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Behind the Walls of Chris Jericho doc.


It was half decent. I'd have prefered more WCW stuff and a lot less Fozzy.


Edit - Just realised they barely mentioned the Malenko fued, and didnt show the Battle Royal. Malenko was one of the talking heads too!

It starts off well, then just falls into a standard bio. Shame. Nothing groundbreaking. The way they gloss over his early WWF career is so incorrect. By their story he went from wrestling with Triple H to wrestling for the Undisputed title. I know Benoit makes up 90% of that portion of his career, but it still doesnt make it less bollocks. It also doesnt explain why Jericho was taken off No Mercy in 1999 and why he was in the bad books, even though he clearly still gets pissed off about it.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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It also doesnt explain why Jericho was taken off No Mercy in 1999 and why he was in the bad books, even though he clearly still gets pissed off about it.


What happened there? Is that about the period he had that duff feud with Ken Shamrock?

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It also doesnt explain why Jericho was taken off No Mercy in 1999 and why he was in the bad books, even though he clearly still gets pissed off about it.


What happened there? Is that about the period he had that duff feud with Ken Shamrock?

He said in an interview with Power Slam in 2005 that DX didnt like him. He also says that McMahon got in his face and gave him the biggest bollocking of his life. I suppose we'll know the full story when his book comes out, but the rumours were that Road Dogg, X-Pac, Billy Gunn and Triple H thought he was clumsy, didnt know how to work the WWF style and looked like a pussy. Road Dogg even says in his shoot interview that he was a clumsy fucker and hurt Road Dogg in an angle they did. Funnily enough, he worked X-Pac and Road Dogg around this period. So I reckon that might be true. There was also talk that people didnt rate his promo with the Rock, and that the Rock and later the Undertaker bitched him out on the mic.


He had a bit of a fall from grace going from that promo with the Rock to wrestling Road Dogg, didnt he?

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I remember personally being disappointed with his matches after he debuted in 1999 until he found his feet in 2000. Whether that was getting used to the WWF style of working, or rust after spending so long off TV and stuff sitting at home in WCW I didn't know.


But yeah, to be fair after his promo with The Rock, it was lean times. They did the rejigged Ralphus with Finkel, then he gets CURTIS FUCKING HUGHES (The mark of success in Wrestling angles is to be involved with Mr Hughes, who's so good he rarely lasts in them longer than a fortnight), God awful feud with Shamrock which Shamrock fucks off halfway through to go back to MMA, and some really horrid matches with X-Pac and Road Dogg.


It definitely took him some time to get the wheels rolling, didn't it?

Edited by ButchReedMark
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