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Guest DJM

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Oh just wanted to bring this up. There was an article on IGN.com about a rumour that the Wachowski Brothers may be involved in their own Superman Trilogy. If that's the case then I can imagine the new Superman Trilogy to be absolutely epic beyond proportion.

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I'm currently watching friday the 13th (2009), every time jason shows up on screen some tool in the cinema decides to go "YEAHHHHH FUCK EM UP JASON WOOOOOOOOO"


anyways i'm halway through the film but all i ask is one tiny question

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

gods name in hell what have they done to it? jason has never kept anyone alive as far as i'm aware.


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Just came back from the Curious Case Of B2 with the girlfriend. Must say, what an utterly fantastic film. A pure example of a story structure hitting all of the right points in the mind and in the heart.


Eh?? It's an utter failure as a story.


In the terms of the films narrative, and dialogue pushing that narrative and establishing the films tone, in what sense do you mean the story was an utter failure?

Edited by Full Moon
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Watched Days of Glory, t'other nite.. been on me to watch list for an age. French WW2 film about how Morrocans, Algerians et al. Formed Boys Brigades if you will, to help fight for the Mother Land during in WW2, 'cept they all got verily shafted.


Brilliant film detailing cultural differences, lost loves, how immigrants are/were treated. Stunningly shot and a bleak ending to boot showing the total futility of war and their question for integration. Loved it to bits.


Thinking about it, it would make a good double header with La Haine though ive not seen it for years so may be a lil outta sync

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A bit late, but I stumbled across a decent film the other night on ITV. It was about the Washington Sniper. I didnt plan on watching it (it started at 11.30PM or there abouts), but it was good enough for me to keep watching. Nothing brilliant, but very watchable, with some very decent performances.

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Just came back from the Curious Case Of B2 with the girlfriend. Must say, what an utterly fantastic film. A pure example of a story structure hitting all of the right points in the mind and in the heart.


Eh?? It's an utter failure as a story.


In the terms of the films narrative, and dialogue pushing that narrative and establishing the films tone, in what sense do you mean the story was an utter failure?


Right so you're so saying because the film establishes a tone it's a success? The story doesn't work because of the reasons I listed when I reviewed it. The characters are extremely unengaging, the film's central premise doesn't actually have any effect on anything barring a stupid decision the title character makes at the end. The framing device is lazy and ultimately pointless. As a story, an interesting story, it misses the mark by miles.

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Just came back from the Curious Case Of B2 with the girlfriend. Must say, what an utterly fantastic film. A pure example of a story structure hitting all of the right points in the mind and in the heart.


Eh?? It's an utter failure as a story.


In the terms of the films narrative, and dialogue pushing that narrative and establishing the films tone, in what sense do you mean the story was an utter failure?


Right so you're so saying because the film establishes a tone it's a success? The story doesn't work because of the reasons I listed when I reviewed it. The characters are extremely unengaging, the film's central premise doesn't actually have any effect on anything barring a stupid decision the title character makes at the end. The framing device is lazy and ultimately pointless. As a story, an interesting story, it misses the mark by miles.


OK Mr Angry At The World, lets try that again ;)


No, that's not what I said in regards to tone. You said the "story" was an utter failure. I listed some examples of what makes a story (together) and asked you, specificly, to point out what was an "utter failure" in your opinion. I didn't catch your review, perhaps you could link to it if you have it covered?


I don't know how you can say the characters were unengaging (albeit, EVERYBODY has different taste, so I respect your opinion) but to me, the characters are all very well mapped out, from a very young age. We see them at their young innocence, confused teens, horny development, realistic realisations, maturing demenaures, and with olding knowledge. We share their moments of joy, sorrow, laughter, distain, jealousy, doubt... Perhaps if you found them unengaging, which I don't doubt, maybe that is more due to your own acute personal tastes, rather than a films shortcomings? Tell me, do you listen to angry music? What were your parents like growing up? ;)


What is this stupid decision they make? SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I take it yoiu mean Brad Pitt's decision to leave the family, as he knew he wouldn't be responsilble enough to handle it, even though he badly wants it. But having seen so much death in his reverse life, he cannot bear to die inside, whilst his own child watches that. i.e. the perfectly well thought out, yet still common sense decision?



What aspect, of what framing device do you mean, as there are several within the film. It is a very multi layered story.


How can the story now be "an interesting story", if in your last post it was "utter failure". And if it misses the mark by miles, what mark was that supposed to be exactly? As by my reasoning, the film checked off all of its objectives? And without the "backwards" device, the story would simply not work. So how is that a pointless element exactly?

Edited by Full Moon
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Just came back from the Curious Case Of B2 with the girlfriend. Must say, what an utterly fantastic film. A pure example of a story structure hitting all of the right points in the mind and in the heart.


Eh?? It's an utter failure as a story.


In the terms of the films narrative, and dialogue pushing that narrative and establishing the films tone, in what sense do you mean the story was an utter failure?


Right so you're so saying because the film establishes a tone it's a success? The story doesn't work because of the reasons I listed when I reviewed it. The characters are extremely unengaging, the film's central premise doesn't actually have any effect on anything barring a stupid decision the title character makes at the end. The framing device is lazy and ultimately pointless. As a story, an interesting story, it misses the mark by miles.


OK Mr Angry At The World, lets try that again ;)


No, that's not what I said in regards to tone. You said the "story" was an utter failure. I listed some examples of what makes a story (together) and asked you, specificly, to point out what was an "utter failure" in your opinion. I didn't catch your review, perhaps you could link to it if you have it covered?


I don't know how you can say the characters were unengaging (albeit, EVERYBODY has different taste, so I respect your opinion) but to me, the characters are all very well mapped out, from a very young age. We see them at their young innocence, confused teens, horny development, realistic realisations, maturing demenaures, and with olding knowledge. We share their moments of joy, sorrow, laughter, distain, jealousy, doubt... Perhaps if you found them unengaging, which I don't doubt, maybe that is more due to your own acute personal tastes, rather than a films shortcomings? Tell me, do you listen to angry music? What were your parents like growing up? ;)


What is this stupid decision they make? SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I take it yoiu mean Brad Pitt's decision to leave the family, as he knew he wouldn't be responsilble enough to handle it, even though he badly wants it. But having seen so much death in his reverse life, he cannot bear to die inside, whilst his own child watches that. i.e. the perfectly well thought out, yet still common sense decision?



What aspect, of what framing device do you mean, as there are several within the film. It is a very multi layered story.


How can the story now be "an interesting story", if in your last post it was "utter failure". And if it misses the mark by miles, what mark was that supposed to be exactly? As by my reasoning, the film checked off all of its objectives? And without the "backwards" device, the story would simply not work. So how is that a pointless element exactly?

Seven's a bit of an obnoxious arse. This board he is in his own little world where he is right and everyone who disagrees with him is wrong.

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OK Mr Angry At The World, lets try that again ;)


maybe that is more due to your own acute personal tastes, rather than a films shortcomings? Tell me, do you listen to angry music? What were your parents like growing up? ;)


Cut the cute shit, it just dilutes anything you're trying to say.


No, that's not what I said in regards to tone. You said the "story" was an utter failure. I listed some examples of what makes a story (together) and asked you, specificly, to point out what was an "utter failure" in your opinion. I didn't catch your review, perhaps you could link to it if you have it covered?


My take on the film is a couple of pages back. Seek and ye shall find.


I don't know how you can say the characters were unengaging


They're either boring (Benjamin), selfish (Daisy) or too obviously a fantasical archetype who are less characters and more signpost lessons for Benjamin to learn (the boat captain). Not one character in the film made me care about what happened to them.


(albeit, EVERYBODY has different taste, so I respect your opinion) but to me, the characters are all very well mapped out, from a very young age. We see them at their young innocence, confused teens, horny development, realistic realisations, maturing demenaures, and with olding knowledge. We share their moments of joy, sorrow, laughter, distain, jealousy, doubt... Perhaps if you found them unengaging, which I don't doubt, maybe that is more due to your own acute personal tastes, rather than a films shortcomings? Tell me, do you listen to angry music? What were your parents like growing up? ;)


I don't care if we spent a day with them in real time and saw all of their ticks and eccentricities, none of them engaged me. It's another example of the story's failure that as you say, we spend years with these characters and we see them go through different stages of development, and yet they're paper thin. Tell me five things about Benjamin's personality that you learned? All I learned is that he's a good listener, mostly due to the fact that he has absolutely nothing of note to say. He's not a good character at all. He's a blank canvas, defined by his medical condition rather than empowered or weakened by it. He's the guy who aged backwards, a cipher and nothing more.



What is this stupid decision they make? SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I take it yoiu mean Brad Pitt's decision to leave the family, as he knew he wouldn't be responsilble enough to handle it, even though he badly wants it. But having seen so much death in his reverse life, he cannot bear to die inside, whilst his own child watches that. i.e. the perfectly well thought out, yet still common sense decision?


The one you mentioned yes. He doesn't need to do what he does when he does it, and it feels tacked on to inject pace and drama.


What aspect, of what framing device do you mean, as there are several within the film. It is a very multi layered story.


The hospital with Daisy's daughter reading the diary as she dies. As a concept, it's not actually the worst idea in the world because it can be done well. Take Big Fish for example. I didn't mind when it cut back to Billy Crudup and Albert Finney, but that's probably because I was emotionally invested in the characters and cared about what happened to them. In this I just wanted it to fucking end and for the unintelligable liver-spotted make up effect in the bed to breathe her last so I could go home. Also, as a seperate but also tied-in framing device, what was the point of Hurricane Katrina raging outside? If the film is trying to make a connection with Benjamin's time at sea, or make some odd allegory to how their relationship was as stormy and dangerous as this hurricane, then it's extremely muddled.


How can the story now be "an interesting story", if in your last post it was "utter failure". And if it misses the mark by miles, what mark was that supposed to be exactly? As by my reasoning, the film checked off all of its objectives? And without the "backwards" device, the story would simply not work. So how is that a pointless element exactly?


Look you're being pedantic now. Just because I left out the word "interesting" the first time around doesn't mean you didn't know what I meant. If not, I apologise. Hey I could pick up a video camera now and make a film in one day, and if it's edited well and follows a narrative, it's a success as a story. This is what you are saying. Fair enough. There's not one moment in Button where it comes off the rails from a narrative and structure point of view. I'll give you that, but again, this is not what I was referring to. It's a failure as a good, interesting, emotionally engaging story. And I stand by that. Also, I'd argue that had the guy aged normally, pretty much the same things would have happened, apart from his decision at the end. Now you may argue that this decision is the crux of the story, but I'd disagree as I simply didn't buy it.

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I'm watching The Deer Hunter for the first time in about an hour. I understand that it's quite a film. Quite looking forward to it.


Its over rated in my opinion. Didn't stop me getting a Dear Hunter T-Shirt though!


Hope you enjoy the wedding scene! You'll know what I mean in an hour... :smug:

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Watched 'Bee Movie' the other day and I thought it was fantastic. In the same vein as lots of other animations that are seemingly aimed at kids but have enough jokes in for the adults to keep us entertained this was hilarious !! Not laughed out loud at a film so much in a long time. Jerry Seinfeld and Renee Zellwegger played their parts really well but the stealer of many scenes was Patrick Warburton who was playing...well...Patrick Warburton !! Really funny, cute film, the story wasn't fantastic but the dialogue more than made up for it. Highly recommended :thumbsup:

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