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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

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Rey Hechicero vs Charles Lucero [Poder Y Honor]


Seriously, what the hell? A week ago I hadn't heard of these guys, then they had a damn good match, now this rematch has shown up for the title and its, well, fucking great. There's a story, there's old school mat work, there's drama, there's insanity and they get a crowd who were midly appreciative at the start hooked, real hooked, by the end. Seriously, seriously good. Somebody bring them over. Not a bloody brawl like Park vs. Wagner from earlier in the year, in fact the complete opposite, but certainly up there in terms of calibre as one of the best lucha matches of the year. I still have no idea who the fuck they are though.

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This was cool, thanks for posting.

Did you hear Jerry Lawler going 'Say Goodnight' when someone asked for an autograph. If you ever watch those off-camera audio clips on youtube he really treats wrestling fans with contempt and this proves it again. Perhaps since his heart attack he's a changed man but still no need for it.

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I enjoyed the two Wrestlemania Camcorder videos, although the WM 12 one was slighly creepy in places (taping HBK at the gym for so long, and the 'selfie' in the mirror with the homemade HBK style trousers). Hillbilly Jim, Ahmed Johnson and The Bushwackers come across as top guys; you have Vince and Austin happily chatting with fans. And then you have the likes of X-Pac avoiding people. Very disappointed with Lawler, too. Would have thought he was the 'fan friendly' type.

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