of Flair's debut on the HDNet TV show




the production and style look very good given they have just started and are a small thing compared to WWE or TNA.

it all looks quite well made and stylish from the little bit i looked at

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Is ROH still on it's way out or is it here to stay?


I've only just got started watching it and I would only consider myself a casual fan of current wrestling (I don't watch much beyond old WWE and ECW stuff) so the TV show is bound to draw people like me into the ROH viewership. The current TV series is useless to the hardcore fans of ROH but is perfect for me as I've never seen most of these wrestlers before. I'd give it another while yet until the next set of tapings to get the story lines and build up to PPV's/supercards worked into the shows. Total noob question but do ROH do televised PPV's or do you have to wait for the DVD to be released?


And hey, 6 episodes in and ROH on HdNet is already miles better then TNA Impact so it's definatelygoing to be here to stay..

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Just watched the May 9th TV show on YouTube (episode 8). The previous week, which I linked to further up the page, was the first episode of the second batch of tapings, and both episodes 7 and 8 came across better than the first 2 episodes, which had issues with the audio (crowd audio not loud enough, in-ring too loud so you could hear spots being called). I didn't watch episodes 3-6 mainly due to the audio trouble, whereas now I think I'll watch every week.


Episode 8 featured some watchable undercard action with Daizee Haze and Delirious vs MsChif and Jimmy Jacobs, a nicely focused squash for the American Wolves, and Bryan Danielson vs Tyler Black in a World Title contenders match which wasn't up there with the New Horizons PPV match but came across well as a TV main.


Part 1 link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT1rYfguh8w...feature=related

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Episode 8 featured some watchable undercard action with Daizee Haze and Delirious vs MsChif and Jimmy Jacobs, a nicely focused squash for the American Wolves, and Bryan Danielson vs Tyler Black in a World Title contenders match which wasn't up there with the New Horizons PPV match but came across well as a TV main.


This was also a rematch from week 6's (25th April) TV main event between the two which was fucking awesome. I'd check that one out if I were you.

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I always like hearing what some of my favourite wrestlers think are their greatest matches, and have just read the interview with Nigel McGuinness in last month's 'Power Slam' in which he does just that.


He said:

- "The match with Danielson from Liverpool, England was the night I really defined my spot in ROH"

- "The match with Tyler in Philadelphia (on March 16th 2008): that was a good look at me in my roile as heel champion"

- "The matches with El Generico during my title reign"


I already have the 'Unified' dvd containing the awesome match with Danielson, so I just have 3 questions to regular ROH viewers:


- Do you agree the the match with Tyler Black at 'Take No Prisoners' is among Nigel's greatest matches?

- Which of the matches with El Generico was the best?

- Are there any others which you would rate higher than the ones Nigel mentioned?


Personally (bearing in mind I have only seen 3 shows since I stopped regularly following ROH at the end of 2006) my favourites involving McGuinness were:


- McGuinness vs Cabana at Manhattan Mayhem (May 2005)

- McGuinness vs Samoa Joe at The Future Is Now (June 2005)

- McGuinness vs Marufuji at Glory By Honor V (September 2006)

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  • Paid Members

I'm the same boat. I don't regulary follow ROH anymore, but I do occasionally download the odd show every now and again. The last McGuinness match I saw was with Austin Aries at Supercard of Honor 3 (March 2008) and it was an absolute belter.

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  • Paid Members
I always like hearing what some of my favourite wrestlers think are their greatest matches, and have just read the interview with Nigel McGuinness in last month's 'Power Slam' in which he does just that.


He said:

- "The match with Danielson from Liverpool, England was the night I really defined my spot in ROH"

- "The match with Tyler in Philadelphia (on March 16th 2008): that was a good look at me in my roile as heel champion"

- "The matches with El Generico during my title reign"


I already have the 'Unified' dvd containing the awesome match with Danielson, so I just have 3 questions to regular ROH viewers:


- Do you agree the the match with Tyler Black at 'Take No Prisoners' is among Nigel's greatest matches?

- Which of the matches with El Generico was the best?

- Are there any others which you would rate higher than the ones Nigel mentioned?


I really like the Tyler match at Take No Prisoners, but it was really all about Tyler, not Nigel.


The first of the three matches with El Generico is probably the best, but the show featuring it, Age of Insanity, is a waste of time otherwise. The other two matches are at Glory By Honor VII, which also features Bryan Danielson vs Katsuhiko Nakajima in a really good match, and the Caged Collision PPV which I haven't seen the DVD of yet.


I'd recommend both matches vs Austin Aries, especially the Rising Above (2007) PPV main event, though the Supercard of Honor III match is also really good. The Bryan Danielson match at Rising Above 2008 is really good, but not as insane as the Unified bout between the two. The four way match that main events in the Hammerstein at Death Before Dishonor VI is really good, features another long period of Nigel vs Tyler Black, plus that show is one of ROH's best of 2008. The last Nigel vs Steen match at Northern Navigation is horribly overrated, but the show as a whole is very good.

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I really like the Tyler match at Take No Prisoners, but it was really all about Tyler, not Nigel.


Dunno if you read the interview, but Nigel said pretty much the same thing and explained how that is why it is among his favourites:


I talked to Ric Flair about this. I asked him for advice on being a heel champion since he was one for so long. He said that a lot of times, he didn't need to do a lot of stuff: he didn't need a lot of offence. All he had to do well was take everybody else's moves and sell them great. That's the job of the heel champion: to make the other guys look good and then, when you get the opportunity, be super-aggressive and make it look like you want to kill (your opponent).
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Live the Nigel/Tyler match was real good. Definitely worth checking out.


This is true. Not only was it my first ever ROH show live but my first wrestling show live too. It was an amazing atmosphere to behold seeing almost 100% of the crowd behind Tyler and me, with cobystag and his gf next to me, and a couple of Americans cheering for Nigel. What a relief when he won! Amazing match!

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