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Guest DJM

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Garden State :sleeping::bored::sneaky::crazy: I'll add fucking terrible. Although really i should be reviewing this while pulling a Zack Braff feel sorry for me face, with people either going really fast or moving in slow motion behind while FUCKING TERRIBLE MUSIC is playing. Natalie Portman at her most annoying and thats fucking saying something

I loathe Natalie Portman, and disliked the music also... but I actually didn't think the film was too bad..
"High fives screen"The film pissed me off so much and Portman's always bugged me but for some reason ever fucker loves/worships the bitch
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Garden State :sleeping::bored::sneaky::crazy: I'll add fucking terrible. Although really i should be reviewing this while pulling a Zack Braff feel sorry for me face, with people either going really fast or moving in slow motion behind while FUCKING TERRIBLE MUSIC is playing. Natalie Portman at her most annoying and thats fucking saying something

I loathe Natalie Portman, and disliked the music also... but I actually didn't think the film was too bad..
"High fives screen"The film pissed me off so much and Portman's always bugged me but for some reason ever fucker loves/worships the bitch
Oh so wrong. Brilliant film.
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On a related note, I was in need of a chuckle the other day, so I re-watched Jaws: The Revenge. It's just so insanely bad that I can't help but enjoy it. The fact that anyone, even for a second, considered using this plot, let alone actually made it into a film, is incredible. There needs to be more films in which sharks go looking for revenge, set traps and roar. Genius.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2KjWNVMtKcThe last nine minutes of the film!
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Garden State :sleeping::bored::sneaky::crazy: I'll add fucking terrible. Although really i should be reviewing this while pulling a Zack Braff feel sorry for me face, with people either going really fast or moving in slow motion behind while FUCKING TERRIBLE MUSIC is playing. Natalie Portman at her most annoying and thats fucking saying something

I loathe Natalie Portman, and disliked the music also... but I actually didn't think the film was too bad..
"High fives screen"The film pissed me off so much and Portman's always bugged me but for some reason ever fucker loves/worships the bitch
Oh so wrong. Brilliant film.
Pretentious, up its self load of old cack. That scene in the bedroom doing random noises :crazy:
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its an ambition of mine too bang Natalie Portman, how dare you shit on her name!!

You need a higher ambition.Anyway i've always thought she'd be lousy in the sack, just pulling that one expression she has and probably whinging about life and saving the rainforests :sleeping:
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"I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry".Two guys (Kevin James & Adam Sandler) lie about being in a gay marriage to get benefits. The film is a lot like that film "Soul Man", both talk about discrimination against people. This film is a little bit of a comedy, then the rest a drama about people being discriminatory against gay people, and them standing up and fighting against the bigots. I thought the film was great.Brilliant soundtrack too. I heard a lot of Genesis and Queen songs in the background.Don't Hate.

Edited by bAzTNM
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"I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry".This film is a little bit of a comedy, then the rest a drama about people being discriminatory against gay people, and them standing up and fighting against the bigots.

This puts me off.Sandler's best films are when it's all-out comedy. The last hour of Click dragged like fuck because of the preachy "savour every moment before it's too late" shit and, like with 'Click', none of these dramatic parts you mentioned are shown in the trailer so the unsuspecting Happy Gilmore and Wedding Singer fans that turn up go home unsatisfied. :angry:
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I always thought the ending showed Affleck's character got the wrong end of the stick of Smith's 'Chasing Amy' tale.Or do you mean the part on the end with the comic book convention. Every film has its flaws and I'm willing to over-look that ugly scar on the film.

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A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints - fantastic, i kinda get in the habit of watching straight up popcorn movies, whether it be action, comedy or horror...just straight up fun films. I forget that films can really stir up some emotions and be pretty f'n powerful, which is what this movie was. Basically an auto-biographical of the director, this is similar i guess in theme/style to something like Larry Clark's Kids (reviews suggest it to be alot like Do The Right Thing, but i aint seen that)...Although this is much better acted and you really feel for alot of character (where as in Kids, they were all cunts). Brilliant cast, some super intensity, desperation, loyalty, humor, and one moment which is probably the most disturbed and moved ive been by a scene in i dont know how long. Check this out.

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