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Egg Shen

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Eddie Hearn seemed to think Froch won the mind games battle, me also.



Groves got a reaction, which is what he wanted. Froch's brother also made himself and Froch look like twits. If you read Eastside Boxing Forum, some fans are really turning on Froch.


I am heistent to go to stadium fights, I think the

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i agree, but the atmosphere is gonna be pretty special, theres gonna be screens everywhere too. Its gonna be some event, i had to go...as a fight fan its something ill regret not doing.


I dont blame anyone for staying and watching it on the tele either though, its gonna be brilliant.

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as a fight fan its something ill regret not doing.

Yes, I think I will regret not going. The first fight was electric live, this one is going to be astounding.


I ended up regretting not going Haye vs Del Boy. But this fight is on another level, its going to be bloody massive.

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With the push and not looking Groves in the eye and the pretending Groves breath smells it all looks a bit childish from Froch. Add on his brother acting like a prize idiot and Groves is laughing already. Set no store in Eddie Hearn either. Froch is his best mate of course he will back him up.

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So you think this is a one-off & the Beltran & Gonzalez warning signs never happened? If he had another world title shot against Abril, Gamboa or Vasquez he wouldn't have a hope.

Where did I say it was a one off? I said that Burns looked good, but he was beaten by a better fighter, simple as that. I don't think he's finished though, do you?

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So you think this is a one-off & the Beltran & Gonzalez warning signs never happened? If he had another world title shot against Abril, Gamboa or Vasquez he wouldn't have a hope.

Where did I say it was a one off? I said that Burns looked good, but he was beaten by a better fighter, simple as that. I don't think he's finished though, do you?


The way you used the styles phrase and the praise you gave for Burns' performance, I thought you believed this was a one off & Ricky could rebound in another world title fight win. I don't think Ricky can beat any of the present world champions because they all have different styles and each one is more complex than his. But he's better than domestic & European level, fighting the likes of Kevin Mitchell, so he's stuck as a contender for now.

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As a very irregular viewer of boxing I gotta ask, seeing how big this Froch/Groves fight potentially could be over here in the UK, where does the promoter go from here? I mean I'm at college right now & tons of my mates who have not got the slightest interest or clue about boxing/mma/wrestling they're all over this Froch fight, as appears to be the same with a lot of the public who aren't boxing regulars. But that show that everyone's going to be watching what's the chances of them trying to build the next big fight or star? Surely there's an indicaion already that boxing can still be hugely popular over here, but other than these two who else is there and what do they do to hype up the fight? Curious as an avid wrestling & mma fan what you guys believe they'll do for British Boxing trying to improve its draw.

Edited by seanz25
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Thus doesn't need hyping really it sells itself. The older champion who has been in a lot of good fights against the younger challenger looking to claim his crown. The challenger feels he was hard done by in the last fight, and a lot of people agree with that, and add in the fact that they don't like each other in the slightest and voila you have 60 thousand tickets sold already. It will do a decent ppv number as well. British boxing doesn't need to improve its draw. It's doing pretty well at the minute.

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The way you used the styles phrase and the praise you gave for Burns' performance, I thought you believed this was a one off & Ricky could rebound in another world title fight win. I don't think Ricky can beat any of the present world champions because they all have different styles and each one is more complex than his. But he's better than domestic & European level, fighting the likes of Kevin Mitchell, so he's stuck as a contender for now.

Crawford did have the style needed to beat him though, didn't he? If he'd actually lost either of his last two fights I'd have been more inclined then to say he may be on the downward slide, but he looked good against Crawford I thought. He certainly performed better than I thought he would.


A rematch with Beltr

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Boxing's in a pretty good place at the moment. It's a sport that survives with it's core audience but seems to have peaks and trends amongst the casuals, i don't think in anyway does Hearn promote this fight then think 'now i need to top it', the guy stated its a bit of a once in a lifetime type deal.


If you look at the shows taking place on at the bigger show that take place on regular basis over here they are drawing big crowds, Carl Frampton is exploding in Ireland, Ricky Burns just sold out again in Glasgow, even Gary Buckland/Gavin Rees just drew 5,000 people to Cardiff which is an insane number.


It's just the kind of sport that catches on every now and again and people run with it, it'll dip again im sure and it's hard to say what makes the public actually catch on to a fighter and become so emotionally invested, sometimes it just happens. I mean, when Froch/Groves 1 was announced there were grumblings amongst the boxing community, people thought it was a mis-match, fast forward a year and it's set to be the biggest fight in UK history, just insane.

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The way you used the styles phrase and the praise you gave for Burns' performance, I thought you believed this was a one off & Ricky could rebound in another world title fight win. I don't think Ricky can beat any of the present world champions because they all have different styles and each one is more complex than his. But he's better than domestic & European level, fighting the likes of Kevin Mitchell, so he's stuck as a contender for now.

Crawford did have the style needed to beat him though, didn't he? If he'd actually lost either of his last two fights I'd have been more inclined then to say he may be on the downward slide, but he looked good against Crawford I thought. He certainly performed better than I thought he would.


A rematch with Beltr

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