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quote the raven

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So many legitimate laugh out loud moments. I so need this shoot!


EDIT: Bah! BazTNM already posted it at the top of the page! Meh, watch it anyway, I promise you wont regret it.

Edited by CoreyVandal
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I've never laughed at something in wrestling this hard. So wrong, but so damn funny in slo-mo.
Hate to shit in your cereal (always wanted to use that line) but both of these are on the previous page. Edited by KFR42
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Sometimes, I really miss Eddie Guerrero. He was fucking incredible.

Fucking goosebumps.Friday Nights Main Event, 1997 Promos from Brian Pillman, Bret Hart and the re-introduction of Rick Rude prior to the birth of D-generation X.More from Friday Nights Main Event- Featuring the hilarious promos form Stone Cold at his texas ranch, firing arrows into pictures of Vince, Owen and Jim Ross, while he was out from the infamous neck injury.I :love: 1997 WWF. Edited by purplemonkeydishwasher
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Sometimes, I really miss Eddie Guerrero. He was fucking incredible.

Fucking goosebumps.Friday Nights Main Event, 1997 Promos from Brian Pillman, Bret Hart and the re-introduction of Rick Rude prior to the birth of D-generation X.More from Friday Nights Main Event- Featuring the hilarious promos form Stone Cold at his texas ranch, firing arrows into pictures of Vince, Owen and Jim Ross, while he was out from the infamous neck injury.I :love: 1997 WWF.
Friday nights main event? Why have I never heard of this show before?
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More from Friday Nights Main Event- Featuring the hilarious promos form Stone Cold at his texas ranch, firing arrows into pictures of Vince, Owen and Jim Ross, while he was out from the infamous neck injury.

Brilliant. I've been looking for that Austin segment for ages. "Watch that step it's a doozy". :laugh:
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Friday nights main event? Why have I never heard of this show before?

Was just a two week period in Spetember 1997 where Raw basically took place on a Friday night, they just simply dubbed it FNME. I'm not sure on the reasoning for the fleeting switch to a friday, i'm sure someone else probably does though. Stick it in the questions thread if it's tearing you apart to know why.The shows did have a level of significance though, as i believe Undertaker and Mankind faced off against Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley who, at the time had nothing to do with eachother on-screenwise, and the foundations of the original DX were first begining to be set on these shows, as this is when Rude first returned, later (on the next weeks Raw i think) revealed as Michales' paid protection in a singles match with Mankind.
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Now, I'm sure you've all seen the Sharkboy impression of Stone Cold that was floating around earlier this week.


Well, here's some critical analysis of that from a HUGE TNA fan, and could it be our very own Mab? The resemblance is uncanny....






That really does make me weep for the future of humanity.

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Now, I'm sure you've all seen the Sharkboy impression of Stone Cold that was floating around earlier this week.Well, here's some critical analysis of that from a HUGE TNA fan, and could it be our very own Mab? The resemblance is uncanny....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HVaIX6yX4wThat really does make me weep for the future of humanity.

As far as that goes. At least stop eating while you talk ya greedy fat twat!But here ya go, I haven't seen it through these pages........ECW's November Rain Promo vid
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