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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Danielson or Punk, Doesn't really matter. Its going to be awesome!


I'd buy a Danielson set in a flash, the guy was always just amazing.


Punk I've never liked on the indys, I've watched a mix of stuff and just never liked it in any way.

I'll certainly be keeping my eyes out to see what this is mind.

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WWE, and more specifically OVW, was the best thing to happen to CM Punk.


Daniel Bryan was always good, but Punk was sloppy as fuck until OVW polished the fuck out of him.


Some of Punk's OVW stuff is easily as good as most things he has done in WWE.

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What a strange thing to say. Don't we always hope there are no injuries?

I think he means due to the PPV being Sunday. Also I'm gutted the Briscoes and papa Briscoe against the HOT isn't being taped. The guy was the nada last time and it's a bit of light relief to the super serious business of ROH.

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  • Paid Members

I'll be watching the next iPPV, out of interest to see if anythings improved since December. I watched the last one and thought the wrestlers efforts were tainted by the way ROH paced and produced the card. ROH needs someone who can produce the show (because the sound, lighting, onscreen graphics were all fucked up), someone who knows how to pace the show to accommodate a 2012 audience (four and a half fucking hours, with a 40 minute main event?!!!) and they also need road agents to help some of the matches make more sense. They'll never progress with the way they currently run their shows. I thought Cornette was supposed to know what he was doing?

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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What a strange thing to say. Don't we always hope there are no injuries?


With an iPPV coming the following night, injuries could ruin a potential match/matches.



I'll be watching the next iPPV, out of interest to see if anythings improved since December. I watched the last one and thought the wrestlers efforts were tainted by the way ROH paced and produced the card. ROH needs someone who can produce the show (because the sound, lighting, onscreen graphics were all fucked up), someone who knows how to pace the show to accommodate a 2012 audience (four and a half fucking hours, with a 40 minute main event?!!!) and they also need road agents to help some of the matches make more sense. They'll never progress with the way they currently run their shows. I thought Cornette was supposed to know what he was doing?


Final Battle was definitely overkill. The tag team gauntlet went way too long, the tag title match was a dragged out mess and nobody cared for the main event because as you said, it was the wrong match for the situation. The first half of FB was brilliant but after the intermission, it went quickly downhill.

Edited by ROHSteven
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TV Taping results.


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*Spoilers* ROH TV Taping Results : Baltimore (3/3/12)‏






First Show Taping


- Dark Match: Ricky Reyes defeated Grizzly Redwood


- Adam Cole defeated Chris Silvio. Kyle O'Reilly was on commentary for this one in what was a competitive five minute match. Cole won with the cross-armed German suplex. After the match, O'Reilly got a mic and challenged Cole to a match at 'Showdown in the Sun: Day Two' which he accepted.


- Kevin Steen came out for an interview with Kevin Kelly. Steen had a tennis racket with Davey Richard' face on it

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