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Boxing Thread

Egg Shen

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Bellew V Cleverly being on PPV is a disgrace really. Especially after such a poor year boxing wise from Sky who seemed to coast since the first Groves/Froch. 

Bellew is such a clown. Talks absolute shit constantly. His Liverpool is home of Boxing promo had me cringing. I'l stream the fucker. Hope it does terrible numbers.


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Theres more boxing on Sky now that there's been in years, possibly ever. They've raided Warrens stable too, Matchroom is flying at the moment. Plus they've got Sauerland involved now as well.


...and Stateside coverage is just everywhere. HBO & Showtime are putting on quality shows all the time, not mentioning the other channels airing fights.


Its a great time to be a fan.

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I just don't think Sky have made that many exciting fights this last year. Not enough big fights either. Simple as that. 

Bellew vs Cleverly is a good fight but not when your paying a Sky bill + £16. Ha! it's fucking outrageous every time i think about it. 

Think America had a return to form back in 2012. Kind of maintained it last year but this year as thrown up some horror cards. Hopefully with the "Cold War" finishing we can get some more exciting and competitive fights.

Can't think of many FOTY off top of my head.

Also i don't think Boxnation had the Sturm fight last Saturday? Thats fucking criminal for a "Boxing" channel.

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Boxnation has hit the skids in recent months, they still provide a fair few overseas cards which is probably worth the subscription fee if you don't have any other way of watching but the actual Frank Warren produced shows ain't been upto much, especially as they've lost some of the stable to Matchroom. The September 29th is the best card they've put in ages.


Britain has more World Champions than in fuck knows how long, there's been big title fights over here as well as abroad,


The level of cards this year has been really good though in my opinion, the Triple Header types Showtime have dished up have been great! and they've got another one in a few weeks. There's been a proper emergence of real stars this year as well, there's been few weeks this year where there hasn't been at least one fight ive been interested in checking out.


As for the PPV card in a few weeks, i can understand grumblings about forking out for it, but if you get a few mates around you're looking at the price of a pint to buy the show. It's hardly bank breaking money is it? It's the 2nd PPV of the year, they are hardly rolling them out for fun are they...the card is solid too outside of a the main event.

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i wouldnt go as far to call them bums Gooner. They are definitely making the most of a bitter domestic rivalry, and good on em for doing so.


Bellew done similar nonsense with Stevenson and when it came to fight night he had nothing. He contradicts himself on a regular basis and what is so bitter about this fight? They had a close fight three years ago, Cleverly came out with the win. I just see a guy in Bellew who looks always angry but has never explained why he is. I get they need to sell the fight, do everything they can as it's the biggest payday either of them will ever get in their career, so have to milk it for all it's worth. 


The second part of your sentence there is spot on really, Bellew's the kind of guy that needs to get angry to fight, some of it showy for the camera's no doubt but some people just need to get angry to fight. He's just playing the game and it's working for him, it really splits interest down the middle and for Bellew that's no bad thing because people are interested.


As for Bellew-Stevenson, he was in over he his head end of. You can't knock the guy for believing in himself going in though.


Weirdly, Bellew's being lined up to appear in the new Rocky spin-off Creed TV series next year along with Andre Ward, how the hell did he wangle that?

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i wouldnt go as far to call them bums Gooner. They are definitely making the most of a bitter domestic rivalry, and good on em for doing so.


Bellew done similar nonsense with Stevenson and when it came to fight night he had nothing. He contradicts himself on a regular basis and what is so bitter about this fight? They had a close fight three years ago, Cleverly came out with the win. I just see a guy in Bellew who looks always angry but has never explained why he is. I get they need to sell the fight, do everything they can as it's the biggest payday either of them will ever get in their career, so have to milk it for all it's worth. 


The second part of your sentence there is spot on really, Bellew's the kind of guy that needs to get angry to fight, some of it showy for the camera's no doubt but some people just need to get angry to fight. He's just playing the game and it's working for him, it really splits interest down the middle and for Bellew that's no bad thing because people are interested.


As for Bellew-Stevenson, he was in over he his head end of. You can't knock the guy for believing in himself going in though.


Weirdly, Bellew's being lined up to appear in the new Rocky spin-off Creed TV series next year along with Andre Ward, how the hell did he wangle that?


Are people really buying into the nonsense and becoming more interested in it? I guess the PPV figures will show us, I don't see it myself. You can get angry but when you continually contradict yourself, can you sell a lie? I can knock the guy, after that fight he has said on a few occasions he is willing to die in the ring, he never gives up and gives everything, go watch that fight against Stevenson again if you haven't seen and tell me if you believe anything he says matches what he showed that night in the ring. It's a domestic fight that that are trying so hard to sell as a grudge fight, 

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Boxnation has hit the skids in recent months, they still provide a fair few overseas cards which is probably worth the subscription fee if you don't have any other way of watching but the actual Frank Warren produced shows ain't been upto much, especially as they've lost some of the stable to Matchroom. The September 29th is the best card they've put in ages.


Frank Warren hasn't got two brass farthings to rub together. He tried to claim £1.8m in damages from Ricky Burns this week in court. In the end he got £72k in unpaid management commision. Then the judge allowed Burns to counter claim £102k from Frank Warren Promotions in unpaid balance of his Kevin Mitchell purse. But becaue FWP is now in liquidation he probably won't get any money.

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Bellew in "Creed" is bullshit. he said so.


shit PPV, whoever said theres more boxing on sky now than in years are full of shit. the cards are better but were gna have to pay for every big one, even without a proper title on the line.


Thankfully 5 are showing Afolabi - Hernandez in December and Murray Golovkin next year. hope they promote it and it garners hood ratings, or 5 will probably not bother again

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whoever said theres more boxing on sky now than in years are full of shit. the cards are better but were gna have to pay for every big one, even without a proper title on the line.



but there is isn't there?


Boxing in this country is doing great at the moment, i don't understand the negativity here. Just a couple of years ago Sky dropped boxing altogether, now they probably average 2 shows per month and are drawing the big crowds all over the country. Bellew/Cleverly sold 10,000 tickets in 48 hours, and that was before the majority of the undercard was announced,

Edited by Ebb
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My following boxing has fallen off a cliff this year so I can't comment too much on how it's doing. But what I have seen, there's been less really great fights than there was last year. Last year was ridiculous though. By this time last year we'd had a bunch of incredible FOTY contenders. There's been some great fights this year but not as many from what I've seen/read.


And there's been less interesting fights pulling me in. I partly blame my losing track of boxing this year on two things 1) my daughter being born so I've got other things to do, and 2) the increase in UFC shows this year.


It's everything I can do to keep up with MMA now. Something had to give and sadly it's been boxing. I still keep up but I cherry pick what I watch now.


But still, if fights are really worth watching I'll find time. I wasn't missing Froch vs Groves 2 no matter what. Same when a Golovkin, Kovalev, Pacquiao, Mayweather, Khan etc fight. But this year has felt less must-see than any year in ages to me. I was busy last year too. Probably busier than this year with a house move, wedding and my daughter being born. But I made time to watch all the great fights. This year, I just haven't bothered.


I can't get into the Cleverly vs Bellew rivalry. I'll probably watch the fight but it just doesn't grab me as this big thing they're making it out as. I get they've got to try to make it big but I'm not that arsed.


Nov 29th is the next boxing date that matters for me. I'm completely out of touch so just to make sure - Fury vs Chisora 2 and Saunders vs Eubank are still on, right?

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Yeh, still on. Its on the 29th, looking forward to Saunders/Eubank as much as any fight this year.


Emotional investment is everthing in combat sports and thats probably why im so interested in Bellew/Cleverly, its two careers ive followed (Clevs more) and all the little interractions, the badmouthing, all the bullshit has been added to the pot for years, before and after the first fight (which delivered)...it just feels like next Saturdays the payoff, i cant fucking wait. Its situations like this that make me love the sport.

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whoever said theres more boxing on sky now than in years are full of shit. the cards are better but were gna have to pay for every big one, even without a proper title on the line.


but there is isn't there?


Boxing in this country is doing great at the moment, i don't understand the negativity here. Just a couple of years ago Sky dropped boxing altogether, now they probably average 2 shows per month and are drawing the big crowds all over the country. Bellew/Cleverly sold 10,000 tickets in 48 hours, and that was before the majority of the undercard was announced,

nope, less boxing since matchroom got exclusive sky dates. used to be a card every week pretty much. the cards are better, but now we have to pay extra for a world title eliminator. almost as much a joke as the Groves - Degale PPV. they also sold 10 thousand tickets, but id guess a LOT of that was touts. Think Hearn even said that himself.


we are getting a lot more boxing in general and it seems to be on an upswinv but its a bad time to be a sky sports subscriber if your just a boxing fan.

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