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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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If only everyone else in the world thought Grosse Point Blank was the greatest movie ever made.;)

It's not that... it's just people calling Hostel "reminiscent of classic horror" and saying "the plot is developed well" is just so fucking wrong.And then going on to call King Kong a "tremendous film" .... gah!!!
I know you hate Roth and Jacksons movies. I was just ribbing you because in any "greatest *insert whatever* in a film" thread you mention Grosse Point Blank. I think Blank is a great film, but your love for it slightly confuses me at times. Edited by LaGoosh
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Scary Movie 4 - Bloody hell is this movie aload of shit, its worst than date movie x2. I laughed about 3 times, seriously though i can not explain in proper detail just how shit this film really is. I was bored after 15 minutes and couldn't even watch the end. 0 out of 10

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Caught a couple this weekend.Hitch - I loved 90% of this. It's funny, it's cheesy, it's sharp, it's romantic. A great chick flick. Will Smith plays an incredibly likeable character who you warm to. Kevin James is awesome nad Eva Mendes is beautiful. It's an original script, witty and fantastically acted. The only thing I have a problem with is the sequence prior to the end, where Hitch tells Sara how he feels (after the speed date stuff). It's just so contrived and cliche in a really refreshing film. It's quite out of place, I think. Anyway, great watch, 8/10.Finding Neverland - I thought this was wonderful. The acting, the casting, the story. Magical stuff. Depp and Winslet are immense. I was in love with Radha Mitchell when I was 14. She's lovely. If you look at it, the film should be sad, but t never is. True Peter Pan stuff. Brilliant. 8/10.Off to watch Lost in Translation now.

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Guest Ice Chiller

I watched Hitch last night too. Pleasantly surprised, because I thought it was going to be rubbish. Good film, though. :)

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Today, I watched the following two films again;



This is a phenomenal Japanese anime that was certainly before its time. The film features a very interesting plot, great characters, fantastic action sequences and some incredible landscapes. It's edgy, especially in terms of the violence, and innovative.


Rating: ****


Spirited Away

An absolute classic. The story, which concerns a young girl who wanders into a different world that is ruled by monsters and spirits, etc., is perfectly told. The characters are brilliant because, despite their peculiar appearances, they seem so real as they're given a great degree of personality. As with a lot of Asian cinema, there are some elements of the film that are left for the viewer to interpret, like the character No Face. I think Spirited Away is nothing short of a perfect film; it's truly a masterpiece.


Rating: *****


On a side note, am I the only who enjoys watching foreign films with subtitles far more than versions that have been dubbed over?


EDIT - I was forced into watching Just Friends. It's painfully unfunny and predictable, but I wasn't really expecting anything different. There was one positive, though, as Anna Faris' character is a complete slut. However, I'd still advise that you definitely give this film a miss.


Rating: *

Edited by Van_Dammer
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I don't mind dubbing on animation as there is so much to pay attention to, but on live action films, I can't stand dubbing.If Rick likes Lost In Translation I am going to have to write a megapost on why it, King Kong and Hostel are shit. I'm sure you're all thrilled at this prospect.

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I don't mind dubbing on animation as there is so much to pay attention to...

I've seen Spirited Away with subtitles and in its dubbed form. I found that it was a totally different and much more enjoyable experience with subtiles. It just seemed to have a lot more depth to it...Believe it or not, I actually agree with you on something, though; Lost In Translation is indeed shit. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Guest questy

spirited away is awesome,and so is akira wanna see that new one whowls moving castle,seen a few movies from the same guy that did spirited away,all of them are good even tho there animated filmsthey are so moving and the characters sometimes dont even have to say anything and it sweeps you away,i find that in a lot of orential films such as crouching tiger,last samuri etc.i also recommend the animated star wars the clone wars vol 1 and 2 awesome isnt the word im a big star wars fan and these are as good as the films.

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spirited away is awesome,and so is akira wanna see that new one whowls moving castle,seen a few movies from the same guy that did spirited away,all of them are good even tho there animated filmsthey are so moving and the characters sometimes dont even have to say anything and it sweeps you away,i find that in a lot of orential films such as crouching tiger,last samuri etc.i also recommend the animated star wars the clone wars vol 1 and 2 awesome isnt the word im a big star wars fan and these are as good as the films.

Howl's Moving Castle is bloody amazing, but please please please promise me to just watch the subtitled version. Although the dubbed version has some great actors, the original voices set a better tone for the film in my view.
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