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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Yeah, I'm about to put my order in for the 2011 shows, but there is no way I'm going for the full collection like I have to date. As I said in one of my reviews, ROH these days is all about the major 'A' shows and the weekly TV - the other live 'house' shows are pretty much inconsequential. I'm therefore planning on picking up the following:



9th Anniversary Show

Manhatten Mayhem IV

Honor Takes Centre Stage: Chapter One

Honor Takes Centre Stage: Chapter Two

Supercard of Honor VI

Best in the World 2011

Death Before Dishonor IX


...plus Glory By Honor X and Final Battle 2011 when they are released.


The annoying thing is, if every DVD had that essential feeling of times gone by, I'd probably have signed up for ringside membership by now, as the extra 15% off merchandise would have made up for a significant part of what I was spending on the membership. The fact I didn't shell $60 for a year even when they were offering a free DVD with that, which would have been an immediate $20 saving, sure says something.

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Yeah, I'm about to put my order in for the 2011 shows, but there is no way I'm going for the full collection like I have to date. As I said in one of my reviews, ROH these days is all about the major 'A' shows and the weekly TV - the other live 'house' shows are pretty much inconsequential. I'm therefore planning on picking up the following:



9th Anniversary Show

Manhatten Mayhem IV

Honor Takes Centre Stage: Chapter One

Honor Takes Centre Stage: Chapter Two

Supercard of Honor VI

Best in the World 2011

Death Before Dishonor IX


...plus Glory By Honor X and Final Battle 2011 when they are released.


The annoying thing is, if every DVD had that essential feeling of times gone by, I'd probably have signed up for ringside membership by now, as the extra 15% off merchandise would have made up for a significant part of what I was spending on the membership. The fact I didn't shell $60 for a year even when they were offering a free DVD with that, which would have been an immediate $20 saving, sure says something.


I got the ringside membership mainly because of the discount. I get ROH shows as soon as they are released, despite being a member for a few months I ve only made one order. Since then they have had some cracking deals, 50.12% off the other week, which I havent been able to cash in on because Im up to date DVD wise and dont need any of the best offs they are peddling.

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I'm so out of touch with ROH these days and one of my resolutions this year (a wrestling related one anyway) is to get back into the Indys. I know very little about recent storylines so should I just dive in with the first show of 2012 or does anyone recommend a starting point from 2011 to ease me in?


Also, I know this isn't the PWG thread but that's another promotion I really need to get back in to (more so than ROH) so the same question is posed for that promotion to. Ta.

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I'm so out of touch with ROH these days and one of my resolutions this year (a wrestling related one anyway) is to get back into the Indys. I know very little about recent storylines so should I just dive in with the first show of 2012 or does anyone recommend a starting point from 2011 to ease me in?


Also, I know this isn't the PWG thread but that's another promotion I really need to get back in to (more so than ROH) so the same question is posed for that promotion to. Ta.


ROH wise you could try and get the 9 A-shows mentioned by Big Benny HG a few posts above.

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Has anyone seen Final Battle yet? What did you lot think? Its been buried by anyone who hates chairshots to the head, ridiculous card pacing and embarrassing production values.


Game of two halves, I felt. It started alright, but TWGTT and The Briscos had a shocker, and Richards vs Edwards was awful. The card was a prime example in how to burn out a crowd. The chairshots were mongly as well.


The production was all over the place as well. Very amateur hour.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I didn't mind it but I stuggled with its length. the opener is good if a bit short, then it was ok for the next two matchs with corino steen being my match of the night however if you hate unrealistic kickouts and too many big spots you might hate it Steen went a bit mad at the end too. To me it's ok to do that with a big match, if you don't mind the over the topness you would be alright with this PPV I think.


the gauntlet was ok again with the strong match being quite good. I have no idea what they were trying to do with the tag title match it was a horrible mess. I think I was burned out towards the main event but the finish was good.


If you like ROH for what it is you would be ok but if the PPV has to be good or exceptional for you to like it perhaps not.


I still think they give you vale for money out of the "big three" but they really need to sort out the production it's laughable sometimes.

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This company is seriously failing to hold my interest right now.


A great part of that is that i have become bored of Davey Richards. I applaud his effort but someone needs to control him. The finishes to his matches are often way over the top and go 5 minutes too long. Congratulations Davey you gave 110% and you went as long as you could do but 5 minute finish of kicks to the head followed by an ankle lock makes no sense and is complete overkill.


The other problem is just how serious they take themselves. Nothing's fun. I find The Briscoes entertaining until they start being borderline racist and homophobic and Kevin Steen and Steve Corino's storylines have been played out fantastically but there is no relief from the serious stuff.


Maybe i'm still suffering from post-DGUK blue's but they need to regroup.


The best thing i've watched post DGUK has to be PWG and Excalibur said something in his radio interview with Alan4L that ROH should take note of. "Quality over Quantity."

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The bottom line is ROH simply isn't the most watchable indy in the US at the moment - certainly PWG and Chikara are putting on more compelling products at the moment, and you could argue that so are DG: USA. As for why this is the case, off the top of my head there are a few reasons. Delirious simply isn't cutting it as a booker would be the first. Second is that the ROH roster is fairly stale, and since DG:USA started signing people to contracts it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon. You could argue that one of PWG's main strengths at the moment is that they can book matches that you won't see in ROH or DG:USA - Ricochet vs Generico is one that springs to mind. If DG:USA dropped off the face of the earth, than available to ROH would be : Chuck Taylor, Johnny Gargano, A.R. Fox, Ricochet, PAC, Pinkie Sanchez. Those six ought to give the ROH mid-card a kick up the arse at the very least. But for the foreseeable future it ain't going to happen. As for developing talent through the ROH wrestling school - the less said about that the better.


As much as I like PWG I find Excalibur's "quality not quantity" comment slightly disingenuous, as everyone knows they're running 10 shows shows a year at the moment not through choice, but due to lack of funds available to run more regularly.

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On a completely unrelated note I had a quick chat with Fish at the NOAH show in Wolverhampton, really nice guy. (“Namedropper!” – Ed.)

You realise you're only supposed to do that if you have an editor who edits the piece...?

Edited by Dingbat
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EVOLVE doesn't sound like my kind of thing at all. I get the impression it tries to take itself too seriously and tries to push the SERIOUS COMPETITION aspect. Bleurgh. I have, however, recently been lent the first 6 EVOLVE DVDs, so will give it a chance over the next few weeks or so.


With that said, we really should have a Dragon Gate USA / EVOLVE news/discussion/review thread...

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