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Guest DJM

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I watched the shawshank redemption..immense film really immense.

Really, really immense?


I've still got New Nightmare to sit through and then Hellraiser or the original Dawn of the Dead to follow, but I took a break from this glutton de horror to watch Enchanted which I'm not afraid to admit I loved. Probably the best Disney film since Toy Story 2!


Haha, quite a line up. I saw enchanted a while back as my mate wanted to show off his HD telly a few months back and this was the only blu ray he had in the house (yes, very suspicious, but he is married). I didn't mind it, but wouldn't rate it anywhere near the pixar movies. I read an interesting easter egg earlier. The woman who plays the receptionist who looks disgusted when the princess eats a fish from the fish tank is the voice of the little mermaid.


I just got through watching Batman and Batman returns on blu ray. Great stuff, I'd forgotten how long its been since I saw those films. They look lovely in HD! I'd also completly forgotten that Harvey Dent appears in the first batman film, albeit as an african american.


Back on the subject of horror, does anyone know if theres any plan to re-release the halloween boxset? They released one a few years back, but it went out of print almost instantly and you can only get them if your willing to pay 40-50 quid on ebay.

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I watched Milk last night and, although I really enjoyed the film, my personal thought is that Rourke kinda got screwed. Sean Penn was about as great as you'd expect him to be, but if he wins for that then he wins basically every time. He's just among that small list of actors (along with the likes of Streep and PSH) who always deliver something great. As such I kinda compare his performances against a higher criteria and, as good as it was, I don't think it was Penn's best work. Rourke's turn in The Wrestler, however, was outstanding in the truest sense of the word. I would have voted for him.


That said, even though I've not seen the three other nominees yet (Button, Frost/Nixon or The Reader), if I had to choose between Slumdog... and Milk for Best Picture, I would have gone for Milk.


And I'm surprised by that too. I'd heard some people say it was a little dry and I didn't have too much faith in Gus Van Sant, but, to be honest, that two hours flew by faster than for any of the films. I thought it was funny, and heart-warming, and that it gave a really beautiful (and much-needed) face to the gay rights movement. I mean, when you think of how many mainstream movies and TV shows we've seen depicting scenes from other civil rights movements, seeing Milk really hit home how little we've seen of the gay rights movement in film/TV. And I thought Josh Brolin and all the rest of the supporting cast was great too. Really enjoyed it.

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saw the wrestler last night rourke was robbed off what should have been his oscar!


What did you think of Milk?

I know you didn't ask me, but have to answer that Milk is a truly amazing film and I would have chosen Penn over Rourke to win the award.



Haven't yet seen ''Milk'' I just thought rourkes performance in ''the wrestler'' was astounding to the point where he did deserve a oscar. I'll check milk out later this week to see what sean penns like in that.

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I'd rather be turned into a cenobite myself than watch anything beyond Hellraiser 2 again. He shoots CDs at people. Compact discs. Rubbish.

"Hellraiser: Bloodline" is decent enough, I suppose. I believe that is the fourth one.


There is about seven Hellraiser films now. Scroll down..



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saw the wrestler last night rourke was robbed off what should have been his oscar!


What did you think of Milk?

I know you didn't ask me, but have to answer that Milk is a truly amazing film and I would have chosen Penn over Rourke to win the award.



Haven't yet seen ''Milk'' I just thought rourkes performance in ''the wrestler'' was astounding to the point where he did deserve a oscar. I'll check milk out later this week to see what sean penns like in that.


So you thought Rourke deserved the Oscar over Penn, even went as far as to say he was "robbed" yet you haven't seen Penn's performance yet?

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Last night, I watched John Carpenter's Halloween for the first time. I generally love horror flicks and what I've seen of Carpenter's work so far, but this was very underwhelming. If Halloween was revolutionary in its day, then it has aged terribly. While Michael Myers is a pretty good character, everything else about it seems incredibly corny, especially the dialogue. You could argue that this is because the conventions of the slasher film have been done to death by this point, but I'd still maintain that something like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre stands up extremely well today (I only saw that for the first time recently as well) and even for a 70s B-movie, Halloween is beyond silly in places and the acting, for the most part, is terrible.

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You could argue that this is because the conventions of the slasher film have been done to death by this point, but I'd still maintain that something like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre stands up extremely well today


I don't think that's a fair criticism when Halloween essentially created all of those conventions. Halloween is a great film, sure there are some cheesy bits but thats mainly down to the low budget and it's age. It's still one of the best and most important horror movies ever made.

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You could argue that this is because the conventions of the slasher film have been done to death by this point, but I'd still maintain that something like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre stands up extremely well today


I don't think that's a fair criticism when Halloween essentially created all of those conventions. Halloween is a great film, sure there are some cheesy bits but thats mainly down to the low budget and it's age. It's still one of the best and most important horror movies ever made.

Just because it's important doesn't mean it's that good, the conventions it created can and have been bettered.

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I didn't expect to enjoy The Game Plan too much, but found myself enjoying it very much.

His performance was hilarious, playing the self-obsessed narcissist like his days as a heel when he was The Rock.

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Here's mine:


Friday the 13th: 7, 4 (Crispin Glover dancing ftw!), 2, 1, 8, 3, 6. 5, 9 and 10 are equally bad, still not seen the remake.


Halloween: 1, 2, 4, 3 (criminally underrated), 6, 7, 5, 8. I actually enjoy watching all those though, even Resurrection has it's moments. The Rob Zombie remake is the worst of the bunch and also one of the worst films in recent memory.


Hellraiser: 1, 3, 2, 4 (Not seen the others)


Child's Play: 2, 1, 3, 4, 5.


Puppet Master: 1, 2... not seen the others :blush:


Leprechaun: Only seen the original, the 'Hood' one and the 'Space' one. And all three were terrible, although they were hilarious in parts.


A few others:


Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 2, 1, The Beginning, Remake, 3, 4. Man, 4 was bad.


... Of The Dead: Dawn, Dawn remake, Night, Day, Land. Not seen Diary. Night of the Living Dead and Day of the Dead are interchangeable.


Poltergeist: 1, 2, 3.


Phantasm: 1, 3, 2, 4... not seen 5.


Sleepaway Camp: 1, 2, 3. Still waiting for Return To Sleepaway Camp :angry:


Anyway, I'll stop now.

I re-enacted the Crispin Glover dance at the request of my girlfriend and didn't get dumped. She either really liked it or she's scared to leave me incase I claw her face off with my Glover-style reflexes.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 1, 2, The Beginning tied with the re-make, 3, 4.

Phantasm: 1, 4, 3, 2. 5 isn't happening by the looks of it. :/

Sleepaway Camp: 1, 2, 3. Part two should win some kind of award for the fire scene. Messed up.

Wishmaster: 1, 2, 4, 3. The last two definitely suffered without the original actor.


The Rock's film "The Game Plan" premieres tonight on Sky Movies Premiere at 6pm.


Other films on tonight are "Leatherheads" and "In Bruges".


Any thoughts on those movies? Thanka you.

I think In Bruges is brilliant. I went in the cinema expecting something totally different from it, due to the adverts leaving out the actual storyline. Glad they did. :thumbsup:

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Silent Hill - watched this finally last night, i ain't a fan of the games so i aint looking at it from that reference point. But i went from being incredibly bored in the first hour to loving the 2nd hour. This was one crazy fucking film, the plot was all over the shop and at times i didn't have a clue what was going on, but from a visual standpoint, this film is outstanding. I just sat back and enjoyed the carnage. now i'll have to watch it again to try and understand what the hell was going on.

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